Blood Sacrifice, Human Slavery and the Prophesied 3rd Jewish Temple in Jerusalem - In History & Current Events

in #news6 years ago (edited)

Jewish activists seeking to build 3rd Temple in Jerusalem want to reinstate ritualistic bloody animal sacrifice, eternally

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The religious ritual of blood sacrifice is not something most people regularly think about these days; and I imagine that when most people do think of the term, whether animal or human sacrifice, they rightly consider the idea of offering bloody sacrifices to appease the wrath of the gods or to incur divine forgiveness to be an outdated and ancient superstitious practice. The religious ritual of shedding innocent blood in the name of any god is now generally accepted to be a cruel and abhorrent unnecessary practice that just like human slavery, the human consciousness long ago rose above and evolved beyond, seen in society's rejection of these both.

But just like the institution of human slavery, though the physical slavery of mankind with chains and shackles on the plantations has been legally abolished, most all of humanity is still 'invisibly' enslaved to a global matrix system of control, just much more so imprisoned mentally and spiritually rather than physically; so it is with ritualistic sacrifice, although it has been rejected by society as cruel and immoral - to kill an innocent life as a 'gift' or 'payment' to your god - the practice continues under a different guise.

The following video gives a great summary of the modern human enslavement to the matrix system of control which has replaced the conventional human slavery of the past -
Human Farming - The story of your enslavement:

The ritualistic sacrifice of animals by religious priests has been replaced by commercial slaughterhouses, where hundreds of thousands of innocent animals raised in the most cruel and inhumane conditions are needlessly killed every single day to feed man's cravings for flesh. The ritualistic sacrifice of innocent children to Molech or Baal at pagan religious shrines has been replaced by the mass murder of thousands of innocent children through orchestrated starvation by sanction and by war, needlessly sacrificed on the battlefields of the world to satisfy the greed and lust for power by a small minority of psychopaths who love money and power more than they love human life.

But there are still those out there who not only have no problem with the slaughter of innocent creatures for human consumption, but who also wish to reinstate the practice as a purely religious ritual to be perpetually performed in their ceremonial worship of their god, and I'm referring here to certain Zionist Jews pushing for the building of a third Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.

It has been nearly 2,000 years since the Jewish ritual of animal sacrifice was last performed according to Torah (Jewish Mosaic law) in Jerusalem, which was brought to an end in 70CE with the destruction of the second Temple by the Roman Empire. Prior to this cataclysmal event which caused a major paradigm shift in the religion of Judaism, the ritualistic and ceremonial sacrifice of animals in the Jerusalem temple by the priests was foundational to Judaism and an integral part of the worship of the "God of Israel". Without the Temple which had been the center of Jewish worship, and so without the ability to offer the perpetual Temple sacrifices as prescribed by Jewish law, Judaism had to form a new identity for itself not centered around the ceremonial Temple worship run by the priests.

And so it has been for nearly two millennia, that the religion of Judaism was no longer identified with the Temple in Jerusalem as its religious 'capitol', and it was no longer identified with the perpetual Temple worship of ritualistic bloody sacrifice performed by the priests. Before its destruction, the Jerusalem temple was a massive religious slaughterhouse awash in the blood of innocent victims, a particularly detestable and abhorrent scene on the major Jewish feasts and holidays, with the Passover being the largest of these all. As J.R. Highland explains,

From ancient records, scholars have reconstructed the events that took place on the day of sacrifice.[16] The killing began at 3 P.M. and by sundown about 18,000 animals would be dead. Because the Temple could not accommodate all the “worshipers” at the same time, the victims had to be killed in three shifts.

Approximately 6,000 people comprised each shift and since the sacrifice was a yearling, the men usually carried the lambs on their shoulders. Once in the place of slaughter, they lined up in long rows next to a row of priests. The shofar would sound and the men would wrest the lambs to the ground, slitting their throats. As they bled to death, the priests standing next to them would catch the blood in large buckets. When these were full they would be passed up the line to those who stood by the altar. They would throw the blood against the side of the altar. The empty buckets would be recycled and refilled with the blood of more lambs.

(Illustrative image: Wikipedia.)
X 18,000 and add the white Garb and priestly rituals and the Jewish Temple and you get the idea...

Jewish priests-in-training performing a realistic reenactment of this very religious ritual in 2015 seen below:
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As you can imagine, this would not be a pretty sight or smell, and all this was of course being done in the name of 'true religion' and in the so-called 'house of god'. It is no wonder that so many of the Hebrew prophets condemned the bloody spectacle as not coming from "the God of Israel," while the religious adherents of this doctrine simply chose the scriptures which condone the violent institution of blood sacrifice. Yes there are actually many religious traditions in both Judaism and Christianity; the tradition of blood sacrifice certainly wasn't the only one, just the dominant tradition to have survived history within the construct of organized western religion.

For those who may be interested, below is a video I put together a year ago last December, 'debunking' the religious doctrine of blood atonement (the idea "God" requires blood sacrifice in order to forgive "sins"), using only scriptures from the same Bible which Christian proponents of this blood doctrine use, many of these scriptures also shared by Judaism - showing the peaceful Judeo-Christian tradition still largely ignored to this day by both religions, as well as the lengths some pastors will go to in order to demonize those advocating the 'lost' tradition of peace:

Now over the past decade there has been a growing movement of Zionist Jewish activists led by the Temple Institute who are actively seeking the re-building of a third Temple in Jerusalem in order to reinstate this bloody ritualistic practice of sacrificial worship. Jewish activists in Israel have been conducting 'practice' ceremonies held during the Passover week over the past several years, while the lambs and goats are still actually sacrificed for real.

Just last Monday (12/11) a group of these Jewish activists unveiled a new alter they intend to place on the Temple Mount for this use there, Haaretz reported, and then they carried out a 'practice' ceremony which involved the slaughter of a lamb and the accompanying rituals.

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(Photo: Haaretz)

The police had previously granted the activists a permit to sacrifice the lamb, and they had wanted to practice using the new alter, but the Jerusalem municipality wouldn't let them carry out the sacrifice of the lamb in the public park right outside the Old City walls where they carried out the practice ceremony, so the lamb was slaughtered elsewhere.

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(Photo: Haaretz)

This is not new, but these services involving sacrifice have typically been held just before Passover, so not sure of the significance of this latest sacrifice last Monday. Over the past several years these Temple Mount activists have been carrying out what they claim to be authentic practice ceremonies in the days leading up to Passover, conducted by priests-in-training who are preparing to one day carry out these ceremonial rituals on the Temple Mount itself inside a newly built Jerusalem Temple. The somewhat graphic 3-minute video below from the Temple Institute shows footage of this practice ceremony conducted in 2015, and at the time the international director Rabbi Chaim Richman said it portrays the “most accurate and authentic reenactment of this service to have taken place in nearly 2,000 years.” So to get an idea of what this religious ritual is all about and what these religious activists are hoping to accomplish perpetually and on a much larger scale in the future:

They seek to perform the Passover sacrifice on the Temple Mount itself even before a new temple is built, the only way it can be a "real" Passover sacrifice, and they have been petitioning the authorities for permission to do so for the past decade, so far unsuccessfully. But they are getting closer to their goal.

The practice ceremony three days before Passover in 2017 was "the first ritual sacrifice to take place inside the walls of Jerusalem in 2,000 years, according to local media," Newsweek reported. Newsweek summarized the spectacle: "As ancient Jewish tradition dictates, priests dripped the animal’s blood on an altar set up at the site; it was then flayed, roasted and eaten." The authorities didn't however allow the "real" Passover ceremony to take place on Passover eve, April 9, but that didn't stop Jewish activists from trying. Some of these religious activists are so determined to offer "Passover sacrifices of goats or sheep on or around a contested holy site in Jerusalem," that over a dozen activists were arrested for attempting to smuggle baby goats into the Old City in order to slaughter them there, and Israeli police also "disrupted at least three such plots to carry out animal sacrifices as an offer to God," the Newsweek article read.

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What a crazy world we live in, where on the one hand there are radical animal-rights activists who get arrested for attempting to free caged animals, and on the other hand there are radical religious activists who get arrested for attempting to slaughter baby goats!

These activists were granted permission to perform the ritual even closer to the Temple Mount for the practice Passover ceremony held earlier this year. "The Jerusalem District Court gave the go-ahead for the Bible-mandated ritual of slaughtering the paschal lamb not on the Temple Mount, the holiest site for Jews, but just below it, in the Davidson complex," the Times of Israel reported on March 31, 2018.

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While last year’s ceremony took place in the Jewish Quarter, this year’s gathering was not only widely advertised but also broadcast on giant screens near the Al-Aqsa Mosque, according to Channel 13.

Among the active participants were Likud lawmaker Yehudah Glick and Jerusalem’s Chief Rabbi Aryeh Stern. Stern made clear the ceremony should take place on the Temple Mount itself in future, the Channel 13 report said. - TOI

The provocative move by President Donald Trump earlier this year to officially recognize Jerusalem as the "eternal" capitol of Israel is another sign that this prophetic goal may soon become a reality. Next year's sacrificial Passover ceremony in Jerusalem may just be Judaism's first "real" Passover in 2,000 years, performed on the Temple Mount as Rabbi Stern and thousands of Jewish activists hope for. From there the resumption of regular sacrifice in a re-built Jewish Temple might not be far off.

In the meantime the small unorthodox Jewish sect of Samaritans has continued to carry out the Passover sacrifice ritual at Mt. Gerizim as they have always done. A Messianic Jew in Israel who believes in the 'god-given' mandate to offer the sacrifices, who was able to visit this Passover ceremony one year, described the spectacle as more emotional than expected. "The sudden horror of innocent lambs dying for no fault of their own… the reality of all that death for the benefit of others…" they said in an article published by ONE FOR ISRAEL.

And that is the simple truth and reality of animal sacrifice seemingly missed by both its proponents and adherents, that innocent creatures are dying for no fault of their own, for the benefit of others who do not need to consume the animal flesh in order to live a happy and healthy life, and it is causing suffering in this world which is simply unnecessary. In the case of Jewish ritualistic temple sacrifice, this unnecessary suffering is being caused in the name of God. Kinda scary to think about, that so many religious folks from multiple religions still believe in this modern age that a loving and merciful Creator of life would command humanity to slaughter other innocent creatures, to shed the innocent blood of fellow created sentient living beings...

This recent push, however, is about more than building the third Temple and reinstating perpetual animal sacrifice therein, it is about bringing about the fulfillment of Hebrew messianic prophecy where the Jews expect the new Kingdom of Israel ruled by their Messiah (King) to dominate and rule the earth, in what could be accurately described as a Zionist New World Order with Jerusalem, complete with the re-built Temple, as the new world capitol. The messianic figure is expected to be a warrior, a military leader who will lead Israel to crush its enemies. He will also bring world peace, but all the nations will "serve" Israel, and according to many of the Rabbis and common Jews alike, the Jews are expecting the non-Jews to be their servants and slaves based on interpretations of certain scriptures of theirs.

Many Zionist Jews as well as Christian Zionists are doing everything in their power to bring about the conditions to make this prophetic vision a reality. The video compilation below put together by Adam Green of Know More News does a great job summarizing this complex subject, as it is in the words of the very people within this Zionist movement looking forward to the fulfillment of these prophecies and the building of the third Temple.

The Rabbi seen in the video above makes it clear, the renewal of the blood sacrifices in the Temple on a regular basis is one of the ultimate goals. “We want to...return the temple to its glory, rebuild the temple, RESTORE THE SACRIFICIAL SERVICE,” the Rabbi said. It is believed in Judaism that according to prophecy, this future temple and its ritualistic blood sacrifice would remain forever. “There will be a daily offering in the morning, a daily offering in the afternoon, special offering on the sabbath and the holidays, the Passover sacrifice, all of this will be brought again, and the future temple will stand FOREVER.”

The end of the video features several street interviews in Israel with Jews who believe that when this messianic prophecy is fulfilled that gentiles will serve the Jews as slaves and servants. As many as 800 slaves per Jew?!? So it is taught by some of the Rabbis. These sorts of beliefs aren't all that surprising considering the comments in the past made by prominent Rabbis espousing such hatred.

“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel,” Rabbi Oviam Yosef said in a weekly Saturday night sermon in October 2010, according to the Times of Israel. “Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat… That is why gentiles were created.”

Rabbi Ben Dahon who was also in the Israeli government said on public radio in December of 2015 that: "A Jew always has a much higher soul than a gentile, even if he is a homosexual."

Do the Rabbis who harbor such hateful and bigoted supremacist religious beliefs ever stop and wonder if maybe the one who has the higher soul is the one who causes the least amount of suffering in the world, the one who manifests more peace, love, and compassion while on this earth? Is there a connection between the Zionist desire to ritualistically shed the innocent blood of lambs and goats in the name of their god, and the Zionist supremacist belief that only Jews are god's "chosen people" with gentiles created only to serve Jews as slaves?

Historically, the scriptural texts of both Judaism and Christianity have been used to defend both the institution of human slavery and the institution of ritualistic blood sacrifice. And yet there are still adherents to both religions who have rejected the notion that either of these practices were instituted by God. Less than 200 years ago many Christians were using their Bibles to defend the slavery of the black man in America. Two centuries later most Christians use the same bible to condemn human slavery, though it still contains the same numerous passages endorsing it.

Maybe I figured that after 2,000 years the human consciousness had progressed beyond the desire to ritualistically slaughter animals in the name of God or religion. Maybe I was wrong. But the history of the abolition of slavery gives hope that even the Jewish proponents of ritualistic Temple sacrifice have the ability to change their minds and perspective, and can do so without even abandoning Judaism or the Hebrew scriptures. All they have to do is realize that the choice to kill or not kill, the choice to cause suffering or abstain from causing suffering, it is their choice alone and if they want to choose mercy rather than sacrifice, the authority to do so can be found within their very own scriptures which they currently use to justify the ritualistic bloodshed they seek to reinstate in a newly built Temple:

Hear the word of the LORD, Ye rulers of Sodom; Give ear unto the law of our God, Ye people of Gomorrah. To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto Me? Saith the LORD; I am full of the burnt-offerings of rams, And the fat of fed beasts; And I delight not in the blood Of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he-goats. When ye come to appear before Me, Who hath required this at your hand, To trample My courts? ... Your hands are full of blood. - Hebrew prophet Isaiah, chapter 1:10-12, 15 (JPS Tanakh 1917)

In the end; whether Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu or Athiest, whether we believe in one God, many gods or no god at all, we are all still human and we all have the same choices to make: We can all choose between peace or violence, mercy or sacrifice, compassion or bloodshed, forgiveness or revenge, love of humanity over greed or love of money over humanity, sincerely searching for truth or blindly accepting what we have been taught as reality. We can choose knowledge or ignorance, division or unity, spirituality or materialism, life or death. We as individual humans, as part of one human family, we have the power to create heaven or hell, we have the power to create heaven on earth but to this day we still keep creating hell - war, famine, bloodshed, disease, worldwide debt slavery, greed, religious and political division and hatred, mass media and government orchestrated deception and indoctrination, a quickly growing human slave trade and human trafficking epidemic, etc.

Peace on earth and the true freedom of humanity is easily within reach: It's up to us as humans to reach out and grab it.

"We look forward to the day when the power of love overcomes the love of power. Only then will the world know the blessings of peace." - Former British Prime Minister William Ewert Gladstone (Source: Forward, Are We Good Enough for Liberty? by Lawrence W. Reed)

Ever wondered why they say things have to get far worse before they'll get better? It's because everyone has a price, and because too many people angered by the rampant injustice throughout the world and American society still refuse to act. So, what is your price?

Humanity is not doomed to live in a perpetual state of war and slavery. Peace and freedom are ours for the taking. We the People have the Power. It's time we use it to break free from the chains which bind us and to create true lasting peace on earth, which begins by creating peace within ourselves and our communities. If you want to be free, stop complaining about being a slave, elevate your mind, and take action. We just have to conquer our fears. Together, humanity united as one in love and truth, we will overcome, and when that day arrives the tyrants and the haters will all be forced to run. Heaven on earth is a reality, and it is coming; how long it takes for us to get there and how much worse things will have to get before they begin to get better, well that is up to us.


Palestine was, and still is, and will remain for the Palestinians

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