The FRN Daily News Brief 2019-01-31steemCreated with Sketch.

in #news6 years ago

This Daily FRN News Brief is a summary of 10 articles about Eurasia, Headline-News, Latin-America, Russia, Venezuela, Mena, Syria, Germany, Politics, Propaganda, Anglo-5, Brazil, China, United-States, Conspiracy-Theories, Opinions, Ukraine, Canada.
Tags in this brief: Maduro, Russia, Venezuela, SDF, Syria, YPG, History, Hitler, Nazi Germany, Paulus, Stalin, Stalingrad, USSR, Bolsonaro, Brazil, China, US, Assange, Propaganda, Russian Media, Wikileaks, Coup, Guaido, Supreme Tribunal, Kiev, Ukraine, Canada, Lima Group, Trump, Kiril, Orthodoxy, Politics, Religion.

Let us know in the comments if there is anything you miss coverage on!

Table of Contents

Russia reaffirms that it stands with Maduro, says Guaidó is illegitimate

Published 2019-01-31 21:15:27 by Paul Antonopoulos in Eurasia, Headline-News, Latin-America, Russia, Venezuela

MOSCOW, Russia - The head of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Russian Senate, Konstantin Kosachev, declared on Wednesday that the status of President of Venezuela is determined by the people, so Russia does not recognize the presidential status of opposition candidate Juan Guaidó. "Guaidó's status can not be determined by the outside world, be it the president of the United States or any other country. It can only be determined by the people of Venezuela and only by constitutional means," said the senator. "In this sense, for Russia, the presidential status of Guaidó does not exist," emphasized Kosachev. The... Continue ->

Tags: Maduro, Russia, Venezuela

RUSSIA BLASTS US PUPPETS: Kurdish forces block Syrian government aid convoy

Published 2019-01-31 19:09:05 by Paul Antonopoulos in Eurasia, Mena, Russia, Syria

HAJIN, Syria - Kurdish militia units on Wednesday blocked a convoy of humanitarian aid sent by Syrian officials to the city of Hajin, forcing vehicles to return, said Lieutenant-General Sergei Solomatin, head of the Russian Center for Syrian Reconciliation. According to Solomatin, Damascus, along with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent Society, organized on January 30 the sending of humanitarian aid to Hajin, located on the east bank of the Euphrates River. "A humanitarian aid column consisting of 10 trucks carrying bottled water, food and medical supplies as well as hygiene products and basic necessities was blocked in the settlement area... Continue ->

Tags: Russia, SDF, Syria, YPG

RUSSIA DEFENDS MADURO: Moscow blasts Western support for military coup in Venezuela

Published 2019-01-31 17:00:53 by Paul Antonopoulos in Eurasia, Headline-News, Latin-America, Russia, Venezuela

MOSCOW, Russia - The West supports the destructive proposal of Venezuelan National Assembly President Juan Guaidó for a military coup in Venezuela, said a spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova. Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó "openly encourages the military to carry out a military coup," the diplomat said during a press conference, the US newspaper reports. "We see that Western sponsors support this destructive line by all means," she added. This indicates that "Washington's borders no longer exist: neither interstate, nor economic, nor moral," Zakharova said, adding that "we can not say that the threat of large-scale armed... Continue ->

Tags: Maduro, Russia, Venezuela

Nazi Germany Was Defeated at Stalingrad On this day in 1943

Published 2019-01-31 16:04:40 by Guest Author in Eurasia, Germany, Headline-News, Politics, Propaganda, Russia

By Ilya Belous On this day, January 31, 1943, the Southern group of German fascist forces led by Field Marshall F. Paulus capitulated in Stalingrad. On January 22, 1943, the Red Army moved on to the active destruction of the enemy surrounded at Stalingrad. The troops of the Don Front resumed the offensive across the entire 22-km front line. Soviet units occupied the Gumrak airfield, making it impossible to supply the group of invaders surrounded near Stalingrad. On January 22, 1943, Paulus reported to the commander of the Don army group: “Russians are advancing on a six-kilometer front on both... Continue ->

Tags: History, Hitler, Nazi Germany, Paulus, Stalin, Stalingrad, USSR

US encourages Brazil to become a puppet against Russia, Venezuela and China

Published 2019-01-31 15:37:48 by Paul Antonopoulos in Anglo-5, Brazil, China, Eurasia, Headline-News, Latin-America, Russia, United-States, Venezuela

WASHINGTON DC, The United States - US President Donald Trump should seize a historic opportunity to bring the United States closer to Brazil under the command of former Brazilian Army captain Jair Bolsonaro with a focus on barring Russia and China's "evil intentions" in South America, said Republican Senator Marco Rubio. In an article published on the website of the CNN network, Rubio affirmed that Bolsonaro's presence in the Brazilian Presidency marks a new era in Brazilian politics, after the " leftist, anti-American governments of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Dilma Roussef," allowing a " historic opportunity "to bring... Continue ->

Tags: Bolsonaro, Brazil, China, Russia, US, Venezuela

Kid Gloves II: Wikileaks and How Russian Media Doesn't Understand the American Psyche

Published 2019-01-31 13:48:56 by Ronald Thomas West in Anglo-5, Conspiracy-Theories, Eurasia, Headline-News, Opinions, Russia, United-States

Now we dig into the enigma of Russian propaganda in relation to Wikileaks and exactly 'W.T.F.' is going on? Recalling... Is it a case of I don’t understand Russian propaganda or is it Russian propagandists don’t fully understand the Western mentality or is it a case of the Russians are handling the madmen of NATO with ‘kid gloves’ ? we dig into the enigma of Russian propaganda in relation to Wikileaks and exactly 'W.T.F.' is going on? Ignoring Kim Dotcom's assigning of responsibility to Hillary Clinton (a deep state muppet whose singular intelligence is best represented in her giant... Continue ->

Tags: Assange, Propaganda, Russian Media, Wikileaks

Venezuelan Prosecutor General "Eager to Investigate Guaido"

Published 2019-01-31 13:19:31 by Joaquin Flores in Headline-News, Latin-America, Venezuela

CARACAS - In stunning move based on extraordinarily nebulous grounds, Washington has declared that it has certified the authority of the Lima Group puppet, Venezuelan opposition figure Juan Guaido to be in control of some of the Venezuelan sovereign assets held by the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank of New York as well as other US-insured banking institutions. In response, Venezuela's Prosecutor General Tarek Saab stated on Tuesday that the court should start an investigation against Guaido in the aftermath of of his illegal self-declaration of being the president, which later saw violent clashes in the country as well as the blocking of Venezuelan... Continue ->

Tags: Coup, Guaido, Supreme Tribunal, Venezuela

Kiev must create weapons to attack Russia 'in depth', says Ukrainian expert

Published 2019-01-31 13:05:22 by Paul Antonopoulos in Eurasia, Headline-News, Russia, Ukraine

KIEV, Ukraine - The situation in the Black and Azov Seas develops extremely unfavorably for Ukraine and therefore Kiev needs to try to shift the balance of forces in its favor by devising weapons capable of "attacking in depth the territory of Russia." This opinion was expressed by the deputy director of the Center for Army Studies, Conversion and Disarmament, Mikhail Samus, in an article published in the journal Apostrof. Samus acknowledged that Russia completely dominates the Black and Azov seas. At the same time, neither NATO nor Ukraine can prevent it. In addition, the reaction of Western countries to... Continue ->

Tags: Kiev, Russia, Ukraine

'Not Trump': British Deep State of Canada Caught Steering Venezuelan Coup

Published 2019-01-31 12:45:28 by Guest Author in Anglo-5, Canada, Conspiracy-Theories, Headline-News, Opinions

By Matthew J.L Ehret - Since Venezuela’s opposition leader Juan Guaido declared himself president on January 23, it has become obvious to all intelligent onlookers that this “people-power color revolution” is not directed by Trump at all but rather by what has been exposed as the trans-national “Deep State”. When we look behind the layers of false narratives obscuring the true motives behind this operation, we should not be surprised to find the ugly picture of an insecure empire trying desperately to break apart the new coalition of Russia-China-American partnership now in danger of overthrowing the script for global dictatorship that has... Continue ->

Tags: Canada, Coup, Guaido, Lima Group, Maduro, Trump, Venezuela

Patriarch Kirill affirms political neutrality of the Russian Orthodox Church

Published 2019-01-31 09:48:08 by Joaquin Flores in Eurasia, Headline-News, Politics, Russia, Ukraine

MOSCOW - The Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) will not support any political forces, said Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia on Thursday, January 31, at a meeting with journalists dedicated to the tenth anniversary of his ascension to the patriarchal throne. “We should not expect any political program or support of any political forces, pro-government or opposition, from us,” Kirill said, adding that the ROC will not turn into a political force that serves the interests of only a part of society, reports TASS . The patriarch added that he did not support the multi-party political system. In his opinion, the party... Continue ->

Tags: Kiril, Orthodoxy, Politics, Religion, Russia, Ukraine

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