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RE: The Calm before the Storm! EMINEM responds to Trump????

in #news7 years ago

He's a legend Bonnie. Fuck Trump...I didn't see anything wrong with it. Honestly, I think white Americans secretly love that man... Clinton was almost impeached...but no notion to get Trump impeached has even started??? America voted. Hate Trump though is like a psychotic joke....If you hate Trump...why was his voting numbers so large? America is a psychopath that likes the twisted shit. They love Trump...smh...Yet Obama was all types of names and shit,,,,smh...Anyway, you know I fucks with you Bonnie. Thanks for sharing, I didn't even watch the awards....I honestly don't watch shit on tv too much. This country is sick...for real for real...And the history of America is a sick, perverted, genocidal one, that "many" Americans don't want to address...cause they're fucking guilty of the benefits from the sick shit. No assassination attempt, yet they killed Kennedy???...But Trump gets left alone???...shits crazy....Anyway, came by to show some love and talk shit. Peace. Love the music btw.


much respects for you mista @geechidan love your fire on the mic always. Trump does some crazy things, I am with ya, I think he does a lot out loud where as other president sorda hide there workings, but I am honestly not one to say, its so confusing at this point, we all have different informations and different perspectives on it. One thing for Eminems cypher that just bothered me was the line drawing, cause I feel like this is the whole point of whats happening now, people picking sides and causing seperation, I just feel the root of all these problems comes with spreading fear and hate, Its like we need to switch gears, pointing out facts is great, there are some great points in the bars with eminem, that I think really worked, and if he ended this saying lets aim for peace, lets come together for each other, lets stop those trying to misdirect us as hes saying with our voices, then hell yeah I would have felt pumped for it, thats our real power there, but drawing a line, your either for or against and fuck you if you cant decide, is push fear pressure. Massive respects to your passions my friend, these passions here were totally disappointed, cause to me it flips what could have been a strong impact for people toward a positive to someone hypin an only partially developed image to get people to argue and sell records for his newly coming release. That is such a shame, and to me I swear that feels like what hes doing. I dont know my friend at the same time my hands are in the air like WTF. I just dont know. Crazy times.


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