What I have found Interesting in JFK files so far, Need to review new documents. Part 1, depending on post lenght reqs.

in #news7 years ago


How interesting it is that Steemit doesnt seem to have the JFK files trending. You know the network isnt bots and sheeple when that’s the case. But maybe there will be some bigger things in the newest releases, haven’t seen anything big pointed out by the MSM yet. The things below are not only in government documents but have been reported by the Mainstream media oligarchs.

As new things are discovered new posts will be made. The documents reveal some interesting theories of important actors like Johnson and important Soviet elites on who murdered the president. The Cuban ambassador was reported to be happy JFK was killed. Hitler may not have died in a bunker and escaped and for some reason this information has been denied to the public as related to JFK files?? Testimony by a spook on whether Oswald had CIA ties was cut short without confirming nor denying.

Thirty minutes before president was killed, at least one British news outlet was told via anonymous phone call to call US embassy for big story. CIA multiple times tried to kill Fidel and discussed murdering Congolese leader Patrice LaMumba whose voice was snuffed out in 61’. Hoover made statements that implied he wanted to convince public of Oswald innocence before major investigation had been done. Law enforcement was already investigating Oswald before JFK assassination. FBI may have warned Dallas PD about murder conspiracy of Oswald before Oswald’s voice and ability to contest the accusations against him in court with jury of peers. Also the files revealed evidence of US government considering false flag terrorism to advance its foreign policy objectives.

It’s not every year a murdered president’s secret files are released, one might expect a supposedly independent media network would give a shit and have it trending. But perhaps people like being sheep and like being lied to and don’t really give a shit whether the network is corporately owned or decentralized blockchain. Perhaps McLuhan is correct and the “medium is the message” and perhaps the medium is of a ton of people who don’t care what happened 50 years ago, and don’t care they supposedly live in a democracy where various spooks have asymetric levels of access to information procured by them being forced at the barrel of a gun to subsidize a group of spooks acting behind the curtains. I have tried to provide links to the primary documents as well.

Different Elite Actors Theories on JFK Killer (1.Johnson’s 2.Soviet’s)


"Lyndon B. Johnson believed Kennedy killed as payback"

"One of the 2,800 records released this week shows Johnson believed Kennedy was behind the assassination of the South Vietnamese president weeks before he was killed in Dallas. The document says Johnson believed Kennedy's murder was payback. The 1975 deposition quotes CIA Director Richard Helms as saying Johnson had described his suspicion, but that Helms did not know where Johnson got that idea.

Johnson was quoted in a book, the Kennedy Assassination Tapes, as saying Kennedy died because of "divine retribution.""




”FBI source claimed KGB had data indicating LBJ was responsible for assassination of JFK" .. "Our source added that in the instructions from Moscow, it was indicated that 'now' the KGB was in possession of data purporting to indicate President Johnson was responsible for the assassination of the late President John F. Kennedy. KGB headquarters indicated that in view of this information, it was necessary for the Soviet Government to know the existing personal relationship between President Johnson and the Kennedy family, particularly that between President Johnson and Robert and 'Ted' Kennedy."



Cuban ambassador reportedly happy that JFK was murdered

"In 1963, however, the Cuban ambassador to the US reacted with “happy delight” to the murder, according to a CIA memo."


Hitler May Have Escaped Bunker and Theory In Files, Perhaps He Is One of The Many Redacted Names???

Perhap Hitler didn't die in a bunker but escaped to Columbia? Will be interesting what the full JFK files reveal??

"The first of the documents relevant to the Nazi leader is an internal memo, classified as "Secret" when it was sent on Oct. 3, 1955. It was from the CIA's Caracas station in Venezuela, and it said CIMELODY-3 had been shown a photograph by his contact in Colombia that purportedly showed another escaped Nazi officer standing next to Hitler. "On 29 September 1955, the photo was shown to CIMELODY-3 for purposes of getting his reaction to the possible veracity of this fantastic story. Obviously, CIMELODY-3 was not in any position to make any comments. Nonetheless, he borrowed the photograph long enough so that this Station could take any action deemed advisable," the memo reads.

The grainy black and white photo undoubtedly shows a man who resembles the leader of Germany's Third Reich, but the CIA's skepticism is evident in the remarks.

From the documents, it appears CIMELODY-3 never met the actual source of the information, a former Nazi SS trooper identified by the CIA as Phillip Citroen.

Citroen allegedly told the CIA agent's source he met "Hitler" in Tunja, Colombia, in 1954, a place he described as "overly populated with former German Nazis.""



Lee Harvey Oswald May Have CIA ties

"It was a previously classified 1975 deposition of former CIA director Richard Helms before the President’s Commission on CIA Activities in which Helms was asked about Lee Harvey Oswald, the former Marine who shot Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963, in Dallas. Oswald himself was killed by nightclub owner Jack Ruby at Dallas police headquarters on live television, fueling decades of conspiracy theories.

The 1975 testimony, taken by the commission’s counsel, David Belin, cut off right at the most tantalizing part.

MR. BELIN: Well, now, the final area of my interrogation relates to charges that the CIA was in some way conspiratorially involved with the assassination of President Kennedy. During the time of the Warren Commission, you were Deputy Director of Plans, is that correct?

MR. HELMS: I believe so.

MR. BELIN: Is there any information involved with the assassination of President Kennedy which in any way shows that Lee Harvey Oswald was in some way a CIA agent or an age[nt]…"



Lee Harvey Oswald may have had CIA ties

British News Outlet told nearly 30 minutes before assassination to call American Embassy for big news

"A chilling ‘tip-off’ from Britain that very day Another FBI memo reveals that a senior reporter at the Cambridge News received an anonymous phone call saying: “Call the American Embassy in London for some big news”. According to MI5, the call was made just 25 minutes before Kennedy was shot dead. The memo described the Cambridge News reporter as “a sound and loyal person with no security record.”"



CIA considered assassinating Congolese leader Patrice LaMumba who was killed in 61’ and made attempts on Fidel Castro

"CIA assassination plots abound Advertisement

The documents include details of various CIA attempts to assassinate foreign leaders, most frequently Castro.

According to a 1975 “summary of facts”, the CIA also considered killing Congolese leader Patrice Lumumba and Indonesian president Sukarno.

Receipts and financial accounts for clandenstine projects also show tens of thousands of dollars paid out for anti-communist activities, supplies, and weapons, directed at Cuba, others in the Dominican Republic, Congo, and north and south Vietnam."

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/oct/27/jfk-documents-what-we-have-learned-so-far https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/docid-32112745.pdf

Evidence of Hoover and FBI wanting to convince public Oswald was assassin before serious investigation

These kinds of statements exude confidence.

"FBI concerned about conspiracy theories from start In his 24 November memo, Hoover had already started to fear conspiracy theorising. “The thing I am concerned about,” Hoover said, “is having something issued so that we can convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin.”"


Law enforcement may have been looking for Oswald before assassination

""Officers looking for Oswald before assassination The Dallas division of the FBI was trying to track Oswald in October 1963, according to memos by the New Orleans division of the bureau.

An agent there wrote that Oswald was of interest according to “Cuban sources”, and that he had forwarded the information to Dallas authorities. “That office is presently conducting inquiries to locate Lee Harvey Oswald,” the memo said."

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/oct/27/jfk-documents-what-we-have-learned-so-far https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/docid-32197130.pdf

Oswald may have met with Soviet assassin squad before interesting trip to Mexico City

"Oswald spoke to ‘member of KGB assassination unit’ According to an intercepted phone call in Mexico City, Oswald was at the Soviet embassy there on 28 September 1963 and spoke with the consul, Valeriy Vladimirovich Kostikov. Oswald later called the embassy on 1 October, identifying himself by name and speaking broken Russian, asking the guard who answered the phone whether there was “anything new concerning the telegram to Washington.”

The CIA memo calls Kostikov “an identified KGB officer” and a member of Department 13, a unit “responsible for sabotage and assassination”."

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/oct/27/jfk-documents-what-we-have-learned-so-far https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/docid-32364160.pdf

FBI claims it notified Dallas PD before assassination of Oswald obviously to no avail, perhaps any quantum leap failed, Ziggy would be sad.

"FBI warned Dallas police of threat to kill Oswald The FBI warned Dallas police of a death threat to Lee Harvey Oswald, according to a memo by director J Edgar Hoover, but the police failed to protect him.

“Last night we received a call in our Dallas office from a man talking in a calm voice and saying he was a member of a committee organized to kill Oswald,” Hoover wrote on 24 November 1963.

“We at once notified the chief of police and he assured us Oswald would be given sufficient protection. This morning we called the chief of police again warning of the possibility of some effort against Oswald and again he assured us adequate protection would be given.

“However, this was not done.”"



As Danny Glover might ask, will the real terrorists please stand up?

What yall think about evidence of Operation Mongoose and Operation Northwoods in JFKfiles??? Ya'll happy your government at least thought about using false flag terrorism? (Page 13, paragraph 14)

"We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington. The terror campaign could be pointed at Cuban refugees seeking haven in the United States. We could sink a boatload of Cubans enroute to Florida (real or simulated). We could foster attempts on lives of Cuban refugees in the United States even to the extent of wounding in instances to be widely publicized. Exploding a few plastic bombs in carefully chosen spots, the arrest of a Cuban agent and the release of prepared documents subtantiating Cuban involvement also would be helpful in projecting the idea of an irresponsible government."

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“Give Me Money. Money Me. Money Now. Me a money needing a lot now.”

The War on Drugs is such a great way to telelogically manufacture autonomous people into more desired ones while nominally maximizing public welfare by victimizing the innocent for conduct that has no victims?


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I wonder if there were bullet holes in the JFK windshield and what that might mean??


Here is an interesting CAD video on the event.

This looks like the Zapruder film that may be best moving images of the assassination.


"Martin Luther King had an affair with Joan Baez according to FBI dirt file put together 3 weeks before assassination https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/104-10125-10133.pdf …"


“I'd like some legal representation but these police officers have not allowed me to have any..... [Did you shoot the president?] No. They're taking me in because of the fact that I lived in the Soviet Union. I'm just a patsy."

"By 1966, it seemed the country was starting to walk away from that idea. The conspiracy number had dropped to 50 percent and the Oswald figure had climbed to 36 percent.
But by December of 1976, the conspiracy number jumped to 81 percent in the Gallup data. There are likely a few reasons for that spike. The film of the assassination taken by Abraham Zapruder became public in 1975 and that helped lead to the 1976 creation of the House Select Committee on Assassination, which investigated the deaths of John Kennedy and Martin Luther King.
Whatever the reason, the conspiracy figure stayed relatively high in the Gallup data, not dropping below 74% for decades. The latest numbers from Gallup, from a 2013 survey taken to mark the 50th anniversary of the event, showed 61% of Americans believed the assassination was a conspiracy, while 30% believed Oswald acted alone.
And a new survey from FiveThirtyEight released this week finds that’s right about where the public is today: 61% believe others were involved in JFK’s assassination, while 33% believe one man acted alone.”


Great setof information about the different theories around this event.
Take care.

Thanks for the feedback and thanks for the powerful upvote. I hope the weekend was enjoyable for you!!! I will make a new post if new things come out as releases continue so keep checking my wall here/via steemfollow

“I'd like some legal representation but these police officers have not allowed me to have any..... [Did you shoot the president?] No. They're taking me in because of the fact that I lived in the Soviet Union. I'm just a patsy."


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