Are All Teenage Fathers Pedophiles? [Part 2]

in #news5 years ago (edited)

[Please Read Part 1 Of This Article Before Reading The Segment Below]

B.  A 13-Year-Old Pregnant Girl Receives The Full Love And Support From The Father Of Her Baby Despite The Odds

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Crystal. She was 8 years old, and she lived in Nebraska. One day she was in a bad mood, and a young boy named Matthew said something to cheer her up. That is, he did a voice imitation of Elmo from Sesame Street, and he got her smiling. He befriended her half-brother, and he and her half-brother liked playing video games together as any two boys their age would do so. When Crystal was 12 years old, she realized that she wanted something more than just a friendship with Matthew. She had already had boyfriends in the past, but they were all immature in comparison with Matthew. Crystal made her feelings for Matthew known to him, and he reciprocated. Both of them realized that they were in love with each other and that they would someday get married and start a family together. A woman eventually marrying the same beau she fell in love with back when she was 12 or 13 years old was not an unusual occurrence in Nebraska. After all, it was the Midwest, and young love flourishing into a marriage and a family later on had always been the norm in that part of the United States of America.

One day when Crystal was 13 years old, she discovered that she was pregnant with Matthew’s baby. Teenage pregnancy here in the United States of America is not uncommon, even in the middle-school grades. In fact, the United States of America has a higher teenage pregnancy rate than even the United Kingdom does, and the United Kingdom’s teenage pregnancy rate is higher than that of any nation in Europe according to what I last heard and read about. Crystal was afraid to tell her mother whose name is Cecilia. Her mother goes by the nickname of “Ce Ce.” It is every parent’s nightmare to find out that their 13-year-old daughter is pregnant. Also, Cecilia did not approve of her daughter’s relationship with Matthew. However, after Cecilia found out that Crystal was pregnant, she decided to be very supportive of whatever decision her daughter chose to make. Crystal had grown up without a father, and Cecilia knew that Crystal didn’t want the same fate for her baby.

Most 12-, 13-, and 14-year-old girls fear being abandoned after they find out that they are pregnant. Most teenage boys who get middle-school or high-school girls pregnant bail on them and turn into really despicable individuals afterwards. Fortunately, Crystal was ahead of the game, because Matthew was very much in love with her; and after she told him that she was pregnant with his baby, he made it clear to her that he would never abandon her and that he would remain at her side from that point on. He also took his promise to her one step further and offered to marry her, which is something that seldom happens whenever a 13- or 14-year-old girl finds herself pregnant here in our nation. He made it no secret that he wanted to be every part of his baby’s life, and he wanted to form a family with Crystal so that they could both raise their child together.

Because the marriage laws in Nebraska prohibited anyone from getting married before the age of seventeen under any circumstances, Crystal and Matthew were confronted with the question on how they were going to make this marriage happen legally. They sat down with their respective mothers and had a nice, long conversation with them about it. The name of Matthew’s mother is Peggy, and she was just as concerned as Crystal’s mother, Cecilia, was about ensuring that both Crystal and Matthew did the right thing. Peggy and Cecilia decided that the only way that they could get their kids legally married was to take them down to Hiawatha, Kansas and execute the proper procedures so that they could both wed. Even though the age floor for marriage in Kansas is now 15 years old, these events took place in 2005 back when the marriage laws in Kansas were still under the English Common Law and a girl could get married as young as 12 years of age provided that she had her parents’ permission and possible judicial approval.

Matthew and Crystal traveled down to Hiawatha, Kansas to get legally married. Peggy and Cecilia were both present at the wedding. Not too long thereafter, Crystal gave birth to a baby girl, and she and Matthew named her Samara. By then, Crystal was 14 years old, and she was living with Matthew at his parents’ residence. Matthew had a job, but it didn’t pay as much as he would have liked. In any event, he did everything that a parent would want him to do if their 12-, 13- or 14-year-old girl were pregnant and he were the father of their daughter’s baby. If other teenage girls were as lucky as Crystal to have someone like Matthew to be a good father to their baby, the epidemic of teenage pregnancy in this nation would not have such devastating effects on the national economy and on society.

Crystal came out quite well after her baby’s father married her and stuck with her right through her pregnancy and childbirth. Other teenage mothers would likely have envied her, because most of them don’t have a baby daddy that comes through for them the way that Matthew did for Crystal. Crystal had no complaints about Matthew. As a matter of fact, she could not have been any happier than she was. It was 2005. She was 14 years old. She had a baby girl to take care of, but she also had a husband who supported her and their child and who loved them both unconditionally. What could possibly have gone wrong for them at that point in time? Well, there was just one setback that was staring both Crystal and Matthew in the face. Matthew was 22 years old. Some people may think that Crystal and her daughter, Samara, were at an advantage, because she was married to an adult man who could more easily bring home the bacon than a boy the same age as her. Matthew was also a Marine veteran and a high-school graduate. However, the statutory-age-of-consent laws in their state jurisdiction was what worried both of them. If Matthew had only been 15 or 16 years old or even 17 years old, the authorities would have left him and Crystal alone inasmuch as they would have had no legal standing to question their marriage and their current living arrangement. However, Matthew was legally an adult, and there were busybodies in their town who couldn’t be happy unless they were stirring up trouble for them and their daughter.

Any of you who may have read my previous Steemit articles probably know by now that I am describing the situation with Matthew Koso and his wife, Crystal Guyer Koso, that took place back in the previous decade of this same century. Much to their misfortune, Jon Bruning, who was the Nebraska Attorney General at that time, got wind of their situation, and he decided to stir up trouble for the couple and their child. He stressed to the press and the media that he was only launching a war against child molestation and pedophilia, but anyone with any brains in their head could see that he was nothing but a career politician attempting to make a name for himself at the expense and the detriment of both the Kosos and the Guyers.

Mr. Bruning was a disgrace of a public official. After finding out that Matthew Koso had married Crystal Guyer Koso, one of his statements to the public was that he felt that Cecilia Guyer had allowed for her daughter to marry a pedophile. Oh, Mr. Bruning? You are such a jerk. You’re a lawyer, and you should at least know that according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (“DSM-5”), Matthew Koso falls short of qualifying to be a pedophile. Crystal Guyer Koso was an adolescent when he first had sexual relations with her. Matthew Koso and Crystal Guyer Koso got married so that they could raise their daughter and build a future together. Child molesters and pedophiles do not marry their victims and seek to build a future with them. They just grab their victims off of a playground, take from them what they want and move on to their next victim. I get it that there are pedophiles and child molesters who sexually victimize children over a lengthy period of time until their victim ages to a point in which they are no longer sexually appealing to their victimizers. However, that was not the case with Matthew Koso. He was in love with Crystal Guyer Koso, and he wanted to be with her forever and share their dreams together. For Mr. Bruning to believe that Matthew Koso was no different from some wacko like Kenneth Parnell or even Phillip Garrido shows how twisted of a mind Mr. Bruning has.

Mr. Bruning insisted that Matthew Koso had to have been running around with other girls younger than 16 years of age. However, Mr. Bruning was never really able to produce substantial evidence of those same suspicions of his. Matthew Koso did have Platonic friendships with females of all ages in the past, but Crystal Guyer Koso was his first love. The authorities in Crystal Guyer Koso and Matthew Koso’s town, Falls City, didn’t even want to get involved in this situation and bring it to trial at first, but Mr. Bruning was dead set on convincing the whole world that Matthew Koso was no different from a man in a trench coat who went grabbing toddlers off of playgrounds. Therefore, he charged Matthew Koso with one of the most reprehensible offenses that he could find in the Nebraska law books. Mr. Bruning subsequently received a great amount of correspondence through the mail from the public at large asking him to drop the criminal charges against Matthew Koso and leave him and Crystal Guyer Koso alone to raise their daughter. However, Mr. Bruning was not going to let anyone tell him how to do his job. He thought in his mind that he was somehow becoming this knight in shining armor who was fixing to rescue Crystal Guyer Koso from the clutches of a dangerous child sexual predator. However, Crystal Guyer Koso wanted nothing from Mr. Bruning but for him to leave her and her family alone. She made it clear to our nation in an interview with 20/20 that Mr. Bruning couldn’t have cared less about her and her daughter, Samara, and that she would have been all the more happy if Mr. Bruning had dropped off the face of the Earth and disappeared altogether.

Mr. Bruning became the most hated elected official throughout Nebraska and probably even throughout the United States of America. He thought that he was doing something really good for a teenage girl and her newborn child. However, he was really causing her and her family needless pain and misery. It is no mystery why Mr. Bruning never made it to Washington, D.C. upon running for Congress back in 2011. Nobody wanted him on Capitol Hill. He was more about getting convictions than he was about ensuring that justice was served, which really made him a poor attorney general for his state jurisdiction. An article titled “He’s 22, She’s 14. Should They Be Allowed to Marry?” by Pam Grout provides details of all of these same events.

Matthew Koso tried to play it smart by pleading not guilty to the criminal charges against him at his arraignment. His criminal defense attorney, Willis Yoesel, had thought that he had a good legal strategy to get the charges against Matthew Koso dismissed, but nothing is ever foolproof in legal fantasyland as attorneys had told me back when I was working as a paralegal. Eventually, Matthew Koso changed his plea to guilty in hopes that he would get nothing but probation. His wife, Crystal Guyer Koso, wanted him only to get probation, because she loved him and, like everyone else in her family, she found it ludicrous that the court system was labeling her as her husband’s rape victim and her husband as her rapist. It was almost as though these public officials were waiving some kind of imaginary wand and changing fiction into facts.

The judge who presided over Matthew Koso’s criminal case, Judge Daniel E. Bryan, Jr., sentenced Matthew Koso to 18 to 30 months in prison in which he was required to register as a sex offender with the state of Nebraska for ten years after his release. People For The American Way and other political organizations were appalled with Judge Bryan, Jr. for giving Matthew Koso any time behind bars in that they felt that the criminal case against him should have been dismissed altogether. Both Matthew Koso’s family and Crystal Guyer Koso’s family found such a sentence harsh, even though there were actually self-righteous do-gooders here in our nation who thought that the sentence was too light. Well, Matthew Koso’s family and Crystal Guyer Koso’s family were correct in their assertion that Judge Bryan, Jr. had abused his authority on the bench in handing down a sentence to Matthew Koso that was anything beyond probation. The mainstream press and the mainstream media did not divulge the facts surrounding Judge Bryan, Jr.’s professional misconduct on the bench. However, there is a document on the Internet that provides details about how Judge Bryan, Jr. ignored important laws in deciding Matthew Koso’s sentence, which constituted judicial misconduct on Judge Bryan, Jr.’s part.

In a legal paper titled “Strange Bedfellows: Criminal Law, Family Law, and the Legal Construction of Intimate Life” by *Melissa Murray, it was revealed that Judge Bryan, Jr. had given Matthew Koso a harsh sentence inasmuch as he deemed Mr. Koso’s marriage to Crystal Guyer Koso to be an ongoing form of sexual abuse. (*Note – I’m not sure whether she is the same Melissa Murray as the one who was interviewed in a video in Ms. Stokes’s article.) Upon reading this revelation, I became extremely disgusted and appalled with Judge Bryan, Jr., because both the Nebraska Supreme Court and the Supreme Court of the United States would probably have rescinded such a sentence if Mr. Koso’s criminal defense attorney had taken the matter to that level. The only reason that I can think of that Matthew Koso’s attorney, Mr. Yoesel, did not pursue an appeal in this respect was because Matthew Koso simply did not have the money to pay him to take it that much further. Of course, before being able to entertain any kind of appeal, Mr. Koso would have had to have withdrawn his guilty plea and reentered a plea of not guilty if the court would have allowed it, which might have risked the possibility of him receiving a much harsher sentence than what he got.

Before reading this same legal paper, I had thought that former Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning had based the entire criminal case upon the premarital sex that had occurred between Matthew Koso and Crystal Guyer Koso. Now, I may not be a lawyer, but I have worked for law firms. Therefore, I know something about the law with respect to these types of situations; and I can confidently say that Judge Bryan, Jr. clearly violated the principle of comity, because the marriage between Matthew Koso and Crystal Guyer Koso was just as legitimate as any marriage that had been entered into there in Nebraska. A news reporter from 20/20 had even stressed the principle of comity in an interview with Mr. Bruning back in 2005. What greatly bothers me about this judge’s misconduct is that Matthew Koso and Crystal Guyer Koso could have just as well been a married couple from another state visiting their relatives there in Nebraska and they would not have known that the authorities could have wrongfully treated their marriage as ongoing sexual abuse. Judge Bryan, Jr.’s decision wreaks with corruption in so many ways that he should have been impeached from the bench for violating Matthew Koso and Crystal Guyer Koso’s rights the way he did. Luckily, he has retired since then and he cannot harm anybody else in the manner that he harmed these two youngsters, although he should have been removed from the bench and denied his retirement after how he ruined their lives. Moreover, Mr. Bruning should have been disbarred from the practice of law and impeached from office for allowing a judge to get away with that same kind of misconduct, and he also should have lost all of his retirement. Of course, he had his own self-serving agenda on his mind. For these reasons, it is a good thing that he did not make it to Washington, D.C. after he ran for Congress.

In light of all the above-described events, it is one of the main reasons that I emphatically believe that the statutory-rape laws are making a mockery out of all of us Americans. Trial judges like Judge Bryan, Jr. are getting away with misapplying laws against defendants in statutory-rape cases and the likes, and they are ignoring these same defendants’ civil and constitutional rights. Jeanne Smoot of the Tahirih Justice Center is a lawyer, and she has to know about all of these cracks in our criminal justice system. However, she is so dead set on serving her own agenda that she couldn’t care less about how her actions to tamper with the marriage laws across our nation are going to put individuals like Matthew Koso already in the line of fire of corrupt judges like Judge Daniel E. Bryan, Jr. If and when she ever acquires her judgeship, she’ll probably be just as corrupt and unscrupulous as Judge Bryan, Jr. These shysters like her in our nation’s legal profession don’t care about the well being of others. By the time they get to become judges, they are completely devoid of any compassion for those who are vulnerable to predatory prosecutors like Mr. Bruning.

Matthew Koso got out of prison in 2007. Mr. Bruning continued to insist that Matthew Koso had misused the institution of marriage as a “loophole” to get out of a criminal conviction for his sexual involvement with his wife. However, Mr. Bruning does not know Matthew Koso as well as he deludes himself into believing, because the real reason that Matthew Koso married Crystal Guyer Koso was because he was in love with her and he wanted to provide for her and their baby. Matthew Koso also proved his love for Crystal Guyer Koso time after time again. For example, even though she had a baby with another man while Matthew Koso was incarcerated, he immediately went to live with her after his release from prison and he offered to take care of a baby of hers that didn’t even belong to him. Luckily, Crystal Guyer Koso was no longer with the father of that child by the time that Matthew Koso got out of prison, and Matthew Koso was still legally married to her. However, most men would not have gone back to their wife in a situation like that, but Matthew Koso loved Crystal Guyer Koso so much that he decided not to pass judgment on her for cheating on him while he was incarcerated. He stayed with her for better or for worse.

Life for Matthew Koso and Crystal Guyer Koso was not easy immediately after Matthew Koso’s release from prison. The Kosos and the Guyers did everything they could to help them out financially and so forth. However, Matthew Koso now unjustly had a police record and would be on the Nebraska sex offender registry until 2017 because of the misconduct of a corrupt judge and the obsession of a predatory state attorney general over unleashing chaos into their lives. It was not going to be easy for Matthew Koso to secure employment under these same circumstances.

Matthew Koso and Crystal Guyer Koso had thought that perhaps they would have the same luck at reaching out to the public for emotional support that they had after they had interviewed with 20/20 back in 2005. Therefore, they did the unthinkable and agreed to appear on The Steve Wilkos Show in 2010, which is a talk show that nobody wants to be part of unless they are ready to be placed in the hot seat, in figurative words. Steve Wilkos was fairly new to the talk show industry in his capacity as a host back then. He had managed all the security on The Jerry Springer Show for years, but nobody had ever really seen him on camera until he got his own talk show. Crystal’s mother, Cecilia Guyer, also agreed to accompany Matthew Koso and Crystal Guyer Koso on The Steve Wilkos Show. It all turned out to be the biggest mistake that all three of them could have ever made in their entire life, because nobody on that show was receptive or empathetic with them or their situation. People in the audience preached at them and even ridiculed them for the most part, when these same individuals in the audience didn’t really seem to understand the bigger picture. The appearance of Matthew Koso, Crystal Guyer Koso and Cecilia Guyer on that show could be best described as standing live before a kangaroo court. The video posted on YouTube with clips of that same program will show you why it was not a good idea for them to appear on it.

Matthew Koso, Crystal Guyer Koso And Cecilia Koso All Three Appeared On The Steve Wilkos Show

Steve Wilkos was cocky, callous and crass in his interview of Matthew Koso, Crystal Guyer Koso and Cecilia Guyer. He berated and abashed them in every way possible. He took a cheap shot at them by implying that Matthew Koso’s relationship with Crystal Guyer Koso at its outset was no different from allowing a “guy” to date someone’s 9- or 10-year-old daughter and have sex with her. Oh, Mr. Wilkos, how stupid can you be? You are every definition of a dead-between-the-ears smart aleck. Not even a boy in his early-to-middle teens would date a 9- or 10-year-old girl, except for Corey Feldman, of course, but, then again, Corey Feldman is an unusual case. Stop comparing apples and oranges. Let children be children and teenagers be teenagers.

Despite Mr. Wilkos’s reprehensible behavior toward Matthew Koso, Matthew Koso did his best to be polite with him. However, Cecilia Guyer visibly and verbally became irritated with Mr. Wilkos during the show; and after the way that Mr. Wilkos treated her, her daughter and her son-in-law, how could anyone rightfully blame her? Mr. Wilkos was just another dumb cop trying to make himself out to be the voice of the gospel truth. I wish that Matthew Koso, Crystal Guyer Koso and Cecilia Guyer had never agreed to appear on that talk show, because Steve Wilkos behaved like an absolute piece of human feces with them. Even the late Morton Downey, Jr. would have found Mr. Wilkos’s behavior to be deplorable, and the late Mr. Downey, Jr. was no pussy cat himself back when he had his talk show.

I was expecting a whole flood of posts from self-proclaimed child advocates and self-appointed pedo-experts in the comments section of that same video on YouTube that contained clips from that same edition of The Steve Wilkos Show. Some people in the comments section made snide remarks about how it didn’t make sense for Crystal Guyer Koso to differentiate between 10 years old and 12 years old. However, the point that Crystal Guyer Koso was trying to make on The Steve Wilkos Show was that a 10-year-old girl was usually a prepubescent child and a 12-year-old girl was usually an adolescent. Most 10-year-old girls still have their baby teeth, whereas most 12-year-old girls don’t. Therefore, anybody who posted in the same comments section needs to get off their moral high horses and start realizing that facts are facts regardless of how society doesn’t want them to prove them wrong. Crystal Guyer Koso never encouraged 12-year-old girls to lose their virginity despite what any of these little minds may have misinterpreted.

Some of the YouTubers commented that they believed that Matthew Koso was a danger to his own children and that he was potentially capable of committing incest upon them merely because he was a “pedophile” in their opinion. Well, Oliver Vanetta “Doolittle” Lynn never committed incest upon any of his kids while they were growing up, and he married a 13-year-old girl (country singer Loretta Lynn) when he was in his twenties; and Doolittle Lynn was never a pedophile. Therefore, Matthew Koso could not be a pedophile and he has never been formally diagnosed as one. Moreover, in his interview with 20/20 back in 2005, he emphatically denied ever being a pedophile.

Some of the self-proclaimed child advocates and self-appointed pedo-experts posted in the comments section of the above-described YouTube video that they believed that Matthew Koso had seduced and groomed Crystal Guyer Koso. However, Matthew Koso had never had a girlfriend before he hooked up with Crystal Guyer Koso, and Crystal Guyer Koso had already had boyfriends before him and she was not a virgin when she initially became involved with Matthew Koso according to her interview with 20/20 back in 2005. Therefore, Mr. Koso’s lack of experience as a 20-something-year-old man eliminated any power imbalance that there could have been between him and his wife in the event that he had been an experienced 20-something-year-old and she had been a girl in her early teens who had never even so much had her first kiss. Upon seeing Matthew Koso interview on television on 20/20, he never showed any of the characteristics of a sexual predator. Therefore, I don’t believe that it was ever in his DNA to groom his wife at the outset of their relationship. Perhaps only a mental-health professional would have been able to make that determination, but I strongly disbelieve that Crystal Guyer Koso would have gone up to bat for Matthew Koso throughout the entire criminal trial process against him if she had felt that he had taken advantage of her or had sexually molested her. I do get that she was barely in her teens when everything was going on with her husband’s criminal case, and people are going to continue to argue that her brain was not fully developed for whatever that it is worth; but, even so, she did not have the mind of a slug and she had enough psychological wherewithal to know that he loved her right from the beginning and had never harmed her.

I honestly don’t believe that any of the haters in the above-described comments section were ever really interested in the facts of the matter. They only wanted to denigrate Matthew Koso as much as they could so that they could somehow give themselves a sense of importance by some self-defined standard. One really annoying reply in that same comments section that had virtually nothing to do with the talk show or with Matthew Koso was one by YouTuber Mad K in which she stated:

I was stalked and harassed by a 40 year old man. He wanted to marry me and have sex with me. I was 15. I was NOT mature enough to understand what was happening. That man groomed her and that mom let it happen. How disgusting.

No, YouTuber Mad K! Matthew Koso did not groom Crystal Guyer Koso. She was 19 years old when she appeared on The Steve Wilkos Show, and she never said anything about him having groomed her; so don’t be changing the story around to suit your own misguided perceptions. That 40-year-old man who stalked and harassed you has nothing to do with Matthew Koso and Crystal Guyer Koso or with anything that went on between them. Okay, YouTuber Mad K! You insist that you were not mature enough to understand what was happening when a 40-year-old man stalked you. Perhaps you lived a sheltered life, but you did not necessarily represent the majority of girls that age back when you were that age. Matthew Koso showed absolutely no characteristics of anyone who had groomed Crystal Guyer Koso, and Crystal Guyer Koso never complained about having been groomed. If it had been the case, she would have come out by now and complained about it; but she hasn’t.

It is incredible how stupid and ignorant people seem to gravitate toward one another, because down below YouTuber Mad K’s comment was another reply from a YouTuber named Black Sumarai 7 who stated:

That 40 year old was a simp b––– who probably never had a girlfriend in his life.

HOW WOULD YOU KNOW, YOUTUBER BLACK SUMARAI 7? Are you such an expert on abnormal sexual behavior? Are you a psychic? Yes, I can see that YouTuber Mad K’s situation at 15 years old was a most unpleasant one and that the 40-year-old man who refused to leave her alone was not a poster boy for perfect mental health. However, you come across to me as another one of these dunces who believe that only incels and perma-virgins engage in this kind of disturbing behavior. That is, you have a preconceived notion in your deluded mind that there is a thin line between male virginity and sexual perversion. You’re probably one of those imbeciles who have a blind faith in the alpha-male-oriented caste system that leads you to believe that prom kings and male prima donnas who were once the high-school hunks in their younger days would never ever do anything that would remotely resemble this same undesirable behavior and that such men have no chances of ever committing any kind of sex crime against anyone. Well, you could never be more wrong than you are. Look at Toby Willis of The Willis Family. He appeared to be a big shot who excelled in sports back in high school, who was the high-school hunk, who married his high-school sweetheart before he was 23 years old, and who became a major success at life and a family man. Well, he is now serving a four-decade prison sentence for raping three of his own daughters from the time they were little girls. One of his daughters even complained that he began sexually victimizing her when she was only three years old. Therefore, so much for your world of age-appropriate perfection, YouTuber Black Sumarai 7. You are what is so wrong with this country that we live in; and I am glad that I did not waste my time trying to enlighten you on YouTube by posting a reply to your comment, because you will always be the dead-between-the-ears nobody that you are. People like you make me want to throw up all over the floor. I even have the right mind to throw up all over you, YouTuber Black Sumarai 7.

It is both sad and outrageous that public officials in Nebraska continued to harass Matthew Koso and Crystal Guyer Koso and meddle into their lives afterwards. Both of these youngsters struggled to raise their kids and to live their lives to the fullest, but government officials simply could not leave them alone. The last I heard about them, government officials were attempting to take their kids away from them based likely upon malicious gossip from busybodies who simply do not want them to be happy. If former Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning and his bureaucratic accomplices had left both of them and their family alone, I believe that the quality of their lives would have been much better today than it is now. This is why I am telling each and every one of you that people like Fraidy Reiss, Jeanne Smoot, Donna Pollard and others like them want to turn our nation into a Fascist totalitarian police state, and they do not have the best interest of the American people at heart. Predatory government officials like Mr. Bruning and former Judge Daniel E. Bryan, Jr. like these women, because they give them more power to destroy the lives of decent citizens in our nation.

[Article Continued In Part 3]

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