President Trump Should Veto Immigration Bill Regarding Underage Marriage [Part 1]

in #news5 years ago (edited)

Boy, oh, boy. I never seem to run out of material to write about regarding this topic of underage adolescent marriage that has been on the minds of many Americans for several years. It looks as though Fraidy Reiss of Unchained At Last has been at it again, and this time she wants to push for Federal laws that would make it illegal for an adult to bring a foreign spouse younger than 18 years of age into the United States of America. Societal fundamentalists and femi-Nazi extremists are cheering her on, and they’re also cheering on the two idiots (Senator Ron Johnson and former Senator Claire McCaskill) who have been attempting to put the guillotine to such marriages. However, because our Congress cannot legally stop any adult from going overseas to marry an adolescent younger than 18 years of age, they have been attempting to get a law passed that would establish 18 years old as the minimum age for a beneficiary of a foreign spousal visa. In other words, if this bill were to become a Federal law, a 23-year-old American man could marry a 16-year-old girl in Rio de Janeiro down in Brazil if he wanted to do so. However, he would not be able to bring her into the United States of America until she was 18 years of age. At least not legally. Luckily, former Senator McCaskill was voted out of office in her state’s last election. Hmm. I wonder why. Anyhow, Senator Johnson is still carrying on this fundamentalist crusade. For that reason, those of us opposed to Ms. Reiss’s agenda must reach out to President Donald J. Trump to ask that he veto such an immigration bill if it ever reaches his desk. President Trump has been known not to veto all that many bills that end up on his desk, because the senators in his political party spare him the pain and agony of having to review bills that are a waste of their time and a waste of his time like the one that Senator Johnson and former Senator McCaskill have been attempting to send his way. In any event, if such a bill is ever to reach his desk, this will be one time that many Americans will appreciate him for pulling out his veto pen and keeping such a bill from ever becoming a Federal law.

Self-proclaimed child advocates and self-appointed pedo-experts are having a colossal field day with this same fundamentalist crusade that Fraidy Reiss is pushing forward as they boast about how our nation prides itself for protecting its kids and wishes to set a positive example for the world. Give me a break! If these jokers really wanted to pass legislation to protect kids and set any kind of positive example for other nations, they would be seeking to reform the blatantly defective inheritance laws throughout our nation rather than poking their noses where they don’t belong.  They obviously believe that there is nothing wrong with abusive parents cutting their own children out of their will and causing those same children to end up in a life of poverty and homelessness as adults, but they believe that every marriage involving an underage adolescent spouse has an evil plot hidden behind it. The irony of it all is that there are many nations that have exceptional inheritance laws that prevent abusive parents from maliciously cutting any of their kids out of their will.

This is not the first time that our Congress in Washington, D.C. has entertained a bill regarding underage marriage. Back in 2010, a group of elected officials on Capitol Hill attempted to pass legislation that would prevent “child marriage” worldwide. The problem with that bill was that it was not exclusively aimed at stopping creepy, old men from marrying little girls who still had their baby teeth, but instead it was also intended to shove the age of eighteen down the throats of everyone who wished to make their love a reality at the altar. In other words, it was also meant to interfere with Loretta-Lynn-style marriages and even same-age adolescent marriages. The Congressman who speaks in the YouTube video below presents this bill as something intended to stop forced child marriage, but it is too clear for anyone not to see that such a bill, if made into law, would also have taken away the opportunities for adolescent minors to get married on their own volition. Nothing like this ever comes out of the Congress without strings attached. Luckily, there were intelligent people in Congress that were well aware of the problems that this bill would have caused our nation in terms that it would have run up Federal taxes in that our nation would have been acting as the police of the world in places that don’t even want our presence, if this bill had been ratified. Ultimately, this bill was defeated. Below is a YouTube video that provides the details of this piece of proposed legislation from nearly a decade ago.

Our Nation’s Congress Tried To Get Involved In World Affairs That Had Nothing To Do With The American People

The way I feel is that if our nation already has a serious epidemic of deadbeat teenage fathers, then we have no reason to be concerned about teenagers getting married before they’re old enough to vote in other parts of the world. The deadbeat teenage fathers of our nation are certainly not rushing the underage girls they get pregnant to the altar. They are the threat to our society rather than adult men who are marrying adolescent girls. However, somehow these deadbeat teenage fathers can do no wrong in the eyes of all these Puritanical pseudo-intellectuals who insist that older men are causing all of pubescent and adolescent girls’ problems here in our nation.

Whenever the topic of the statutory-age-of-consent laws abroad comes up, societal fundamentalists will often focus on nations that have lower statutory ages of consent than the United States of America. They will emphasize how the People’s Republic of China is an oppressive patriarchy and a Marxist-Leninist military dictatorship that has a statutory age of consent of 14 years old. They will rant and rave about how the Philippines has become a popular tourist destination for sexual predators simply because its statutory age of consent sits at 12 years of age, and they will insist that the poverty and lack of education in that country are the reasons that its statutory age of consent is so low in their opinion.

These societal fundamentalists will praise the fact that Japan has an implied age of consent of 18 years old for adults and a statutory age of consent of 13 years old for minors, and they will emphasize that Japan is an industrialized nation with a good economy and no poverty.  However, what is so interesting is that these clowns never seem to bring up the example of South Korea. In South Korea, the statutory age of consent is 13 years old, and there are no age-differential limits on it. However, there is a clause in their age-of-consent laws that allows for adults to be prosecuted for having sexual intercourse with anyone below 19 years of age in special circumstances, but that same clause in the law is not applied as aggressively as most people would think.  As a matter of fact, there was a to-do in that country not too long after an angry mother attempted to bring legal action against a 45-year-old man for sneaking around with her 15-year-old daughter, and the authorities were able to do nothing about it inasmuch as the relationship was perfectly legal under that nation’s statutory-rape laws. Below is a YouTube video that provides more information to this effect.

South Korea Doesn’t Appear To Believe In A High Statutory Age Of Consent

The statutory-rape laws in South Korea remind me of the ones in Argentina, except they have been written in reverse with the same objective in mind. In South Korea, anyone between 13 and 18 years of age is considered to be a consenting adult so long as certain special circumstances are not infringed upon; whereas, in Argentina, the statutory age of consent is 18 years old, but statutory-rape cases against adults who have sexual intercourse with anyone between 13 and 17 years old are not pursued if it cannot be proven that the accused committed any kind of exploitation or corruption upon their alleged victim. In other words, the statutory-rape laws in South Korea are written in reverse as opposed to the ones in Argentina, but they have the same prosecutorial effect as them. In any event, the statutory-rape laws in South Korea are much fairer than the ones in the United States of America no matter how you look at it.

Societal fundamentalists will not bring up the subject of South Korea whenever they discuss the statutory-rape laws of nations in the Far East, because they know that it might cause others to question their arguments. Truth has it that South Korea has as successful of an economy and living conditions as Japan, but the law there has virtually no problem with adolescent girls as young as 13 years old starting relationships with men significantly older than them. And, no.  South Korea does not appear to have a severe suicide problem in which women are jumping off of tall buildings to their deaths because they were involved in adult/adolescent relationships before they were 18 years of age.

Now, most of us Americans can agree that it is probably unwise for any adult American to go traveling to these countries with lower statutory ages of consent to have sexual intercourse with pubescent and adolescent girls, because there are extraterritorial laws in our nation that still prohibit adult Americans from engaging in sexual intercourse with anyone under the age of 16 abroad. That minimum age jumps up to 18 years old for adult Americans who decide to visit a bordello while vacationing overseas. Perhaps Americans who engage in this kind of behavior abroad may not be as easily detected by authorities as they would be here in the United States of America, because, to the best of my knowledge, the Central Intelligence Agency is not investigating these kinds of incidents overseas; and I don’t know of any other government agency from our country that would do so. At least not one with offices abroad. However, the parents of youngsters in those nations have been known to contact the United States embassies and consulates in their countries to report American tourists for having sexual relations with their underage kids inasmuch as word about such matters has a way of getting around everywhere throughout the world.  How these embassies and consulates handle these complaints, I really cannot say; but I can say that it is probably not worth the risk. Now that our president has been tightening up immigration laws here in our nation, there may be families of girls under 16 years of age overseas that are crazy enough to encourage their daughters to get American tourists into trouble for violating the above-described extraterritorial laws, so that they may get free tickets from our Federal government into our nation and later decide to pull a vanishing act on the American authorities after the Federal statutory-rape trial that they must take part in has ended. That way, they will be able to stay in our country for as long as they wish, unless, of course, the immigration authorities find them and deport them. Of course, that is another Steemit article for another time.

Now, the question that many of you probably have is what happens whenever a man who may be in his thirties, his forties or even his fifties decides to travel to one of these countries to find himself a wife, and he ends up marrying a 17-, a 16-, a 15-, or even a 14-year-old girl? Currently, so long as he complies with the laws in those countries and goes through the proper channels to marry these young girls, he faces no legal difficulties in bringing his wife back to the United States of America to live with him and start a family AS IT SHOULD BE. Unfortunately, there are currently some elected officials on Capitol Hill who wish to interfere with the happiness of many couples who fit this description.

One video that seems to get a great amount of attention on YouTube is this one video in which a 65-year-old man is in the midtown Manhattan area with his 12-year-old bride. The scenario in this video is not real, of course, but rather it is made to seem real to the pedestrians passing by this scene as it unfolds. In other words, the 65-year-old man and the 12-year-old girl are both actors in a dramatization that has been made to seem real. The 65-year-old man and his 12-year-old wife present themselves as newlyweds, and a photographer is taking pictures of them. You can see what happens in the video as you watch it below.

A Sensationalistic Video That Self-Proclaimed Child Advocates Promote In Their War Against Adolescent Marriage

I have made it no secret in my previous Steemit articles that this YouTube video should be discounted as nothing more than sensationalistic propaganda that is meant to mislead the public at large on the realities of adult/adolescent relationships and marriages.  The 12-year-old bride is shown frowning in the video, which, if anything, shows that the producer of this same video is trying to mesmerize its audience into believing that this girl is somehow suffering abuse and torture at the hands of her 65-year-old husband.

Anyhow, the very first time that I ever saw this video, I found myself asking the million-dollar question. Would a 65-year-old man who married a 12-year-old girl be audacious enough to put his marriage on exhibition out there in public for the whole world to see, especially in a busy city like New York City? I initially had my skepticisms about this possibility, but then my memories brought me back to a post that I had read on the Internet so many years ago that reported that a 64-year-old American man had made a television appearance on Maury with his 14-year-old wife back in 1998. His young wife was Mexican, and he had met her and married her in Mexico. The description of that particular edition of Maury did not describe how the audience reacted toward this couple, but I can only begin to imagine how they did so, after seeing the YouTube video above. That is not to say that the majority is always right about everything. Societies and entire cultures can be easily brainwashed into believing just about anything nowadays.

I actually did personally meet a couple that fitted this same description so many years ago. I was temping at a social services agency, and I was working at the front reception desk at the time. A couple came up to my window. The husband was 60 years old, and his wife was 17 years old. His wife looked as though she was from Asia. After the husband revealed their ages to me, I politely took down their information. However, the husband thought that I was trying to make fun of him, when, actually, I wasn’t; and I could not have felt more sympathetic toward anyone than I did toward this couple inasmuch as I could not even begin to think of what kind of social pressures they had to endure because of their age difference and the fact that one of them was a minor. I tried to win over the husband’s trust, but he continued to believe that I was mocking at him in some way. Why did he do so? I don’t know. Eventually, he and his wife left the window of the front reception desk to join the social worker who was going to be meeting with them.

My immediate supervisor, Thelma, explained to me why she thought that this man had felt that I was making fun of him in some way or another, even though I wasn’t. I told her that I was really sorry that I had caused this man to misinterpret my actions. However, Thelma told me that she did not want me to apologize to her or to that man for the way he felt I had acted, because she told me that she did not believe that his marriage should have even been legal in the first place. Thelma was someone who had gotten married at the age of sixteen to her high-school sweetheart. She had gotten the opportunity to experience the beauty of an adolescent first love. Therefore, it was easy for her to get up on her moral high horse on how she viewed this marriage. I would have preferred that she had reprimanded me or had disciplined me in some way for the misunderstanding despite that I had intended no harm to this 60-year-old man, because I really felt that it was wrong for anyone to pass judgment on him without at least first getting to know him. It was very clear to me at that point in time that this same married couple only wanted for people to stop treating them disparately.

Now, I don’t encourage these kinds of marriages, but I do not believe that it would be in the best interest of our nation to outlaw them altogether either. I can frankly say that probably you will only meet a married couple (a 60-year-old man and a 17-year-old girl) like the one that I had met at the front reception desk of a social services agency only once in your lifetime, if at all, as they are so very rare. In any event, I think that we should look into the reasons why these kinds of marriages come into existence rather than throwing innocent individuals to the tender mercies of our severely broken criminal justice system.

A.  There Are A Variety Of Legitimate Reasons That Adult Men Bring Foreign Teenage Juvenile Brides Into Our Nation

The romance marketplace has been drying up for men here in the land of milk and honey for years, and men have been gradually searching overseas for the ideal wife, especially in countries where girls have more traditional upbringings. What we need to keep in mind is that many of these nations draw American men to small villages where they believe they’re going to find the love of their life and they end up finding out that most of the girls there are married by the time they’re in their late teens or early twenties. Because these men are looking to start families eventually, they’re not going to be hooking up with some widow in her sixties or seventies whose childbearing years have likely ended. No. What they’re going to do is they’re naturally going to check out the untapped generation of females that are available for marriage, which will likely be 17-, 16-, 15-, 14- and even 13-year-old girls.

Many of you American teenage girls who are reading this article may be saying, “Eww. Why would any girl my age want to marry a man ten, twenty, thirty or more years older than herself?” My answer to that question is plain and simple. Consider that, unlike the United States of America, other cultures throughout the world don’t indoctrinate their female youngsters to believe that all adult/adolescent relationships are exploitative and wrong. In my previous article titled “American Legislators Are Now Putting Age Limits On Legalizing Love,” I described how South European teenage girls have a different perspective from that of many American teenage girls on what is age-appropriate in terms of relationships and the likes. There is also the fact that American men in their thirties, forties and even fifties look twenty or more years younger to girls and women in nations over in Eastern Europe and in Russia than men those ages in those same nations.

If a 35-year-old man travels to Russia in search of a wife and a 15- or 16-year-old girl pays attention to him and treats him as though he is as young and as full of life as she is, he is going to reciprocate that attention. Moreover, because Eastern-European nations and Russia have societies that don’t seem to frown upon adolescent girls, say 14 or 15 years old, forming romantic relationships with significantly older men, these 30-plus- and 40-plus-year-old men are not going to feel any social pressures to shy away from these girls. Many of those cultures simply don’t buy into the pedophile panic politics that our nation and the other industrialized English-speaking nations do. Some men beyond their spring-chicken years may see marrying these young girls as a chance to relive the adolescence that they never had. They are not necessarily looking to overpower these girls and treat them like servants despite what Fraidy Reiss and her legion of societal fundamentalists, social justice warriors and femi-Nazi extremists may believe.

Brazil is another country that doesn’t frown upon relationships between men beyond their spring-chicken years and girls blossoming into their adolescent years. As a matter of fact, adolescent girls prefer older men in the Brazilian culture.  Have you ever heard of the song titled “The Girl From Ipanema” by Astrud Gilberto and Stan Getz? It is a song about a man in his fifties who pines for the love of a 14-year-old girl. Of course, he is heartbroken after she walks by him on the beach and looks straight to the sea, “not at he.” The point of the matter is that nobody on the beach is obviously telling this middle-aged man to find a woman his own age, because nobody in that culture attaches a stigma to his love interests.

Considering that Brazil’s statutory age of consent is only 14 years old, it can remain no secret that adult/adolescent relationships are even encouraged in this nation. The minimum age floor for marriage in Brazil is 16 years old, but keep in mind that adult American men can take girls younger than 16 years of age to other countries to marry them legally and they likely do. What is so interesting is that Brazilian adult men are marrying adolescent girls who are even younger than 16 years old in private ceremonies, and the authorities do nothing about it simply because their society does not condemn it but rather encourages it. Moreover, if the girl is at least 14 years of age, then the adult man acting as her husband cannot be charged with statutory rape inasmuch as she is above the statutory age of consent in that country. Nations like Brazil and Russia simply do not wish to become Puritanical black holes like the United States of America and other industrialized English-speaking countries, and they want our Federal government to leave them alone and let them live their lives as they please rather than be forced into being turned into some kind of age-appropriate Utopia that is not even realistic.

If men beyond their spring-chicken years can have young brides as described above, they’re likely going to see no reason why they should waste their time scraping the bottom of the barrel here in the land of milk and honey in search of the ideal mate, when all they are likely to find are middle-aged, single mothers and other throwaways of the American female population looking to trap a man in an unwanted marriage. No single man in his thirties or forties is going to want to marry a middle-aged female divorcee who has three kids that are going to be a burden for him. If I have to be brutally honest with everyone reading this article, I will confidently say that a 35- or 40-year-old man who is married to a 16- or 17-year-old Russian girl is probably having more fun in his life than a man the same age as him who is married to a middle-aged divorced woman and has a 16- or 17-year-old stepdaughter. I know that some people reading my article may take that point offensively, but facts are facts. Beta males should particularly pay mind to these facts as they concern a caste system that has likely marginalized them on a social level since the time they were adolescents. YouTuber The33Secrets thoroughly describes the pitfalls of this same caste system in his video below.

YouTuber The33Secrets Is Brutally Honest About The Caste System In The Romance Marketplace Here In Our Nation That Drives Men Into The Arms Of Younger Partners

Supporters of Senator Johnson and former Senator McCaskill’s efforts, both past and present, to pass an immigration law that would forbid anyone to petition a foreign spousal visa for anyone younger than 18 years of age are making a big stink about men over 40 years old seeking out teenage juvenile brides in foreign lands and bringing them back to our nation. However, there is no getting around the fact that the romance marketplace here in our nation has simply dried up for men who are seeking to marry and settle down. Therefore, these men have to go with the flow of what these foreign lands have to offer them, and there appears to be more adolescent girls younger than 18 years of age in these foreign lands that are available for marriage than there are young women in their late teens and in their twenties. It is not that there may not be attractive women over eighteen years of age available for marriage in remote parts of these nations; but if there are, the shortage of them as compared with the availability of adolescent girls younger than eighteen years of age is going to put eligible American bachelors into a fierce competition with one another upon seeking them out.

Now, I don’t agree with everything that YouTuber Coach Red Pill has ever said in each and every one of his videos. He is a very educated man, but he does not get everything he says in his videos right. However, I do believe that he really went above and beyond in the YouTube video below to describe all the difficulties and hardships that a man faces in finding love here in the land of milk and honey.

YouTuber Coach Red Pill Describes How Difficult It Is For Men To Find Love In Our Nation

Some of us may have seen the 2005 comedy film titled The 40-Year-Old Virgin starring Steve Carell and Catherine Keener. The movie was clearly unrealistic in a sense that a 40-year-old man named Andy, who is still a virgin and has never had a successful relationship with anyone of the opposite sex, hooks up with a middle-aged, single mother of three kids. This same woman has a teenage daughter among her three kids, and she is also a grandmother. Andy has his first sexual experience with this same woman with whom he has nothing in common other than that he is the same age as her. In the real world, this scenario would not likely happen. In all due likelihood, such a man would seek out a female partner who was single, childless and significantly younger than him, especially inasmuch as this man was an adult incel and prospectively a perma-virgin if all didn’t go well for him.

In reviewing and researching various forums and discussion threads throughout the Internet, I have found that incels and perma-virgins here in our nation have been known to have a propensity to search for the adolescent first love that they missed out on as teenagers themselves. Most of these men have never had girlfriends in their life, and they are, therefore, often unable to relate to women their own age who have had numerous boyfriends and sex partners before them. Therefore, it is rumored that many of these adult incels and perma-virgins are traveling to foreign countries to find themselves an adolescent bride. And why not? They have the same opportunity to find themselves that one teenage beauty queen in their adulthood that alpha males, prom kings and male prima donnas dated during their adolescence. They now have the same ability to enjoy the same youthful pleasantries of life that all of these prom kings, male prima donnas and alpha males or “Chads,” as some people may call them, have gotten to do from the time they first hit puberty. It is a way for them to circumvent the caste system that has been shoved down their throats for way too long and has marginalized them socially from the time they first hit puberty. Unfortunately, there are societal fundamentalists who view this same trend among adult American incels and American perma-virgins in a negative light.

Nonetheless, underage adolescent marriage is a way for many adult men to escape the vicious vortex of inceldom and perma-virginity. If Fraidy Reiss is allowed to have her own way with the immigration laws pertaining to foreign spouses, the amount of damage that will be done to our nation will far outweigh any minor benefit that these new laws might offer.   A YouTuber named “CIA are in the comments section to divide us” made a video specifically about this topic. I was not too thrilled about his ongoing use of the words “hebephile” and “hebephilia” in his video, because experts cannot seem to agree whether hebephilia is an inclination that is temporary or permanent in nature. Those terms also have a nasty sound to them similar to calling a Chinese-American an “Oriental” or a Mexican-American a “Chicano.” Moreover, the American Psychiatric Association does not even consider hebephilia to be a psychiatric disorder but rather a social construct that continues to be normative by their professional standards and falls within the protective umbrella of chronoastiphilia, thus a hebephile is no different from a 67-year-old teleiophile who is attracted to a 32-year-old woman. However, I do have to commend the above-described YouTuber for handling the subject of hebephilia in a tactful and sensitive manner, and I can fully understand that he had no other choice but to bring up the terms “hebephile” and “hebephilia” to make his point in his video. You can read about my take on hebephilia in my Steemit article titled “Should Hebephilia Be Reclassified As A Psychiatric Disorder?”  Anyhow, here is the video by this same YouTuber.

Underage Adolescent Marriage Is Common And Accepted Overseas

The only criticism that I have for the YouTuber in the above video is that he was brutally honest, and that is not really a criticism at all. Some people may not like what he had to say, but facts are facts and he does not shy away from speaking the facts as they are rather than telling people what they want to believe. His video has been getting harder and harder to find on YouTube; but as long as my Steemit article here continues to appear on the Internet, people are now going to have an opportunity to watch his video upon reading my Steemit article.

Now, I’m well aware that marriages of convenience for the purpose of immigration are completely illegal here in the United States of America and understandably so. The lawmakers who originally crafted these immigration laws did so in order that two people in love could get married despite that one person was from the United States of America and the other person was from a foreign country. However, there is something also called a marriage of necessity, which is not illegal here in my country. Allow me to explain what it is.

South Africa currently has a very serious problem with crime and violence against the Afrikaans people or the Afrikaners, who are the Caucasians of that nation. In no way have I ever condoned apartheid in that country, and I have a great amount of respect for the late Nelson Mandela and for everything that he set out to accomplish in that nation. However, there is now this one subversive named Julius Malema who is encouraging the Zulus there to terrorize the Afrikaner farmers and even murder them. What is so terrifying about this man is that you can tell that he is highly educated, but he doesn’t use his education for the right purpose. Zulu gangs have been reported to break into the residences of Afrikaner farmers and murder entire families. Their atrocities include pouring boiling hot water on toddlers and even raping them. Being a child or an adolescent in South Africa is a day-to-day struggle for most underage Afrikaners. Julius Malema has repeatedly denied his involvement in any of these human rights violations, but evidence has been piling up that he is the one who has been orchestrating these barbarities. Droves of Zulus have marched in his name and have held picket signs that read, “Kill the Boers” in demonstrations throughout South Africa. The Boers are the Caucasian people of South Africa, all of which have Dutch in their ancestry. However, the Zulu protesters are also referring to other Caucasian people in their demonstrations with these picket signs. Some of the Boers claim to be a separate Caucasian ethnic group from the Afrikaners, but I will not go into that discussion now inasmuch as it is off topic. For the purposes of this article, I will refer to the Caucasian South Africans as Afrikaners herein.

Because the Afrikaner farmers are being murdered off gradually and they are a strong part of the backbone of South Africa’s economy, that country is beginning to feel the adverse impact of these atrocities. Foreign investors no longer have any interest in pouring any money into that country’s economy. Law-enforcement officials in South Africa are becoming more and more lax about doing anything to stop the atrocities against the Afrikaners of that nation because of local politics. It is admirable that the former Australian Minister of Immigration, Peter Dutton, opened the floodgates of his nation to Afrikaner immigrants a few years back to give them a safe haven away from all of that death and destruction.  A few other countries are beginning to offer refuge to Afrikaner immigrants as well. However, the United States of America is not opening up its arms to these people in that same respect, simply because certain elected officials on Capitol Hill may find it politically incorrect to provide protection and refuge to these Afrikaner families whose lives are in danger every day in that nation. That is, certain elected officials in our nation don’t want anyone to misinterpret such assistance to the Afrikaners as condoning the apartheid system that existed previously in that nation. However, the fact of the matter is that not every Caucasian person in that nation was in favor of apartheid back when it was in operation in the early 1990s and before then. Some of the Afrikaners are reluctant to accept offers of sanctuary from Australia and other countries, because their people have had a presence in South Africa for a longer amount of time than European descendants have been in the United States of America and they do not wish to leave behind the only homeland they’ve ever known.

The United Nations couldn’t care less about the Afrikaners in South Africa, because that organization is too busy trying to stop 17-year-old girls from getting married anywhere in the world. It would be too much trouble and effort for the United Nations to do anything to stop Afrikaner kids from being brutalized and even murdered. Then again, there’s your United Nations full of hypocrites for you. Moreover, the United Nations peacekeepers wouldn’t be any more of an asset to the safety of these Afrikaner kids than the Zulu gangs as one considers the fact that the United Nations peacekeepers have been notorious for raping children and teenagers since the war in Bosnia back in the 1990s.

Sadly enough, very few journalists in the press and the media of our nation have covered these same tragic events in South Africa. There are only two American YouTubers that I know of who have provided some news coverage of these tragic events in South Africa. Their names are Philip DeFranco and Lauren Chen. YouTuber Lauren Southern posted a whole myriad of videos regarding these tragic events in South Africa, but, of course, she is a Canadian rather than an American. In any event, she did a good job at doing so. A British journalist named Katie Hopkins spent over $23,000 hiring security before she left the United Kingdom to protect her while she was down in South Africa gathering information on these tragic events to put together her videos about them. Her YouTube channel goes under the username of Rebel News. By now, most of you are probably asking yourselves what any of this information has to do with underage marriage. I’m getting there.

When I was a kid, I had this one friend named Andrew. His mother was from Germany, and his father was an Austrian American. His parents were already divorced by the time that I had met him. Anyhow, periodically he would ask his mother about a dilemma that he would make up in his mind, and he would ask her which solution would she pick from two options he would name; and in a casually calm voice, she would reply, “Neither.” Andrew would then get frustrated with her and ask her from which two options would she select a solution if someone were holding a loaded handgun to her head. Then his mother would say to him in her thick German accent, “Andrew? I do not want to be a part of this line of questioning.” Well, after having watched numerous videos on YouTube about the situation in South Africa, I can frankly say that most young Afrikaner women and girls do not have access to any kind of “neither” option in their quest for a solution to their current problems in light of all the crime and violence there. Quite honestly, I believe that the “neither” option is a product of someone’s magical thinking, which can become quite dangerous after a while. Many Afrikaner families are looking for a way out of South Africa, but they don’t have the money or the resources to leave that country and get away from all the dangers that they face every day. A few nations here and there like Australia may be offering them automatic permanent resident status upon immigrating to those countries. However, these Afrikaner families still may have to come up with the funds to leave their land behind, because, to the best of my knowledge, none of these nations offering them asylum have also offered to pay their way to relocate to their nations. Also, overseas travel and international relocation do not come cheap. In many instances, marrying their oldest daughter off to a foreigner is the best solution.

Now, take the example of an Afrikaner family that wants to get out of South Africa and away from all of its dangers but does not have the financial resources or means to do so. If that family has a 22-year-old daughter, they may see their solution in the form of having that 22-year-old daughter marry an American man who is seeking a wife with whom to start a family. Perhaps that young woman may not be in love with that American man at all, but she sees him as a ticket out of South Africa and as a ticket for her family’s way out of South Africa further on down the line.  The American man may not know her well enough to have fallen in love with her, but he may realize that she will make a good wife to him and bear him beautiful, healthy children in the near future; and if that American man has hit too many dead ends in his attempts to find the ideal wife in the United States of America, he is going to be more than happy to marry this young woman and build a life and a future with her. Also, the young Afrikaner woman will likely be able to overcome her mindset that she is wedding a virtual stranger and will be sharing her life with him for a very long time, because, after all, anything could be better for her than for a gang of Zulus to break into her residence in South Africa and brutally rape her and murder her family. In that respect, the marriage is a fair tradeoff; and it is not a marriage of convenience but rather one of necessity, because the American man actually wants to spend his life with this young woman and he wants to father children with her; and the young woman knows that she’ll have a safer life in this marriage and in the United States of America than she will if she remains in South Africa and possibly risks the tragedy that she may be raped or murdered if any gang of Zulus is ever to close in on her family and unleash their violent horrors upon them.

The American man who marries this same Afrikaner woman will likely be flipping the bill for all of her expenses to get married, to get her the papers she needs to get into the United States of America and to buy her airline tickets and so forth. The Afrikaner woman will, of course, want him to help her get visas and any other necessary papers for her parents and her siblings to emigrate from South Africa to the United States of America. It all works out beautifully in the long run.

Now, here is where my argument comes in. What if this Afrikaner woman is only 15 years old? Perhaps that same adult American man may be reluctant to marry her, because he is looking for a wife in her early twenties or at least above the legal age of majority. On the other hand, if he is an adult incel or a perma-virgin, he’ll likely see this young girl as his deliverance inasmuch as he now has the opportunity to experience the adolescent first love that he missed out on when he was a teenager in middle school and high school. In South Africa, a 15-year-old girl can legally get married in that nation so long as she has parental consent. Because the young girl’s parents are going to be more than eager to get their daughter out of South Africa, they’re not going to make too much of an issue out of the age difference between her and the American man she is marrying, even if he is older than 30 years of age. The young Afrikaner girl is not going to have any problem with the age difference either, because she knows that she is going to be better off becoming some older man’s wife than remaining in South Africa and risking the possibility that someday a gang of Zulus will come breaking into her residence and brutally rape and even murder her. Also, once she is in the United States of America in her role as this American man’s wife, she and her husband will be able to begin the proceedings to assist her parents and her siblings to get all the necessary papers they need to immigrate to the United States of America and establish themselves here in our nation. Sure, it is possible that she may become pregnant with her American husband’s baby while she is still a teenager, but at least she will be having the baby of a man she is married to willingly rather than of a Zulu who forcibly raped and brutalized her during a home invasion if she had stayed in South Africa. This 15-year-old Afrikaner girl, her parents and her siblings won’t be the least concerned about any pedophile panic propaganda that may be thrown their way from unsolicited sources, because this young girl’s adult American husband has provided her and her family with a way out of their dangerous and prospectively violent situation in South Africa in exchange for her providing him with a way to prosper from an adult incel or a perma-virgin into a respected family man.

Now, if Fraidy Reiss of Unchained At Last has her way with the immigration laws in our nation, none of these above-described events will be possible afterwards; and here is the thing. Ms. Reiss and others like her don’t want Americans to see adult men who marry teenage girls abroad as white knights in shining armor as described in the above scenario, because it would undermine their agenda. They want to demonize these men in the eyes of the American people any way they can so that nobody will recognize the benefits and attributes of adult/adolescent marriages. If an Afrikaner family wants to get a one-way ticket out of South Africa in the manner that I described above and the oldest daughter of the same family who needs to get married to make it all possible is only 15 years old, the immigration bill that Senator Johnson and former Senator McCaskill have been proposing for some time is going to sabotage any chances of that family ever realizing such a plan if that bill ever becomes a law.

There is a YouTuber named dnajlion7. He is a religious fanatic and a self-proclaimed child advocate, which is probably the most dangerous combination I’ve ever known among these societal fundamentalists. His actual name is Daniel John Lee, and he has written and published a whole myriad of books. I do not know whether he used a traditional publishing house or a vanity press to publish his books. He seems to beg for a great amount of money from his followers on the Internet for someone who is supposed to be a successfully published author. Anyhow, I watched a YouTube video of his regarding the topic of “child marriage.” At first, he appeared to be well meaning in his speech about child marriage in that he focused specifically on his concern that prepubescent children younger than 11 years old were being forced into unwanted marriages here in our nation. However, the problem that I’m having with his video is that truth has it that the English Common Law establishes an age floor of 12 years old for girls and 14 years old for boys to wed in state jurisdictions that have no statutory age floor for marriage here in our nation. Therefore, any judge who is allowing for children below 11 years of age to get married in our nation is doing so illegally, and any efforts of these societal fundamentalists to establish laws to ban all marriages before the age of eighteen is really infringing upon the individual rights of people who wish to enter into a marriage. YouTuber dnajlion7’s speech contained much of the same malarkey that I’ve heard repeatedly from other societal fundamentalists like him. I decided not to embed his video herein, because it is fairly easy to find it on YouTube and I do not wish to give this man a platform of any kind. However, herein I have included a video of a YouTuber whom he has harassed. What is so interesting about this other YouTuber whom he has harassed is that he is also religious like him. Here it is below.

YouTuber fotm1 Explains That YouTuber dnajlion7 Appears Not To Be In Touch With All Of His Mental Faculties

YouTuber dnajlion7’s followers or rather sheep who posted in his comments section appear to consist mostly of self-appointed pedo-experts. Some of them insisted that underage marriage that involved even adolescents was a form of human trafficking. Really? Loretta Lynn got married at 13 years old to a 21-year-old man, and she never whined to her fans about feeling as though she were a victim of human trafficking. Sammi Smith got married at 15 years old to a 26-year-old man, and she never whined to her fans about feeling as though she were a victim of human trafficking. Both of these women became successes in the musical entertainment industry. These societal fundamentalists present a very weak argument in claiming that the marriage of adolescent minors is a form of human trafficking. If they really want to witness some human trafficking, they need to look no further than our prisons throughout the nation. Rape gangs in state correctional facilities and Federal prisons are selling young men to one another to exploit and sexually brutalize, but our society continues to turn a blind eye to that problem.

People who have been a successful part of adult/adolescent marriages are opposing these societal fundamentalists’ efforts to ban all marriage before the age of eighteen, and these societal fundamentalists are responding to this pushback with great resentment. However, none of these societal fundamentalists are listening to the cries of young men who are being brutally raped and infected with deadly venereal diseases every day in our state correctional facilities and Federal prisons throughout our nation. These societal fundamentalists and self-proclaimed child advocates whine about how we are now in the second decade of the 21st century and how they believe that getting married before the age of eighteen is somehow an anachronism. Well, I have some food for thought for them. Why doesn’t any state jurisdiction in our nation have the death penalty to punish inmates for prison rape? Certainly, this ongoing madness in our nation’s penal facilities cannot be doing anything to help our society become a better one.

A couple of YouTuber dnajlion7’s followers posted remarks in his comments section on how they feel that our nation needs to give child molesters and pedophiles the death penalty. I’m just as anti-pedophile as these people are, except the problem that I’m having with their school of thought is that they don’t seem to have a full understanding of what a child molester and a pedophile really are and what they are not; and they don’t seem to care about what the real definition of pedophilia is in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (“DSM-5”), which differs greatly from how they define it.  In any event, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that an inmate who rapes another inmate is a prison rapist, and there is no reason that such a piece of human feces should be allowed to live on the taxpayers’ dime behind bars if he is going to continue committing the same crimes over and over again. Then again, many of these self-appointed pedo-experts seem to like prison rapists, unless, of course, one of these prison rapists sexually victimizes a family member of one of these self-appointed pedo-experts.

One of YouTuber dnajlion7’s followers in the comments section of his video harped about how she was so furious that a Dupont heir had gotten a judge to let him off the hook after he had sexually molested his two kids. I remember reading that story on the Internet and reading about the two kids’ mother having to go to court to get a court order that would compel this creep to keep his two kids in his will or put them in his will, if he hadn’t already done so. Therefore, this follower of YouTuber dnajlion7 should have been commenting about how our nation needed to change its inheritance laws to protect kids from being disinherited by their abusive parents. However, these dunces never think about these things, because they are so wrapped up in all their rhetoric and so locked away in their own little Puritanical bubble that they don’t take the time to see the bigger picture.

Another one of YouTuber dnajlion7’s followers in the comments section of his video complained about a 50-something-year-old American man marrying a 13-year-old girl in Honduras. She described the 50-something-year-old American man with such hatred and hostility in her tone. Now, I am not going to be one to encourage any man in his fifties to go marrying a girl that young, because he will be opening up the doorway to a whole myriad of unwanted social pressures that will fly at him from all directions afterwards once he brings his young wife to the United States of America to live. I’m sure that the young girl had her reasons for wanting to marry this middle-aged man in that she saw him as a way to get out of poverty and to get away from all the crime and violence in her country, especially now that the MS-13 has been violently raping women and young girls on a regular basis in that part of the world.  Despite that some of you may find this hard to believe, successful relationships between 50-something-year-old men and girls in their early-to-mid teens have been known to exist. Take the example of Juan Perón and Nelly Rivas.  They were very much in love with each other despite that Juan Perón was in his fifties and Nelly Rivas was 14 years old when they first became romantically involved with each other.

Also, what a society in Central America may deem to be age-appropriate may be noticeably different from what our society here in the United States of America deems to be age-appropriate. It may surprise some of you that once when I was reviewing a newspaper from El Salvador on the Internet, I stumbled across an advertisement in the personals in which a 23-year-old man stated that he was looking to hook up with a girl between 15 and 20 years of age. There were other advertisements like this one in that same section of the newspaper. An American newspaper would probably never allow for a 23-year-old man to publish such an advertisement in which he was seeking female companionship on a romantic basis from someone within an age range that dipped that low into the teens, but this one Salvadorian newspaper had no problem with it. In figurative words, an entire culture’s way of life is simply not as sheltered in most other parts of the world as it is here in our nation.

Actress Abbe Lane got married at the age of fifteen to a man in his fifties as she had revealed to Maury Povich on an edition of his television talk show Maury back in the 1990s, and she did not fall apart at the seams after doing so. In any event, I do wish to make this one point.  A former co-worker of mine named Jose once told me that when his parents got married, his mother was 15 years old and his father was in his thirties. His mother was Honduran and his father was American, and they had gotten married in Honduras. By the time I had met Jose, his parents had been happily married for decades. Never mind all of the pedophile panic propaganda that gets shoved down our throats every day in this country.

At the end of the day, most pedophiles and child molesters are not looking to wed teenagers; and they would never want to do so, because they are seeking out prepubescent children to victimize instead. They are not pursuing adult/adolescent relationships, because they are not sexually attracted to teenagers. However, these self-appointed pedo-experts refuse to do their research on these matters. They engage in selective hearing, and they live by double standards. For example, they will babble on about how they believe that no piece of paper, namely a marriage license, should make it legal for two people on the opposite sides of the legal age line to have sexual relations with each other, whereas they will stress that EIGHTEEN is the statutory age of consent in a given state jurisdiction of our nation and they will insist that the law is the law and that it is written in stone as far as they are concerned.

Another double standard that these self-appointed pedo-experts live by is their infatuation with the mental-health profession. Any time they come across a situation that they feel gives them the right to pervert-shame someone for whatever reason involving an age factor, they will scream, “GET THERAPY! GET THERAPY! GET THERAPY!” However, they continuously refuse to adhere to what the DSM-5 states about chronoastiphilia versus pedophilia in that they will go as far as to accuse anyone of being pedophile who disagrees with them on even a juvenile-justice-related issue. Of course, scientific and conventional wisdom both hold that they cannot merely point their finger at someone, accuse that person of being a pedophile and that person will magically become one. No. In order for someone to be a pedophile, he or she must either be formally diagnosed as one or at least admit to being one. However, these self-appointed pedo-experts believe that they somehow have supernatural abilities to change someone into a pedophile, and they are hypocrites in this regard in that they view their opinions to be superior to those of mental-health professionals who contradict them. Many of these self-appointed pedo-experts expressed their resentment toward the American Psychiatric Association for refusing to reclassify “hebephilia” as a paraphilia and a psychiatric disorder back in 2013 when the DSM-5 was in the process of being finalized and published.  Therefore, they only appear to like the very few mental-health professionals that cater to their every demand, which usually end up being charlatans and spin doctors like Dr. Raymond Blanchard and Dr. James Cantor.

One of YouTuber dnajlion7’s followers appeared to imply in a post that adult men who marry teenage girls were no different from the late Jeffrey Epstein.  Such a comment could not be any further from the truth than it is. The majority of adult/adolescent marriages in our nation come into existence out of love. Equating these adult men who marry teenage girls to a monster like the late Jeffrey Epstein is like saying that every person with dark skin who speaks Spanish is an MS-13 gang member. The late Jeffrey Epstein was a crime lord, a blackmailer and a human trafficker whose heinous atrocities against young girls made even Warren Jeffs look like a boy scout having a bad day.  The late Mr. Epstein was never looking to marry any of his young victims. The actor Don Johnson was 22 years old and the actress Melanie Griffith was in her early teens when both of them hooked up with each other and moved in together shortly thereafter. Don Johnson married Melanie Griffith further on in time, but he would never have engaged in the kind of heinous criminal activities that the late Mr. Epstein did.  

Some of YouTuber dnajlion7’s followers implied in his comments section that adult/adolescent marriages were somehow connected to pedophile rings. My response to that allegation is that these same YouTubers who spew this deluded nonsense have one-track minds that make them a danger to society. I can be more than sure that Loretta Lynn and Sammi Smith’s respective marriages had no connections to any pedophile ring despite that these women married adult men before they were 18 years of age. These self-appointed pedo-experts believe that they represent the popular majority, but they do not do so by a long run.

It scares me to think that some of YouTuber dnajlion7’s followers may actually be summoned to jury duty someday and someone who has been railroaded by the police will have to put their fate into the hands of these idiots. I would only hope that a criminal defense lawyer would detect these dunces immediately and ask the judge to remove them from the jury before the beginning of a criminal trial. Unfortunately, sometimes these lawyers don’t detect these imbeciles in time before the damage is done in a criminal trial. In any event, Fraidy Reiss and others like her know that these self-appointed pedo-experts think this way, and she and her supporters take wrongful advantage of this backwards way of thinking of theirs to get the public at large riled up about problems that are not real to the extent that they claim them to be, if at all.

[Article Continued In Part 2]

This Article Is Copyright-Protected.


Ladies and gentlemen? Thank you for taking your valuable time to read my article, which is in two parts. Most of you may have noticed that I linked the name "Nelly Rivas" in my article above to an article about her in Spanish. I realize that many of you may not be able to speak or even read Spanish. Therefore, if you wish to read an English translation of that same article, here is what I'm going to do. I can go ahead and translate the article myself from Spanish into English, but, in that event, I will have to contact its author to let him know that I wish to do so. If am not mistaken, I would have to get permission from him to do so inasmuch as I do not want to have any confrontation with the copyright laws. Some of you out there may have a law degree and may know of a clause in the copyright laws that would allow me to translate the article into English in any event. If you do so, let me know and provide me with a link to that particular provision in the copyright laws. Otherwise, if push comes to shove, I could probably summarize the contents of that article into English without violating the copyright laws. Let me know what you think I should do. Those of you who can speak and read Spanish will find that article very interesting.

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