Newsflash: People have the Right to Discriminate ~ #opentoall?

in #news6 years ago

Uh oh, that probably comes off like I'm a racist sob, but that couldn't be further from the truth. So you can enjoy reading the rest of this without thinking I am actually a racist asshole, I personally would have baked the cake. But that's just me. If I was a baker in the business of making money, I wouldn't turn away the business in this situation. With that said I hope you stay with me...

I was lying in bed this morning at 5:35, courtesy of my 15 month old waking up earlier than usual. I was browsing FB on my phone (after I had already scanned my Steemit feed ;)) and saw a post from a college buddy quoting RBG, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Nothing gets me out of bed faster in the morning than someone saying something so completely moronic. Come to think of it, I should start all my mornings like this, up and at it would be an understatement. I just can't let this non-sense slide.

First off, everyone discriminates everyday. There's just no way around that. Now, it might not be a conciosuly direct, evil reason of discriminating, but discrimination none the less. But also, not all discrimination is equal.

When a man thinks a woman of one race is attractive over another woman of a different race, he is discriminating. But that's not a bad thing, necessarily, it's just his biology on who he finds as an attractive/suitable partner. It goes the same way with women, too.

When you apply for a job, the jobs you don't apply for, you are discriminating against. You are saying, I don't want to work for you (for whatever reason). This is completely acceptable in our culture.

When we decide what to put on our plate at the work lunch, the nasty Jell-O salad at the end of the table brought in by your lazy and often funky-smelling co-worker Jane, gets passed up. No one eats it. Discrimination. Imagine if Jane took you to the supreme court because you didn't eat her shitty Jell-O salad. What a joke that would be.

Now that we have a few example out of the way, let's take a look at what the "Notorious RBG" (she doesn't deserve the title of 'Notorious', she doesn't hold a candle to Biggie) had to say:


"When a couple contacts a bakery for a wedding cake, the product they are seeking is a cake celebrating a wedding - not a cake celebrating heterosexual weddings or same-sex weddings - and that is the service Craig and Mullins were denied.

A few things that stick out.

"When a couple contacts a bakery for a wedding cake" is identity political speak for "When a consumer contacts a bakery for a cake" - do you see the difference? She is interjecting an appeal to emotion by saying a 'couple' & 'wedding' cake. The identity of the consumer makes no difference, nor does it matter what the cake is for. If I don't want to work for you, I don't have to.

Have you ever seen a sign in a local bar that reads "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, for any reason"? How is this any different? And again, I am not siding with the reasoning with the baker in this case, just that he had the right to do so. Don't get it twisted.

"that is the service Craig and Mullins were denied" - they weren't denied anything. They walked into a private establishment and were told that their business was not wanted. There were plenty of other bakeries happy to bake their cake.

We end with #opentoall. That would be great if no one discriminated, but you can't force individuals at gun point to provide for the consumer. Conscripting an individual and/or his business is slavery.

Again, I would have baked the cake. I have no issues with gay marriage what so ever. I am legit happy for anyone who finds happiness. More power to ya. I imagine this baker lost some business by sticking to his guns. Similar to how most establishments post Jim Crow laws would have lost business if they kept their white only signs up.

In business, 99% of the time, $ talks. It's that other 1% where no one else besides the owner gets to decide if a sale goes through or a customer walks out the door empty-handed.


I really enjoyed this article, however, it brings up some larger points. Can a restaurant discriminate based on race, sexuality, gender, religion, or any other reason?

The answer to that question is legally, no

From legalmatch: "No. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 explicitly prohibits restaurants from refusing service to patrons on the basis of race, color, religion, or national origin. In addition, most courts don’t allow restaurants to refuse service to patrons based on extremely arbitrary conditions. For example, a person likely can’t be refused service due to having a lazy eye."

This is the same basic idea...
What makes a cake bakery different? its a similar if not exact same type of service rendered.
I am interested to hear your ideas.

Anti-discrimination laws are discriminatory themselves, in that they dictate who I must do business with, even if I don't want to.

Can a restaurant discriminate based on race, sexuality, gender, religion, or any other reason?

Legally, no, you are correct. But I disagree with the law, like many others. But that doesn't mean I agree with the actions of racists, homophobes, and others who would decline serving others based on these attributes. It's a slippery slope when you advocate that someone must serve someone else. Would you say that the Jewish baker should be forced to make a Nazi cake? An American patriot baker should be forced to make an ISIS cake? I understand those are extremes, but this isn't a case by case ruling. It must be consistent across all levels, otherwise it's not a principle, but rather a preference.

At the end of the day, it comes down to freedom of dis-association. No one can compel me to talk to, work with, sell to, or anything else otherwise, to anyone I don't want to.

Yes, it makes for a confusing situation, I am not sure I agree with the law how it is written either, BUT, I can also see why they wrote it as a civil rights law too. Makes for a real difficult opinion on the matter for me.

That would be great if no one discriminated

It's an essential survival mechanism, so it's not going away...

I called racist all the time, (I'm white) even after explainng that my asian girlfriend doesn't think so, or my ex black g/f either, funnily enough..
....or the mexican girl I

You can't fix stupid, no matter how much you want to keep trying!

Yeah, it's not going away and that is ok with me. I would love to see less negative discrimination, but trying to stifle freedom in the name of equality is not a goal I aspire to see.

' I don't want that one , I want another kind' It's in every... single... thing... we do...

And when we find that, (yuk), we also get to see the gold at the end of the rainbow...

Spot on, no doubt.

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