Pointing Out the Two-Sided Hypocrisy of Sheep Herders, Cheerleaders and Corrupt Politicians Pushing For War With Iran - (As Revealed by Their Own Tweets)

in #news7 years ago (edited)

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This is how you know when the sheepherders have got their followers entirely confused and demoralized to the point of pushing for war with a country that has little to nothing to do with the United States and terrorism while ignoring the countries that actually carried out the 9/11 attacks and support ISIS/global terrorism.

These Tweets of a number of people portraying themselves as being on different sides of the political aisle 'coincidentally' all show them putting out Tweets promoting war with Iran. Their followers seem blinded without any regard to the fact that "their guy" is aligning himself with that very thing they once professed to despise. In the current propagandized atmosphere, the humanity of blind followers goes right out the window in order to placate the cognitive dissonance that matches their own preconceived notions (biases) about something they 'perceive' they believe in. This is why one must be very wary about reacting emotionally to what one sees on their screens as the people that provide the propaganda are fully aware that currently the Internet is not actually about portraying reality, but instead about controlling "the perception of reality".

Thinking long term about the consequences of such are no longer necessary for blind followers as they only need confirmation today that their world view bubble is the correct one, even if it strangely aligns with those of the ones they oppose, and even if it leads to harm or even the possibility of death that may comes to themselves in the future.

The sheepherders, warmongers, virtue signalers, cheerleaders, corrupt politicos only need drive the cattle "from all directions" and steer them into the pens.......war looms once again and the warm bodies are lined up for the meat grinder while collective human consciousness is tossed out the window........even Edward Snowdon gets in on this act, as does Alyssa Milano and Human Rights Watch.

I would be curious to see the answers of these pro-war cheerleaders and sheepherders to the following questions:

Over half a million human souls destroyed in Syria, how many will now die for similar lies about Iran?

Where were these people when Syrian Christians were being slaughtered by US and Saudi supported terrorists in the FSA?

Why do they say nothing about US ally Saudi Arabia bombing and killing tens of thousands of innocent people and protesters in Yemen?

Why do they say nothing about the war crimes of Israel?

Why do they stay quiet about the Wikileaks Podesta emails that revealed Saudi Arabia was funding ISIS?

Why do they lie about Iran by stating it is the number one supporter of terrorism when, in actuality, that title clearly belongs to Saudi Arabia?

Didn't the Iranian army just help the Syrian and Russian armies destroy ISIS in Syria while the US, UK, Israel and Saudi Arabia were helping fund and train the FSA which is made up of terrorist groups such as ISIS, al-Nusra Front, al-Qaeda, Ahrar-al Sham, and numerous other terror groups that were killing christians and other 'infidels'?

These are all rhetorical questions really, the truth is that the hypocrisy is astounding, but alas, anything goes in 2018 and the propaganda is constantly increasing the more the US Empire gets exposed. The onion has many layers and the Neocons/Neoliberals/Deep State want war. The US red and blue teams are two sides of the same deceptive coin. They spin the people round and round on the endless two party hamster wheel, and this latest push against Iran has been in the works well before Trump was chosen as president, and well before the corrupt Russia/Trump collusion narrative was devised by the Deep State and their corrupt media apparatus.

Please check out my post published in October 2017 and look closely at who is really behind all this newest war on Iran insanity.

Beyond The Divisive Agenda – Defining Donald Trump As A Tool of The Zionist-Elite And Why He Was Really Placed In Power To Wage War on Iran


Now, today we can see who the cheerleaders are this time around:

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The list goes on and on.......and they all have their little divide and conquer strategies and routines..... but be not fooled, there are so many of em pushing for war in Iran without any acknowledgement of what the US/Deep State/global elite have done to the people in Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Yemen, Iraq, etc....all that mass murder, war and chaos is simply covered up..........instead we are given just more of the same, more sheepherding, more killing and war promoted. No ideas related to peaceful solutions are put forward.......just sheepherding, more violence, continual war, propaganda, fighting and killing......more insanity, because the people that actually have control in the world currently are evil people. That's it.... simply in a nutshell. The people that run the world are evil. They have no moral authority when it comes to judging Iran's government leaders. Their crimes are relentless, catastrophic and many. Their horrors have been carried out all over the Earth, and once again we are seeing more of their moral hypocrisy back on full display.

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Once again it proves that these frauds are all on the same Team.
They disagree and argue all year on petty stuff, but then by magic all come together in agreement when the drums of war start beating.
The most ridiculous transformation is that of Paul Joseph Watson. He used to be so on point 10 years ago, and now he shills for the Zionists all day long

I must say though that Iran is indeed an Islamic Tyranny, and a Regime Change would be beneficial if done only for humanitarian reasons....but as always it will be done to enslave with debt the citizens and plunder all the resources out of the country, and an even more oppressive Puppet Regime will likely be put in place in the chaotic aftermath. We've seen it time and time again with other US sponsored Regime Changes.

Paul and Alex Jones were quite noticeably absent from reporting the truth about the Syrian war and Deep State support for terrorist groups in Syria and Libya. It was also quite noticeable that they quickly jumped on the Uranium one story about Clinton/Russia while ignoring the Wikileaks Podesta email about Clinton/Saudi Arabia/ISIS. That was the real diversion perpetrated on the right. Saudi Arabia always gets a free pass from these folks because its the US Empires land based aircraft carrier to project power across the Middle East and control the sea straits and all that black gold.

The Wikileaks Podesta emails are here:


As far as Iran's theocratic government goes, I look at it like what is best for the world as a whole and is, in actuality, the greater evil that is affecting humanity. Due to the amount of propaganda we are all being fed, I would venture to guess that a large amount of what we believe we know about Iran is based upon a lot of false information propaganda. I'm sure theres some truth to it, but when I weigh that against what I learned about what really happened in Syria, then I find myself doubtful as to what it is all about. I believe the Sunni Wahhabism which emanates from Saudi Arabia and other countries is largely responsible for the Middle East turmoil, global terrorism and the EU refugee crisis as well as the divisive agenda that is being sowed in Europe.

I have another post on how that is being orchestrated. I believe it is intentionally being implemented by the global elite in order to sow chaos and cover up their vast array of crimes:


Nothing the US does has to do with moral leadership. It is always about international control and hegemony.

We have recently seen one nexus of the deep state, the Clinton/CIA/State Department/FBI nexus, founder and fall from grace. Hence the loss of their anointed leader at the hands of the people. And their international embarrassment with the exposure of their fraudulent attempt to frame Assad's government as the oppressors and their fundamentalist jihadi lackeys as "freedom fighters."

This nexus of the deep state has been defeated. Part of its defeat can be laid at the feet of the Obamas, who never agreed with its precepts but did not control a political machine powerful enough to derail its machinations, and thus had to settle for a little time in the limelight and bankrupting the DNC in order to buy 4 more years. But Obama showed wisdom and leadership once, and that was when he refused to invade Syria over their manufactured "crossing" of the chemical weapons red line. That was the plan of the deep state, and to the international coalition of Israel/Saudi Arabia/US, this sudden and inexplicable refusal to follow the script was like a hole below the waterline.

But most of the defeat of this old deep state nexus is the consequence of years of trying to spin black as white and evil as freedom, of foisting endless internal conflicts onto muslim countries as a means of fostering internal divisions and thus control by preventing them from joining together. The same MO, by the way, that was tried on the American people and was defeated at the last election. You can only fool the people for so long...

But now we see the emergence of a new, similar nexus, that is busily spinning away at reality while behind the scenes they are rooting out the old nexus stem and branch. This new nexus is no more peaceful or beneficent than the last, and have already completely forgotten the instructions from the people to stop the useless wars that they were sent to the Capitol to accomplish.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Thanks for the lengthy response. I agree with much of what you state, but want to point out a couple of things I disagree with.

I think Obama was caught off guard by the British peoples decision to not get involved in Syria further back in 2013. This was around the time of the Damascus false flag chemical weapons attack that Elliot Higgins (Brown Moses and RUSI) were pushing, and the Caesar photos which was a false flag perpetrated via Ken Roth of Human Rights Watch. The British people quickly didn't buy the story as it had a lot of holes in it. Thus, Obama decided to wait to see what would happen and that was when things started to unravel for them.

I think Obama's hands are much, much dirtier than most people realize. A lot of folks seem to give him the benefit of the doubt but his other actions related to supplying Islamic terrorists in Libya and Syria, Nazis in Ukraine and providing billions in bombs to Saudi Arabia speak loudly as to where his true intentions lie. Zbig Brzezinski was his mentor and he was trained for the task of President via the CIA long ago. These nefarious regime change plans, even the overthrow of Iran now, are not as haphazardly concocted as the Deep State prefers to make them appear. They are years, even decades in the making.

The same applies to Trump now. I believe that all is smoke and mirrors. The global elite simply chose Trump as he serves their chaotic purposes. Much of that is explained in my linked Clarity of Signal post here. An unpredictable, divisive character such as Trump keeps the American people fighting each other while the media fuels the fire and the citizenry are thus left unaware of what the real criminal syndicate (global elite) are up to. Kissinger sat directly behind Clinton and Trump at the 2016 Al Smith dinner right after the 3rd Presidential 'debate' where Trump had stated he would put Clinton behind bars. Of course that was all for show, as it is "The Greatest Show On Earth". As I state, they chose him, the people didn't. They just thought they did.

Videos laying this all out are at this link:


For folks unaware of what went down with the Caesar photos, Rick Sterling who writes for Consortium News, Dissident Voice and a number of other alternative media publications wrote an investigative piece about what really went down:


I agree that Obama has dirty hands. I just think that his motivations were complicated, because it seemed clear to me that he had an affinity for the muslim world given his exposure to it. Doesn't make him a good person or a good leader -- I just think that he wanted to push things in a more pro-muslim direction than they had been previously. But I think he was pushing against deep state power that wanted to tear apart muslim countries because this was seen, rightly or wrongly, as beneficial to the US because it was beneficial to Israel.

For the most part, presidents tend to be figureheads. The real power operates behind the scenes. And presidents aren't even really aware of what is going on at all levels because of the black ops compartmentalization of information. So presidents are fed information and they have no way of vetting it or deciding what information is real, and what information is cherry picked to try to force them to make a certain decision that is desired by the deep state.

So to me, I don't see a vast, coordinated, functional conspiracy when I see government. Instead, I see a collection of thieves and narcissists and frustrated revolutionaries, each motivated by their own independent goals, each trying to manipulate the levers of power to achieve what they want.

Obama struck me as a narcissist. Wanted the attention and praise, but no real deep understanding of people or the system. So he floated along on the surface, collecting accolades like his peace prize for some imagined future achievement, never really doing much, while beneath him, the deep state coalesced power under Hillary and made ready for her rule.

I don't think the deep state elected Trump. They hate him with a passion. Trump was a surprise to everyone, even those who voted for him. But, that doesn't mean that Trump is an enemy of the deep state -- he has made it very clear that he only said what he needed to say to get elected. Now that he is in power, he is slowly cleaning house of those Clinton bannermen who chose her over him and replacing them with people who will steer the deep state in his direction. Which appears to be roughly the same direction that Hillary wanted to steer it -- but was not the direction the people who voted for him wanted it to go.

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