Greg Hunter: Weekly News Wrap-Up for Week Ending 7 February 2020

in #news5 years ago

Greg Hunter provides a wrap-up of the news during the past week with his own unique commentary and perspective.


  • (00:30) End of the impeachment trial in the U.S. Senate;
  • (03:04) State of the Union speech;
  • (12:20) Acquitted;
  • (17:37) Iowa caucus disaster;
  • (20:06) Bernie Sanders campaign;
  • (20:39) Markets;
  • (22:48) Coronavirus;
  • (00:45) Another massively oversubscribed term repo confirms persisting liquidity woes;
  • and more..

30 minute video by Greg Hunter published 6 February 2020


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USA Watchdog on SteemIt: @usawatchdog

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Hola @etcmike una semana muy activa… pero lo más triste es coronavirus, es lamentable que pasen cosas así… Espero tengas un excelente fin de semana.
((( Mi Post + Reciente )))
((( My Post + Recent )))

Thank you very much for the interview with GREG HUNTER, have a good day and have a great mood

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for the latest news. You should always be in the know.

great interview,thanks for sharing

Una distracción bien organizada y le dan un giro definitivo justo cuando la economía china esta afectando los mercados, solo son estrategias.

A well organized distraction and a definitive turnaround just when the Chinese economy is affecting the markets, are just strategies.

Hay personas que no tienen idea de cómo se mueven los mercados y opinan que todo esto del virus no afecta los mercados siendo que los está afectando más de lo que podamos imaginar.

There are people who have no idea how the markets move and think that this whole virus thing does not affect the markets being that it is affecting them more than we can imagine.

Hello @etcmike, President Trump is very lucky... or will it be the experience of handling this kind of situation he is used to that makes him succeed.

Hola @etcmike, el presidente Trump tiene mucha suerte… o será la experiencia manejando este tipo de situaciones a las cuales ya está acostumbrado que lo hace salir airoso.

En fin no saben hacer las cosa bien… o fue todo esto una pantomima para ganar tiempo y ahora que si hay algo real para distraer se retiran del escenario.

Either they don't know how to do things right... or it was all a pantomime to buy time and now that if there's something real to distract them they withdraw from the stage.

Saludos @etcmike, esto no termina aquí. Es más creo que sigue y se va a extender.

Greetings @etcmike, it doesn't end here. In fact, I think it's going to go on and on.

Nice work thanks @etcmike sir for sharing interview series.

Posted using Partiko Android

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