In U.S., Sometimes CIA Eat You

in #news6 years ago

The First U.S. Civil War is here. The real Civil War.

The one between We the People and the Government itself.

The U.S. Civil War fought by Lincoln is badly mis-named. Rightly considered it was a war to prevent independence of the South from the united States (not a mistake in capitalization). The South seceded.

Just like the Donbass today fights to fend off a Ukrainian army from eradication of ethnic Russians. Just like the colonists did against King George III.

Argue the legality of secession all you want, ultimately people have the sovereign right to determine the course of their own destiny. Ultimately, they can simply just say, “No.”

That they choose to abide by some of the legal fictions created around them by their oppressors is irrelevant.

When push comes to that proverbial shove you always have the right to tell some bully to shove it.

A true civil war is one where two factions fight for control of the existing government. It inherently assumes the current geographical arrangement is acceptable.

The two factions disagree about the leadership. And this disagreement in the U.S. is worth trillions to both sides.

Since Donald Trump held his press conference in Helsinki next to Russian President Vladimir Putin the cries of “treason” have been escalating. With each article written and each cable news segment aired, the position of our leaders in government became clear.

“We decide what the function of this government is, not you.”

All Statist arguments boil down to the State saves the savage rabble from themselves. Thus forms the ideological core of this conflict between The People and The Government, but really this is about power.

And The People want theirs back.

The intelligence agencies condemn Trump’s performance at Helsinki because they know this was his moment to strike back. He’d absorbed or deflected most of their outrageous slings and arrows and Helsinki was him pressing his advantage to work for peace with Russia after his initial success with North Korea.

In response the Intelligence Agencies officially declared open war against us and our agent, Donald Trump.

Don’t believe me?

This Reuters piece by CIA mouthpiece Tim Weiner spells it out in the first paragraph.

The foundations of American national security are under assault. The battle lines are drawn. On one side stand the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency. On the other: the commander-in-chief of the United States.

It has that “When in the course of human events…” ring to it, does it not?

Donald Trump’s appalling performance in Helsinki was a subversive act. He rejected the conclusion of American intelligence that his election was aided by a hydra-headed act of political warfare controlled by the Kremlin…
… The display of fealty to Moscow was indelible.

Translation: “Trump is a traitor to the U.S. ”

… But they [the IC] have the power to strike back. For two years now, high-ranking veterans of American intelligence have sounded the alarm about Trump in the starkest language possible.

Translation: “We are the Gatekeepers of Truth. The first line of defense who tried to warn you, the savage rabble.”

Weiner then peddles the pure fiction that the Deep State died with Nixon. And Trump’s “fulminating” about this is proof of both his cowardice and his growing insanity,. He does this while extolling the countless virtues of the thoroughly corrupt and partisan Mueller investigation.

Next step is isolation. Ruth Marcus writing for the CIA-operated WaPo demanded everyone who works for Trump to quit to “save your souls.”

Republicans and Democrats were in full braying mode about how Trump genuflected to a foreign leader. The cable news only stopped long enough to air commercials no one is watching.

Marcus’ piece is pure aigtprop to further paralyze Trump’s ability to function as an executive by his staff virtue signaling their fealty to a government a majority of Americans, right, left or libertarian, believe is simply out of control.

When did it become patriotic to genuflect to the CIA?

The ground is being prepared for a 25th Amendment challenge to Trump’s competency or an impeachment hearing after the mid-term elections. And with the stakes this high and the country now in a state of civil war, the ballot boxes will be battlegrounds.


Because Trump is winning this war against the Deep State. For all of his many faults he is winning more Americans to his side of the ledger. He gathers thousands of troops to rallies across the country while his poll numbers continue to rise, despite the increasingly ineffective barrage of media bombshells thrown his way.

He Tweets rhetorical bombs for the cost of 30 seconds while they spend billions trying to stop him from doing so.

So, the only way to create a “Blue Wave” is to manufacture one. The incentives are there. The radicalized poll workers and Supervisors of Elections are in place. Fully 25% of this country believes these accusations about Trump who believe they are saving themselves from the savage and stupid ‘deplorables’ who elected Trump.

Trump was elected to end the corruption we see around us every day. That corruption infects both the Democrats and their co-conspirators in the GOP. Most of America, in one fashion or another, knows there is something terribly wrong in D.C.

And many are still patriotic enough to see what is happening. Americans love an underdog and Trump is certainly that guy right now.

The response by the unelected gatekeepers of the status quo, the very Deep State that Tim Weiner denies exists, has been to declare open war on them since to the Presser Heard Round the World.

And that is fundamentally un-American.

They are committing the same treason, conspiring with foreign governments to undermine the sitting President, they accuse him of. This is open insurrection that is only tolerated because Trump is still mostly a captured King in his own palace.

D.C. is a lawless land where power for me and not for thee is the rule.

This is a fight to the death between these two factions seeking control over America’s future. The Intelligence Agencies are the vanguard forces of the real power threatened by Trump and Putin colluding to end needless aggravation of U.S./Russian relations.

The media are their shock troops.

Both have been exposed like much of the U.S. military’s weaponry in the past few years to be oriented towards fighting the wrong war.

They perfected the last type of information war but for all of their skill the Overton Window has shifted too far, leaving them exposed.

They fear Trump’s near preternatural understanding of the U.S. media cycle complementing Putin’s logistical and diplomatic superiority forming a bulwark which rebuffs all of their attacks.

But, the real fight begins now. Chuck Schumer warned Trump about going against the CIA. It was obvious then that Schumer outed himself as compromised. His fear of exposure was written all over his face.

Today that warning is real and Trump is surrounded by bears, angry at having disturbed its dreams of global control.

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I see the civil war forming, but to me, it feels like an angry mob of scared people who are about to lose everything.

The problem is that the lines currently are the welfare-recipients vs the welfare-payers.

And, if it ever really comes to blows, the welfare-recipients have nothing. They have no production. They have no food. They have no energy.
They may be able to deny everyone from having iPhones and expensive burnt coffee.

They have nothing. If there was an actual war declared, they lost.

Now, those three letter agencies have been running black ops for so long that they are mostly self funded. They have caches of weapons all over the planet. They have people working on all kinds of bad tech. They have a lot of covert power, but what will they have if they have to fight an overt war?

The biggest thing to fight is the image that Hoover painstakingly worked with Hollywood to create. That the FBI is the highest crime fighters in the country. Although, even 50 years ago, a raid on an FBI facility found that 90% of what the FBI did was gather black files on important people.

So, what is this coming war going to look like?

Hello @goldgoatsnguns,
I upvoted your post because you told us clearly your thoughts about Trump.
I not agree, he is NOT on the peoples side.
The deep state is a big problem, for sure...
I never heard any critic or saw any action from Trump against the real danger BEHIND the deep state, Zionists, Vatican, the Banks...
So what, ask yourself on which side Trump really stays...
I only see with his actions he forces a civil war in US, between the people, not between people and government..
He forces the divide and conquer game...
The chaos is rising like never before since he is president..
Take a look at your 1 dollar note, it's written on it..
My opinion, best regards

Did you see the report this morning of Trump wanting to dictate policy to the Fed?

He'll change six of 7 Fed governors in his first term. It's been 18 months. There are a lot of problems to solve and they have to be solved in order. The first one was the media. They're done, Trump torched them. The Second was Hollywood, each day they get attacked and exposed for the creepy pedophiles and rapists they are at the top of that industry.

Now he's in a fight with the Deep State -- the unelected buraeucracy that refuses to change anything. Congress is next with the mid-terms. He's seeking allies from foreign heads of state to help him reform the U.S. government... and that means Putin, Xi and a few others.

Trump has requested no less than ten times a meeting with Iranian President Rouhani. Why?

To see where a solution could occur that ends the theocracy with a minimal amount of chaos. Not happening yet. Won't happen in 2019 either.

The Shadow Government, what you are talking about, cannot be attacked until the pillars of its power are first broken down. You don't run up to the king with a dagger while he's surrounded by guards with machine guns. Not smart. Things happen in order. You fix what you can where you can and move onto the next target.

Not looking for faith here, just saying think about the very big picture.

ok, I can understand and I hope you right.. But it's getting more and more difficult to see who are the good and who are the bad guys..
The future will tell us, but I not trust any of them, including Trump

Cool. Glad that clarified things for you. And yes, it is getting hard to figure out what's going on. The best thing to do is look at who the establishement hates and ask "Why?"

That will, more often than not, lead you to close to the right answer.

Trump is one of them. The people/citizens didn't elect him because the Elections are sElections. The Sovereigns choose who the President is, not the Citizens. If you owned a company, would you let the employees pick who the CEO was? If your a really really clever owner of a company, you would let the Employees believe the CEO is one "them", a man of the people. But, it's a clever ruse. Even better than the Obama ruse over Liberals 8 years earlier. There is no animosity among them. They are a well oiled machine and immensely loyal to each other.

Left Wing - Right Wing - Same Bird.

I start from this premise in all of my analysis. So, answer this, why are the members of this 'well-oiled machine' out to destroy Trump and install someone else?
They thought they had another Reagan on their hands. They don't. I'm not saying Trump will win, I'm not saying he's not compromised to an extent. But, he's clearly something that has a lot of very powerful people spooked and he's attacking the very foundations of the post WWII institutional order.

They are still selling us on the idea that that is unthinkable, but it is. NATO is obsolete and dangerous. Trump is attacking that. He's thwarted plans for transnational treaties/agreements like TPP, TTIP and the Paris Accord. These were BIG PARTS of the next phase.

Gone... Stroke of the pen, law of the land, kinda cool.

He's not perfect, but being this dismissive is not constructive. I had a hard time coming around to his corner. I'm still skeptical, but I'm no longer dismissive.

I urge you to consider the meaning of the phrase 'controlled opposition' in this context.

While I strongly oppose sexual abuse, for example, the #metoo movement posed as opposition to sexual abuse, while utterly derailing the actual opposition that was organically rousing.

I believe the exact same principle is at work regarding Trump. His cabinet is the deep state. His rhetoric is precisely engineered to resonate with we the people, while the deep state program of war in the ME continues unabated. Just ask Yemeni children.

While Trump is not HRC, and the desperate straits the deep state are in due to the technological revolution perforce necessitate they give lip service to our stirring against the ubiquitous gangland corruption all states are, the actual exertion of purging government of those corrupt actors is NOT occurring. More importantly, it is not the actors that are the cause of corruption. They are but symptoms of a system designed to attract corrupt actors into positions where profitable corruption can be undertaken.

The system of surveillance, oppression, and bankster collusion is not even being contemplated. The system itself is the problem, and there is not even rhetoric being expended towards the end of freedom from it. Were Trump intent on it, it surely would be.

Why did Trump ask 'why is Podesta not in jail yet?'

Either he does not have the power to effect government, or he was merely arousing our agreement in principle and posing as incapable of effecting government. Either way, Trump is not our saviour, and our salvation depends on our own action to disempower the state.

The fact is that our liberty depends not on figureheads of state, but ourselves. You and I strongly agree regarding liberty. I hope we can agree on tactics as well. If we don't manage to, at least we can agree on principle: we are actually free sovereign persons, are the sole source of rights that exist, and this lays at our feet the obligation to effect them.


I think the full-throated opposition to Trump is real and the powers-that-be are scared of what he and the rest of the populists across Europe represent. Trump is many things and a captured king in his own castle is one of them. So, he will cut deals here and there. But, this meeting with Putin was opposed because they know Putin knows everything about what they've done.

I have vacillated on Trump in the past. I'm not sold on the idea that he can win this fight, but I do believe he is doing his best to fight it. That sometimes can look like 'controlled opposition.' The real 'controlled opposition' sits at the top of the GOP.

Highly rEsteemed!

The Freefall of Empire.

Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at 8.51.11 PM.png

Thanks @frankbacon!

It seems you have changed your tune on Trump, which I am glad to see. The only assurance I need that Trump is one of us, is the constant barrage of media attacks against him ever since he started running for president. I applaud him , and pray that he stays safe.

I still don't trust Trump's worldview which I think is deeply flawed. Don't get me wrong, it's hard to be in his corner sometimes. And his view of the conflict between Iran and Israel is his weakness.

My hope has always been that he stick to his guns on being Loki and causing as much damage to the system as possible. Trump is not a builder in this story, he's the destroyer, the agent of chaos. He'll start this fight, but someone else will finish it.

I appreciate all of his strengths and faults and will praise him when he does good and blast him when he doesn't. I refuse to be in a cult of personality.

Sure. We shouldn't jump on the "Trump can do no wrong" bandwagon, I agree. Yes, he certainly knows how to start a fight, all the socialists are just squealing up here in the nanny nation of Canada, and all over the world everytime he opens his mouth. I love it. And maybe I'm too optimistic, but I still believe that Q and Trump are working to bring down the deep state. Time will tell I guess. At the end of the day, at least you guys in the States have a man as a leader who knows how to make decisions, and start a fight. What do we have here? We have a Justin who likes to prance around in gay pride parades, has convicted pedos as buddies, and as a main concern he is working to ban plastic straws as the world creeps closer towards chaos. What do you call that? I want to vote with my feet.

lovely write @goldgoatsnguns
thank you for sharing

Thanks for sharing.........../

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