Julian Assange Arrested - Ecuadorian Asylum Revoked in Exchange for IMF Loan? No Conspiracies Here Folks!

in #news6 years ago (edited)

Operation: Take Down Assange

After being held for seven years in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, Australian whistleblower and co-founder of WikiLeaks Julian Assange was arrested on Thursday, after the Ecuadorian authorities invited the British police to the embassy to take custody of Assange.

"Scotland Yard said it was invited into the embassy on Thursday by the ambassador, following the Ecuadorian government's withdrawal of asylum," according to BBC.

Ecuador had granted Assange asylum seven years ago as he was facing arrest by the UK on Swedish charges, where he was 'protected' from arrest by western authorities in the Ecuadorian embassy.

So after seven long years, why did the Ecuadorian authorities suddenly change their tune, revoke his asylum seemingly out of the blue, and willingly hand Assange over to the British authorities?

Surely it could have absolutely nothing to do with the $4.2 billion dollar IMF (International Monetary Fund) loan approved exactly one month prior, on March 11, because that my friends would be a conspiracy, and we all know conspiracies never happen, especially criminal political conspiracies orchestrated and carried out at the highest levels of governments, international banks, and the the US empire! What could surely also not possibly be a reason for the sudden Ecuadorian asylum revocation and invitation by Ecuadorian authorities for UK police to enter the embassy to arrest and take Assange into custody is this:

"The arrest comes a day after Wikileaks said it had uncovered an extensive spying operation against its co-founder [Assange] at the Ecuadorian embassy." - BBC

Just another random coincidence, or evidence pointing towards a conspiracy? This scenario sure appears to be exactly what has happened, and what prompted Ecuadorian authorities to revoke Assange's asylum and hand him over to the UK on behalf of the US government, which has been openly seeking his extradition for many months now.

You see, the sitting Ecuadorian president Lenin Moreno who just revoked Assange's asylum is rather newly elected, while it was the former Ecuadorian president who was in charge when Ecuador originally granted Assange asylum, and it was the former president who oversaw his protection within the embassy for the majority of those years. The former Ecuadorian president had not only been adamant about not revoking Assange's asylum, even under intense western pressure, but had also staunchly opposed taking any money from the Washington-based IMF or any other party of the western international banking cabal.

Apparently Moreno had a much different idea about how to run the country, however, and had no problem applying for and accepting the $4.2 billion loan from the western international bankers, which was officially approved on March 11, exactly one month prior to the Ecuadorian ambassador's invitation to British authorities to enter the embassy to arrest Assange following the withdrawal of his asylum. This sharp change in policy is due in part to US influence, pressure, and almost certainly also a political deal made between vice president Mike Pence and president Moreno last year. Imperial neocon and Republican vice president Mike Pence had visited Ecuador in June of 2018 where he met with president Moreno and "discussed cooperation, the commercial relations, immigration and Venezuela."

The discussed "cooperation" was surely in part regarding the release of Assange via asylum revocation for the purposes of extradition, which has long been a US goal; while the "commercial relations" discussed were surely in regards to the IMF loan granted earlier this year; and this discussion of Venezuela conveniently took place just months before the US began its now-current regime change efforts there. Of course the US was already in the planning stages of the attempted regime change efforts in Venezuela at that time, so Pence was no doubt 'killing two birds with one stone' during that meeting.

Additionally, at that time last year an Ecuadorian rights group also warned that Mike Pence's visit with Moreno in Ecuador "seeks to align the country to U.S. influence."

The Center for Economic and Social Rights (CDES) in Ecuador has warned that United States Vice President Mike Pence’s visit to Ecuador “seeks to align the country to U.S. influence: that is turn Ecuador into a territory of war, sign an aggressive free trade agreement, eliminate ‘irritating’ subjects like the Texaco (Chevron) case, and dismantle sovereign regional integration.” - TeleSUR

It was during this meeting last June where a political deal was presumably made - the deal being a generous IMF loan in exchange for Assange, as reported on the April 11th episode of the Ron Paul Liberty Report entitled, US Henchmen Violently Arrest Assange! Show Trial To Follow.

"Pence, he was actually in Ecuador last year," co-host of the Ron Paul Liberty Report Daniel McAdams said. "And of course the Ecuadorians want a big IMF loan - 'we need some money'. The president who gave Assange asylum was replaced by a president who wants to make a deal, so Pence went over there and made a deal - 'hey, cancel Assange's asylum and you'll get your IMF loan', and of course he bit on it," McAdams explained.

So there you have it, the likely reality of why this went down the way it did and when it did; but don't expect the sellout corporate media to connect the dots for you, let alone even mention the IMF loan and Pence's visit last year, or discuss the 'coincidental' timing of Assange's arrest coming the day after WikiLeaks announced they had "uncovered an extensive spying operation" by Ecuadorian authorities within the embassy against Assange (quite possibly on behalf of the US/UK). Of course the widespread and intentional glossing over of all these crazy 'coincidences' by the MSM lends further credibility to the alternative theory - that this indeed was and is a well-planned western conspiracy.

But it gets even better, with the evidence of a conspiracy even more compelling. Straight from BBC's timeline of events in their article on this story linked above: "July 2018 - The UK and Ecuador confirm they are holding ongoing talks over the fate of Assange." Yep, that's right, the month after Pence's visit with Moreno in which the above mentioned deal was allegedly made, and both countries conveniently just so happen to admit they are holding ongoing talks over the fate of Assange!

For its part, WikiLeaks wrote in a Tweet that “Powerful actors, including CIA, are engaged in a sophisticated effort to dehumanise, delegitimize and imprison [Assange],” ABC News reported.

No doubt the US is behind the arrest of Julian Assange, more so than the UK or Ecuador

That political players in the UK are acting on behalf of the US empire is clearly evident by the fact that the British police have already admitted Assange was arrested on behalf of the US, and the courts will be holding an extradition hearing in May to decide whether or not to extradite Assange to the US, with many British political players already calling for extradition; as well as the fact that on the very day of the arrest, numerous congressmen and political spokespeople from both sides of the political aisle - both Republicans and Democrats - were already praising UK police for apprehending one of the 'arch-enemies' of the US empire, 'evil' Assange, with West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin making some of the most extreme of these remarks on a CNN broadcast, where he said of Assange that: "He is our property."

"One would think a Democratic senator from the south would avoid allusions to slavery," Tyler Durden of ZeroHedge wrote, but then again the common people rarely get what they expect from politicians in the crazy world of politics, so I guess this sort of allusion shouldn't be very surprising, even coming from a southern Democrat.

“During an appearance on CNN, West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin on Thursday praised UK police for apprehending Assange (nevermind that critics have blasted his arrest as a violation of national sovereignty) and said that it will "be really good to get him back on United States soil",” ZeroHedge reported; comments which betray the certain expectation by the US that Julian Assange will indeed be extradited.

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The writing is on the wall, and it is clear as day for all those with eyes to see that there are US fingerprints all over this operation. They are already asserting their ownership over Julian Assange, obviously both expecting and anticipating that he will indeed be extradited by the UK, and the fact that the British police themselves have said the operation was carried out on behalf of the US only solidifies the theory that this particular conspiracy was planned and orchestrated at the highest levels of the US government in cooperation with Ecuador and the UK on behalf of the US Military Industrial Complex.

As far as the UK's treatment of Assange, he was dragged before a court on Thursday and immediately found guilty by UK District Judge Michael Snow on the charge of failing to surrender to the courts, which he now faces up to 12 months in British prison for. The Judge also stated during the 'trial' that Assange's behaviour was "the behaviour of a narcissist who cannot get beyond his own selfish interest". Because I guess giving up your freedom and putting your very life on the line to shine a light on suppressed truths which expose the criminal nature of the western war machine and countless criminal conspiracies of the Military Industrial Complex, which have destroyed countless thousands of lives and will continue to do so if not stopped in their tracks by the likes of whistleblowers such as Assange, is somehow "not get[ting] beyond his own selfish interest."

Outrageous, yes, but not at all shocking for a UK judge to make such a statement so contrary to the truth of the matter, when the selfless act of shining a light on the darkness of western politics and war crimes at the cost of getting one's reputation drug through the dirt without compensation, even while suffering the complete loss of freedom in solitary confinement in order to avoid imprisonment at the hands of much harsher authorities, has already exposed and threatens to continue exposing corruption and war crimes to which the UK was a party to.

And speaking of the actions of the British government in this case, the BBC wrote that: "Mr Moreno said the British government had confirmed in writing that Assange "would not be extradited to a country where he could face torture or the death penalty". Ya, so that pretty much rules out extradition to the US, which now has a very long history of torturing political prisoners and so-called 'enemy combatants', and also a nation in which Assange could in fact face the death penalty if he were charged with treason. Yet the question doesn't appear to be where Assange would be extradited to, but only if Assange will be extradited by the UK - to the US. And from the sounds of all the political chatter, this outcome seems highly likely, if not inevitable.

At least there are plenty of independent journalists and free-thinkers who see right through the imperial bullshit. But will public pressure be enough to save Julian Assange from his almost certain fate (torture at the hands of the CIA, imprisonment, and possibly the death penalty), or is Dr. Paul correct with his assessment that it looks like Julian Assange's only hope is a presidential pardon by Donald Trump? Past comments by Trump indicate that he is on Assange's side, but considering this is the same Donald Trump who has on so very many occasions in the past praised WikiLeaks, but now suddenly denies that he knows what the whistleblower website even is saying on Thursday in response to Assange's arrest that "I know nothing about WikiLeaks," doesn't exactly give much hope for such an ideal outcome.

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In the meantime our thoughts and prayers can go out to Julian Assange, who has done so very much to expose the deep and widespread corruption and deceptions within politics, the US government and the western war machine. For that we can all be eternally grateful, no matter the outcome.

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Thanks for checking out my post, hope you found it informative, and have a great weekend. Peace.


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