Trump has just Announced that he has Decided to Pull out of the Iranian Nuclear Program !

in #news6 years ago (edited)

American President Donald J Trump has announced he is pulling out of the Nuclear Deal with Iran ! Accusing them of still searching to have and possibly use Nuclear Weapons against its enemies in the Middle East ! Which in short is Israel ! What will this mean ??

Does it mean that the new sanctions will be the first step towards crippling this nation ? So what will follow if these sanctions are thought not to be working ? Will it be outright war there ! Does this not put again Assad in Syria back in the crosshairs of Nato, him being known to be supoported by Iran?

This does not smell good at all and it just looks like they are going to carry on rolling out their never ending wars there to the benefit of the Industrial Miltary Complex that as ever must be looking to the oil and pipeline distribution they use to feed the industrial world with their deperately needed oil !

President Trump Gives Statement On Pulling Out The Iran Deal

Patriotic Populist
Published on 8 May 2018


The US needs an bogey man/enemy to keeps its citizens afraid, that way there will never be any questioning of the trillions spent on defence. Also it’s all part of the ongoing energy war, Iran and Syria are an important link in the chain of US/UK hegemony regarding the supply of fuel to Europe. They are desperate to stop Russian supply’s going through these countries and the only way is regime change.
The nuclear aspect is not about weaponry it’s about Iran’s ability to refine there own heavy crude which they would never sell for dollars...
Say no more....
It’s a multi faceted situation which I see going really bad if the neocons get there way, it is encouraging to see that the EU hasn’t fallen into line and the U.K. are still on the fence which may be their way of isolating Trump.
I think it’s a bad idea but at least Trump is keeping an election pledge which most politicians never do!

Hey @tremedospercy " but at least Trump is keeping an election pledge which most politicians never do!"
So did Trump pledge to go to war with Iran ?? Becuase i dont recall that and this sure likes the next step of that neverending war and control of the Middle East by the usual suspects ! He accuses of Iran funding Alqueda, when we no for a fact who actually does that, to be attacking Yemen when we know its Saudi Arabia ! To see Trump say this right now gives me a very bad feeling as this is the very policy of the NWO, another puppet ?? Another puppet Isure hope not ! If this goes down to a lower level then dont worry your head about Britain they will right in there with the rest of the Hyenas !! Anyway i just hope and think this is working at another level that we dont see, afterall the Iran Deal was struch with that Kerry traitor ubder Obama, so could be that Trump is unravelling more deep state stuff !

He pledged to back out of the Iranian nuclear deal in his campaign, that’s what I mean.
He hasn’t declared war on them only economic sanctions which they can easily get around now that there is an alternative to the SWIFT system.

Anyone in the job of POTUS is a puppet regardless of whether they do it knowingly or not, the US is a corporation run out of the City of London (a fact most people are unaware of) and Trump is just the current CEO who happened to take over in a what could be called a hostile takeover but he has no backing from the board so I doubt it will end well.

Why would Iran fund Al Qaeda when it’s an American construct!? Anyone who still believes in the Al Qaeda myth is an idiot.
I hope there is something going on at another level as you state but I have my doubts, I’m starting to think TPTB may let Trump make some changes domestically as long as he tows the line on foreign policy.
I guess time will tell.

Yes why is Trump now telling us its Iran behind Al Queda , we all know for years its Saudi Arabia and Israel who created that ! Also again its Saudi Arabia attacking Yemen and not Iran and yet he also made this claim of Iranian intervention there !! Thats what worries me as we hear yet again the very same narrative of , they are terrorists, they want to hurt us, they must feel the pain !! Enough of that BS propoganda of fear,it does not work anymore now thast we have the facts or at least many of us do ! Why is he citing these false informations ?? Does he have no serious people giving him the facts on all this, or does he know he is lying ?? This is my concern as if he knows and is saying this then it confirms our worst fears that he tows the line of the Neocon warmakers just like Bush and Obama before him ! I so want Trump to be the real deal and to continue to drain this swamp we all know is there !! yes like you say ,only time can tell, but im so tired of waiting for change for the better, I really thought it would come now !!
here is a good video for red ice which sheds some light on this decision,

This is the President " We the People" have been looking for! Someone gave the last clown a Noble Peace Prize.....they need rescind it ASAP!

I think Barry still has that up his ass no @abbir1213 ?? lol yes that was a disgrace and now the Nobel Peace Prize has as much value as a knighthood from the Queen ! They love to reward each other with these Satanic Gifts !

May be Trump telling lie.I don't believe him.

Tell me exactly the thing that you dont believe @shantal, I must say this announcement has totally gone over my head too, as there are highly strange comments made here to sell this decision i agree!!

Trump trump trump!!!! MAGA!

So do you think we should bomb Iran then @captainobviou3 ?? lol or is this merely your famous brand of humour and saitire ¿ lol

I doubt that we will need to bomb Iran. Israel has a close eye on them and they will more than likely continue to keep a thumb on them. However, I will say that if we do need to bomb, it will be a surgical move to remove a nuclear option for them. If there is a war, it will be on their soil and it won't last long with this administration behind the wheel.

Well @captainobviou3 that certainly is a very nice input into this subject which did worry me somewhat !thanks for that very inciteful Yes well Israel is the driving force begind this ! Do you not think that the United State is somewhat the bulldog of Israel ready to chew up any opposition ??

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