D-Day Anniversary Proclamation Honors Senseless Slaughter of Humanity While MSM Obsesses Over Location of Trump Signature

in #news5 years ago (edited)

Screenshot 2019-06-08 10.37.05.png

So this is absolutely ridiculous, pure insanity; but are we ever to expect anything less from the MSM and the political puppet show it always obsessively covers while constantly ignoring reality? As can be seen in the above screenshot, the mainstream media in the past 24 hours has been obsessed over the location of President Trump's signature on a D-Day proclamation in honor of the horrific battle which took place 75 years ago on June 6th. This goes to show just how controlled the pathetic warmongering corporate media is, as there seems to be no variety or thought on the subject whatsoever (headlines are almost all identical), but simply picking on Trump over the location of his signature as if that has anything to do with anything important, all ignoring the much larger picture and the bigger questions which should probably be asked if we wish to ever have the peace and freedom they claim to go to war to bring us.

Such as, 'why do we honor senseless slaughter'? 'Why are those mindless puppets (soldiers) who are slaughtered in sacrifice to imperial war machines honored as heroes'? 'If WW2 was waged to bring peace, why has the world been in a state of almost constant war since?' 'If it was waged to crush an imperial tyrant, why have the nations who sought to end the reign of that tyrant become the new imperial tyrants'? (ie. the U.S. and U.K.) 'And why has the nation they setup in its wake - Israel - also become the same, a bastion of apartheid and the most powerful yet unchecked war machine in the Middle East'?

These are the questions you won't find the MSM asking, as they blather on about the location of Trump's signature as if that means anything, while ignoring the far more important sentiment of his words during his commemoration speech, not to mention the proclamation itself full of deception.

"You are the pride of our nation," the president said in reference to those who fought in the senseless D-Day battle 75 years ago. "You are the glory of our republic, and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts." (sourced from NBC video footage featured on Huffington Post article).

The NBC news anchor called these sacrificed humans "humble heroes," and said: "It was a powerful and emotional moment, celebrating those bands of brothers who put everything on the line for our freedom." But those soldiers simply taking their marching orders from on high didn't just put everything on the line, they lost their lives, but certainly not for "our freedom." For since that day our freedoms have slowly been eroded to the point in history our nation now lies, a tyranny and global-reaching powerful war machine far greater than Nazi Germany could have ever dreamed of. Germany never got close to building an empire as far reaching and pervasive as the one the U.S. has built since the end of that war, and it continues to expand virtually unchecked for decades unlike the extremely short-lived German empire.

Far too many of those American young men - many thousands - and many just 17 and 18 years old, were senselessly slaughtered in that battle (the bloodiest battle in all of history I believe) as they pushed towards the shore through the constant German machine-gun fire raining down on them from the high cliffs above. Tactically, it was suicide, and the only way we eventually 'won' that battle was by the sheer numbers of men our government sent through that death trap as human sacrifices. The only way we 'won' was by needlessly sacrificing far too many young lives - lives of men who were not yet mentally fully developed to the point where they even understood what they were doing, other than marching to their almost certain death, being told this was somehow heroic.

The great Russian author, Leo Tolstoy, writing in his book The Kingdom of God is Within You (first published in 1894) describes the lunacy of such reasoning quite well, pointing out that glorified slaughter is indeed sadly the product of public opinion; that is, the people honor slaughter and the killers who perform the mass murder we call war, rather than condemning them for what they are - glorified paid killers or in his words, "confused people ready like trained hounds to attack anyone against whom their masters set them" - and in this case, ready despite knowing they are walking into a massive death trap.

The situation of the Christian part of humanity - with its prisons, forced labor, gallows, saloons, brothels, constantly increasing armaments, and millions of confused people ready like trained hounds to to attack anyone against whom their masters set them - this situation would be terrible if it were the product of coercion, but it is above all the product of public opinion.

And this is why the wretched warmongering western corporate media outlets never cease to glorify war every chance they get, because the "masters," those who plan and profit off the wars - namely the international bankers and their puppet corporations such as governments and the media - know that their war machines and empires will stand only so long as they are supported by public opinion. It is just as the wife of international banker Mayer Amchel Rothchild said regarding the world wars: "If my sons did not want war, there would be no war."


And so this D-Day proclamation itself - full of lies, false premises and absolute nonsense - serves to honor war, despite that war dishonors humanity greatly, including those honored as " brave heroes" but who are in reality nothing more than mere human sacrifices, made by those who orchestrate and serve to gain by the wars being waged. Those sent off to fight and to die in the wars are never served by war; the wars always only serve their masters, the bankers, too cowardly to fight their own wars, who opt instead to send off other men's children who are but pawns and tools in their evil schemes - being 'honored' only to perpetuate the facade.

A screenshot of the D-Day proclamation can be seen below.

Screenshot 2019-06-08 11.04.08.png

Let's take a closer look at a few of the assertions made in this proclamation and we will see that this proclamation is a pure propaganda tool to bolster the public image of war as 'honorable'. First, that this day the troops landed on Normandy beach (D-Day) was "signalling the beginning of the end of the war." Not true. What actually brought about the beginning of the end of the war was Russia coming in to 'save the day.' And this began long before our suicidal entrance into the war, at which point the tides had already began to shift and Hitler's demise looked to be inevitable (with the people's guerrilla resistances in Poland and many of the occupied European countries also making significant progress in pushing back the Nazi war machine).

Screenshot 2019-06-08 11.57.40.png

Unfairly or not, the current tensions [between the U.S. & Russia in 2015, still ongoing] obscure the scale of what's being commemorated: Starting in 1941, the Soviet Union bore the brunt of the Nazi war machine and played perhaps the most important role in the Allies' defeat of Hitler. By one calculation, for every single American soldier killed fighting the Germans, 80 Soviet soldiers died doing the same. - WP

And of all the current leaders of the "allied" nations who fought to crush Hitler's Nazi Germany, guess which one wasn't invited to this anniversary commemoration? That's right, Russia's president Putin was the only one not invited. Because apparently only the 'sacrifices' the western war machine made matter; the one nation which "bore the brunt of the Nazi war machine and played perhaps the most important role in the Allies defeat of Hitler" and which lost approximately 80 men for every American soldier killed in the war was completely ignored by the west! As if the Red Army didn't even participate, and played no part in the defeat of Hitler, despite British historian and journalist Max Hastings writing at the time that the Soviet Union was "the main engine of Nazism’s destruction." (Inferno: The World at War, 1939-1945.)

It is no wonder Russian Defense Minister Sergey Lavrov accused the U.S. of trying to re-write history in an attempt to erase Russia's integral role in the defeat of the "axis" by wiping it from the memory of history in the minds of all westerners.

"Young people are being told that the main credit in victory over Nazism and liberation of Europe goes not to the Soviet troops, but to the West due to the landing in Normandy, which took place less than a year before Nazism was defeated."

He added: "It was the peoples of the Soviet Union who broke the backbone of the Third Reich. That is a fact." - Business Insider

After speaking of honoring the memory of those who "paid the ultimate sacrifice on D-Day," the proclamation goes on to make the following absurd statement, which is absolutely false on its face:

Over the last 75 years, our nations have stood up for peace in Europe and globally, for democracy, tolerance and the rule of law.
We commit to work as friends and allies to find common ground where we have differences of opinion and to work together to resolve international differences peacefully.

Which is apparently exactly why we are starving innocent Iranians with our sanctions and tirelessly attempting to provoke them into war these days - because we are dedicated to working things out peacefully. It must also be why Trump pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal, despite most of our "friends and allies" still supporting it, and despite the UN verifying that Iran was in full compliance.

Sure, the nations of the western war machine are constantly always the select few nations, or often in the case of the U.S. the only nation, to go out of the way to defend illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine, Israeli war crimes, Israeli apartheid policies, and continual Israeli settlement of Palestinian lands in violation of UN treaties - but only because they are dedicated to tolerance and the rule of law.

I mean if you think about it, the U.S. is dedicated to tolerance: After all, U.S. leaders also go out of their way to not only tolerate but also to vehemently defend the 'right' of radical and violent Islamic head-chopping ISIS and al-Qaeda terrorists to 'peacefully' coexist with the same civilians they constantly murder and oppress in Syria's Idlib province. The U.S. is very tolerant of Israeli war crimes, they are extremely tolerant of the Saudi genocide on Yemen, and come to think of it they also tend to tolerate just about any terrorist group in existence which seems like it can be used to further push the U.S. agenda for complete control of the planet on behalf of the greedy international bankers which own our pathetic warmongering leaders.

And as to standing up for democracy around the world, I suppose we're pretty good about that too, always dropping our 'love' bombs on any nation which refuses to acquiesce to the slavery of 'democracy' demanded by the international bankers, starving the innocent people of any nation whose government refuses to be controlled and bankrupted by the bankers through their monetary policies of lending worthless money printed out of thin air at high rates of interest, or who refuses to become a pawn for the western Big Oil corporations.

The proclamation also speaks of defending freedom, but this is absolute nonsense, because at this point what freedom have we left anymore, when the political psychopath war criminals are honored as worthy leaders while journalists who expose the war criminals like Julian Assange are persecuted, slandered, kidnapped and tortured?

What a crock of shit. And then comes the esteem, praise and false 'honor' given to those pawns of the western war machine.

"In this way we salute the surviving veterans of D-Day, and we honor the memories of those who came before us."

I say false honor given to the veterans and the fallen because if those who fought and bled and died were truly being honored for their valor and courage as is being stated, then the countless Soviets far greater in number who also fought and bled and died to crush the Nazi war machine would also be mentioned and honored here as well.

And so it is that this proclamation in reality has nothing to do with truly honoring the brave soldiers (or likely rather in most cases the fearful and indoctrinated tools of the senseless war machine), but rather everything to do with pushing pro-war propaganda. Why do I say the soldiers were likely in most cases fearful? Because it takes far more courage to stand up to society's norms and the mainstream narrative in times of war, and to risk being painted as an unpatriotic cowardly fool on behalf of peace, than it does to go fight and kill your own brothers and sisters in humanity when that is the popular and 'heroic' thing to do.

General Smedley Butler, speaking after the first world war, but before WW2 had yet been waged, was absolutely right: "War IS a racket." And, as he so accurately pointed out , "it is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives."


Sadly, the people didn't listen, and so the second world war was waged, and then Vietnam, and Korea, and the Gulf War, and now we're in the midst of 19 years of a never-ending war in the Middle East.

True indeed, all wars are bankers' wars; all wars are rackets; and all wars are charades, waged at the expense of the many on behalf of the few, and all based on a mountain of lies - the biggest lie being that anything good can ever come out of mass murdering our fellow brothers and sisters of humanity.


All wars are carefully orchestrated from on high and the orchestrators are certainly to blame, but it is time to stop exclusively blaming the warmongering leaders, the bankers, the greedy corporations, the slithering politicians and their whores in the media while avoiding placing blame on the true culprits; because without the support of popular opinion, as Tolstoy points out, there could be no more war.

It is time to look in the mirror, as the character V in V for Vendetta said, and realize that it is US who are to blame. We the People are to blame for this madness, and therefore We the People are the only ones capable of bringing this madness to an end.

War is not ultimately the fault of the "governments full of murderers and land thieves, arranging bloodshed that spans seas," (K-Rino, What's About to Happen); it is the fault of the people who falsely claim to seek peace but then turn around and volunteer to fight and to kill, and all those who pay for the death and destruction with their taxes, and who support corporations behind the war with their stocks and their investments, and those who honor those who do fight, and who call those heroes who make a living killing their brothers and sisters in humanity at the whim of some bloodthirsty religious leader, power-hungry politician or greedy corporate executive.

It is time to stop honoring mass murderers, not only those at the top orchestrating the mass murder and calling it war, but also all those who willingly take part and help fuel the racket - as soldiers, as recruiters, as taxpayers, as various other investors in war, and as the masses drunk on patriotism and blinded by fear, who honor killers as heroes and their leaders as saviors.


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