Netanyahu Claims Proof of Secret Iranian Nuclear Program - Americans Not Buying the Zionist War Propaganda

in #news6 years ago (edited)

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In the wake of Sunday night's airstrikes on shared Syrian/Iranian targets deep inside Syria, suspected to have been carried out by Israel, on Monday Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a public presentation in English, of what he is claiming to be proof of a secret Iranian nuclear weapons program. The presentation appears to be directed at President Donald Trump and the US government, as the allegations being made by Israel, if they are true, constitute a violation of the US-Iranian nuclear deal on the part of Iran - the nuclear deal being one of the biggest obstacles to US involvement in an Israeli-backed war against Iran.

This post is going to focus mainly on the public's reaction to this speech, rather than the details and bigger picture of what is going on right now, in terms of what appears to be a march to world war. For those who aren't up to date with what's been going on in the past few days, I will share several videos which do get into those things. Below is my recent video on last night's airstrikes, and I get into my thoughts on the recent developments and how it seems to be pointing to an imminent world war type confrontation, starting with war on Iran - which it appears Israel has already begun and is now intensifying.

I also highly recommend @lifttheveil Lift the Veil's recent show on these events, including the strikes in Syria, the Palestinian protests, the Pompeo visit to Israel and comments to the press, as well as the most recent Netanyahu presentation given just today:
[UPDATE: As can be seen, the YouTube video has disappeared - the video is thankfully also here on D-tube)

And here is another great, shorter video on the recent airstrikes by @tyrannyunmasked (video also on D-tube, resteemed on my blog)

Benjamin Netanyahu War Propaganda Presentation

Before moving to the main subject of this post - how viewer's of this presentation react and what that might mean in the bigger scheme of things - I just want to take a minute to point out my immediate observations on this presentation.

First, if Netanyahu's claims are in fact true, then multiple Iranian officials have lied to the world, and the US has a legitimate reason to withdraw from the nuclear deal, which is a big step towards the US waging war on Iran. The war-hawks have been pushing for Trump to withdraw from the deal and are howling for war with Iran. Last night's strikes were an unprovoked act of war - essentially a declaration of war on Iran, and in my opinion an attempt to bait Iran into striking Israel, thereby giving them justification in the eyes of the Western world to wage a much less secret war on Iran. Israel has given Iran every reason to attack them, which Iran had already said they were going to do in retaliation of Israeli strikes on Iranian targets in Syria immediately following the Douma gas attack hoax. And yet Iran still hasn't taken the bait, but if they do strike Israeli targets within Israel, it is certain Israel will react with all-out war on Iran, and almost as certain the US will jump in to support Israel in the war effort.

Whether true or not, it is clear this presentation is a war propaganda effort by Israel to pull the US into war with Iran. Israel has already unofficially declared war on Iran, and all they need to do is wait for Iran to retaliate, and continue these strikes in Syria against Iranian targets, of which there are 20-40 they have identified as sites they would like to hit, until Iran has had enough and inevitably strikes back.

Second, even if the claims made during this presentation are true, and Iran has lied & is secretly manufacturing nuclear warheads, that doesn't negate the fact that Israel and the US have been caught lying their way into wars countless times. It is therefore hypocritical for the US or Israel to use the 'fact' that Iran has lied as a pretext for war. If Iran has lied about manufacturing nuclear weapons, it is certainly preferable to lying your way into war, as Israel and the US have done numerous times. Neither would the Israeli claims being true negate the fact that Israel has the largest stockpile of nuclear warheads in the region, as many as 200 according to a leaked Colin Powell email. It is therefore exceedingly hypocritical and deceitful for Israel to wage a war on Iran for attempting to manufacture or even successfully obtaining nuclear warheads, when they are in fact in possession of an estimated 70-200+ functioning nuclear warheads and are surely the largest nuclear threat to that region.

Even if everything Netanyahu is claiming in regards to Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons is true, it is sickening watching a war-hungry politician demonize a nation for the very thing he himself considers to be right and good for his own nation (or occupation). It is the same hypocrisy of the US striking Syria's alleged chemical weapons capabilities, when we ourselves have the biggest stockpile of chemical weapons in the world and the worse abuse record as well. Thankfully, it appears that many, if not the majority of the viewers of today's war propaganda presentation aren't buying Israel's claims for a second.

The People are not Buying the War Propaganda!

Despite YouTube's massive censorship programs and somewhat successful efforts at censoring much of the truth from the platform, they still can't stop their users from thinking for themselves. If the following YouTube comments from the viewers of this video on CNN's YouTube channel are any accurate indication of America as a whole, not only is YouTube censorship failing to eradicate dissent from the minds of the people, but the corporate media cabal may be quickly losing control to the point of collapse - too many people waking up to the truth for the lies to continue to prop up this whole evil NWO system much longer.

Before even reviewing the comments, we can see by the likes to dislikes ratio that this is not a very well-liked video, with 677 likes to 456 dislikes!
1 YT A CNN Screenshot.png

"Something sounds fishy here...," one popular comment with 142 likes said. Ya, I kinda have to agree...
1 YT Comment CNN.png

"I can't believe World War 3 starts over a mediocre Power Point presentation," someone else said in another popular comment with 169 likes. Kinda silly when you think about it, isn't it?
2 YT Comment CNN.png

"Iran uses CDs instead of hard drives because they look better on Israel's display," another user joked, earning the comment 57 likes.
3 YT Comment CNN.png

"Drumbeats of war," another user accurately points out.
4 YT Comment CNN.png

People don't seem to be buying Netanyahu's 'proof' as valid evidence of his claims at all, at least not in the YouTube community, and as YouTube user 'Ryan Dickison' pointed out, "this looks very similar to Iraq WMD" - and as the whole world now knows, the US lied about WMDs in Iraq! Another YouTube user points out that it is in fact Netanyahu who has lied about nuclear weapons, "saying Iran is 5 years away from a nuke for 30 years now".
5 YT Comment CNN.png
6 YT Comment CNN.png

It seems that when you and your allies lie your way into war enough times, the people eventually realize that nearly every war in history is sold to the people based upon one or more major lies. People may also be waking up to the fact that even the very existence of the state of Israel is based upon massive deception and aggressive acts of war which are also based upon lies. After all, the Israeli Mossad Motto is this: "By Deception, Thou Shalt Do War."

I was amazed to find a string of 14 dissenting comments in a row, with many users noting the obvious hypocrisy here of a nation armed to the teeth with nukes calling out another nation for allegedly attempting to obtain nukes. It took 4 screenshots to capture the whole string, so the double comments here are simply overlapping of screenshots to show this is indeed one uninterrupted chain of comments.

7 YT Comment CNN.png
8 YT Comment CNN.png
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9 YT D Comment CNN.png

Here are another 4 back-to-back dissenting comments:
9 YT E Comment CNN.png

And I could continue to go on and on and on, due to the large number of comments just like these that were there on this one CNN video on their own CNN YouTube channel, but I think these are more than enough to demonstrate how ineffective the war propaganda is becoming these days.

CBS posted the same presentation on their YouTube channel, and also had numerous dissenting comments, demonstrating that users across the YouTube platform, even those on the MSM channels like CNN and CBS, aren't buying the war propaganda.
1 YT comment CBS.png

Just like the CNN upload of this presentation, the CBS video on YouTube also appeared to have far more dissenting comments that not, and many users were quick to point out the USS Liberty, which just so happens to be the Israeli false flag operation that not only killed dozens of American sailors, but also got the US 2 minutes away from kicking off nuclear world war by dropping 2 nukes on Egypt. Signs that the media cabal is losing control of the minds of the people, and that the collapse of this fake news government propaganda media empire may be imminent are not isolated either.

A recent CNN propaganda stunt, meant to provide on the ground evidence from Syria of a sarin gas attack in Douma, instead backfired with many internet viewers calling out the BS. The media was so unsuccessful with the most recent gas attack lie that the MSM has since been forced to ignore the Douma investigation almost entirely, as their narrative has now completely crumbled. With the recent OPCW meeting at the Hague, as well as a German reporter who spoke with numerous Douma residents joining the other journalists on the ground in Syria who are all saying it looks like a staged hoax, it appears that finally the truth may be starting to bring down the whole system of deception.

One thing is for sure, and that is the overwhelming number of people - not only in America, but around the world - who are waking up to reality and are no longer taking the MSM 'news' seriously, but are rather treating it as the fake news it usually is. We can only hope that the truth will prevail, and quickly crush the wicked web of deception and powerful media conglomerates that have woven that web. Because without their propaganda arm, the Shadow Government attempting to rule the world might just begin to collapse, and then the world might actually have a real chance at peace, and freedom too.

"Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive." - Sir Walter Scott

The web of deception has become so tangled that it has begun to destroy itself. Maybe I'm being too hopeful, but it does seem the world is quickly reaching a point in time where the number of people waking up to the mass deception is reaching a critical mass, the tipping point which could topple the entire corporate media empire, and I think the Elite know it and are desperate. Here's to the end of the corporate/government/banker-owned media empire, and to all the independent journalists, researchers, investigators, free-thinkers, seekers and activists who have helped make their end a real possibility.


let's visit each other's blog @ zuhrafriska

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