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RE: Pointing Out the Two-Sided Hypocrisy of Sheep Herders, Cheerleaders and Corrupt Politicians Pushing For War With Iran - (As Revealed by Their Own Tweets)

in #news7 years ago

I agree that Obama has dirty hands. I just think that his motivations were complicated, because it seemed clear to me that he had an affinity for the muslim world given his exposure to it. Doesn't make him a good person or a good leader -- I just think that he wanted to push things in a more pro-muslim direction than they had been previously. But I think he was pushing against deep state power that wanted to tear apart muslim countries because this was seen, rightly or wrongly, as beneficial to the US because it was beneficial to Israel.

For the most part, presidents tend to be figureheads. The real power operates behind the scenes. And presidents aren't even really aware of what is going on at all levels because of the black ops compartmentalization of information. So presidents are fed information and they have no way of vetting it or deciding what information is real, and what information is cherry picked to try to force them to make a certain decision that is desired by the deep state.

So to me, I don't see a vast, coordinated, functional conspiracy when I see government. Instead, I see a collection of thieves and narcissists and frustrated revolutionaries, each motivated by their own independent goals, each trying to manipulate the levers of power to achieve what they want.

Obama struck me as a narcissist. Wanted the attention and praise, but no real deep understanding of people or the system. So he floated along on the surface, collecting accolades like his peace prize for some imagined future achievement, never really doing much, while beneath him, the deep state coalesced power under Hillary and made ready for her rule.

I don't think the deep state elected Trump. They hate him with a passion. Trump was a surprise to everyone, even those who voted for him. But, that doesn't mean that Trump is an enemy of the deep state -- he has made it very clear that he only said what he needed to say to get elected. Now that he is in power, he is slowly cleaning house of those Clinton bannermen who chose her over him and replacing them with people who will steer the deep state in his direction. Which appears to be roughly the same direction that Hillary wanted to steer it -- but was not the direction the people who voted for him wanted it to go.

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