Greg Hunter: Weekly News Wrap-Up for Week Ending 14 February 2020

in #news5 years ago

Greg Hunter provides a wrap-up of the news during the past week with his own unique commentary and perspective.


  • (00:16) Critics of the U.S. President see thirst for vengeance;
  • (03:51) New Hampshire primaries;
  • (08:08) U.S. Attorney General William Barr's testimony before U.S. Congress;
  • (08:57) Greg's election predictions;
  • (11:14) Roger Stone trial rigged;
  • (11:54) U.S. Attorney General William Barr: 'Sanctuary' policies are unconstitutional, discriminatory;
  • (13:45) U.S. Pentagon moving $3.8 billion from weapons programs to fund southern border wall;
  • (16:14) Judicial Watch sues FBI for Seth Rich documents after they were caught lying to courts;
  • (17:38) Former Missouri Governor Eric Greitens exonerated of any wrongdoing by Missouri Ethics Commission;
  • (18:52) Economic impact of Coronavirus;
  • (20:32) World Health Organization (WHO) warns "Must do everything now... vaccine will take 18 months";
  • (27:53) Get ready;
  • and more..

30 minute video by Greg Hunter published 13 February 2020


Greg Hunter's YouTube channel: USAWatchDog
USA Watchdog website USA Watchdog
USA Watchdog on SteemIt: @usawatchdog

I am not affiliated with the USAWatchDog, other than being a fan and avid follower of Greg's work.
The purpose of this post is to raise awareness of the USAWatchDog, give Greg's work a wider audience, and direct traffic to his YouTube channel.

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A fairly complete and realistic summary @etcmike it seems that economists could not take into account factors such as this virus plaguing China... and in one way or another it is a stroke of luck for the markets to benefit.

Un resumen bastante completo y realista @etcmike al parecer los economistas no podían tomar en cuenta factores como este virus que azota a China… y de una u otra forma es un golpe de suerte para los mercados que salen beneficiados.

Que locura @etcmike unos se pelean por el poder y otros se están muriendo a causa del coronavirus y ahora resulta que todas esas muertes les benefician a algunos en su economía…
What madness @etcmike some are fighting for power and others are dying because of the coronavirus and now it turns out that all those deaths benefit some in their economy...

I just wish governments would tell us the truth. When we all know what is happening, then we be prepared as best as possible.

Have a great weekend!
Steem on,

informative interview with GREG HUNTER, thank you very much for sharing, have a good day and a great mood

Posted using Partiko Android

Good on you - I had not listened to him before and I quite like him. Always glad to discover another voice willing to speak the truth.

Greg Hunter does source all his topics and speaks his mind.

Greg also has a variety of guests through the week that he interviews. Most of his guest are former mass media guests. I say former mass media guests, because they also speak their mind and for that reason you do not see them on the main stream media channels much.

Greg tends to be a gold and silver bug. Although his guests are aware of cryptocurrencies and a few even advocate cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

Have a great weekend!
Steem on,

great interview with GREG HUNTER, thank you very much for sharing

Hunter provide kinda brief on everything but in U.S. I guess they should increase the news to other countries too!
Keep sharing:)

Thanks for sharing interview series.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi @etcmike sir great job thanks for sharing here well series.

Posted using Partiko Android

Al parecer esto apenas está comenzando, Gracias @etcmike por mantenernos al día.

De una o de otra forma la Fed continúa salvando el día…

One way or another the Fed continues to save the day...

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