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RE: Draconian Japan: New Legislation Makes Nearly Anyone a "Terrorist."

in #news7 years ago

Horrifiyng indeed...

I am glad I read in the paper this morning, that a new law proposal (in Belgium that is) was denied... This new law would also be "counter terrorism"...

Now what it stated was the next (in my own words):
The Belgian Police would be able to arrest anybody, I repeat anybody, who can be linked to "Terrosist" case for 72 hours... Off course, nowhere to be found, the things that makes a case, a "terrorist" case.... You can picture where it goes from there yourself I guess...

Man I am so tired of government (every government)... What they do is, they saw fear and dispair with some false flag terrorism (not everything is false flag I guess, but I think more than most people realize)... And then, they take away the rights of their citizens so they can better fight this so called terrorism...

Jesus man....

(Sorry for the bad English, but not the mother tongue)


I hear you loud and clear. I feel the same. Thanks for this comment man. It is good to feel less alone and know that others understand.

I feel you man... And the sad part, when you read the comments on the internet, you see all these people being upset about it. And that just makes me realize how good they are doing with all their plans... Keep them divided, left vs right, black vs white, science vs spirituality,... As long as they are bashing eachother, they don't got the time investigating and bashing us...

When are the people going to realize this??

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