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RE: ALERT!! Chemtrail posts are being quietly CENSORED

in #news7 years ago

His name is @bloom and his rep is 44.4 So, no danger to you 🙂
Apparently this lovely human being made it his mission to flag everything denying chemtrails, climate change and Holocaust. I have an idea about the Cui Bono, but I will have to wait with sharing that because it would get me flagged as well until my rep is a bit higher. Nice world we live in...


Hmm.... How should we say it then? Solar Radiation Management or Stratospheric Aerosol Injections? Climate Engineering? I know Dr. David Keith out of Harvard (King of Climate engineering himself) approves of those terms. (sigh)

I am afraid we are up against a whole system, a well oiled machine of censorship, indoctrination and propaganda. It will be very hard to spread the word in an effective way. They are everywhere. In the schools, the media and most of all the heads of ignorant people who believe they are doing the "right" thing. Changing the language is not going to help much. We will have to be very clever not to get crushed...

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