ASSAULT WITH A DEADLY WEAPON?: Human urine and feces...

in #news7 years ago (edited)

This is something I only thought of the other day and I am not going to spend much time on it here. I mentioned it in other posts.

I want people to consider if they are throwing urine and feces on other human beings and that urine and feces came from another human that could be considered assault with a deadly weapon.


There are many blood borne illnesses, viruses, and diseases. If that urine or feces came from someone with HIV, Hepatitis, or other blood borne conditions all it needs is to get in an eye, in a mouth, or in an open wound. Though many of these diseases do not go into urine unless someone has blood in their urine naturally LIKE I DO and have for most of my life.

At a protest if things turn violent which they likely will if people are hurling urine and feces at them there likely will end up being some open wounds. It also easily could end up in the mouths or eyes of people.

My recommendation would be to document it as well as you can and press charges for assault against such people.

If you think it is funny and you advocated use of such things, perhaps I've made you realize it isn't a good idea.

EDIT: I found that there is a place that has done an article on this. Biological Warfare? Antifa Protesters Threw Bottles Filled with Sh*t, Piss at White Rally


It's definitely assault with a deadly weapon. I come from Africa where HIV is prevalent and if infected bodily fluids come into ipen sores there is a definite risk of infection of a deadly disease. Our children are taught in prw-school not to touch blood, EVER.

Logically the risk of contacting a deadly disease, or even any disease, or even a bacterial infection is not huge, BUT it is a possibility.

I guess I should be included in a school courses around the world, the same as washing hands and others. It's simple to follow preventive care for all of us

Anything that can keep us safer should be taught in school.

As long as LE allows the democong and the Deep State to dictate which groups are allowed to riot, to assault political opponents, and to assassinate cops with impunity...cough cough, OWS, antifa, BLM, cough, cough...then bags of filth will continue to be thrown at police. They are victims of their own refusal to defend the citizens.

The common defense is listed in the Constitution as a primary task, and Madison makes a point of defining the defense of the citizen and his property the highest priority of the Constitution and of government.

No law, regulation, or political decision that abandons that duty is lawful. PERIOD

I made the case for the complete rollup of the democong under RICO law in an earlier post.

As soon as the line cop, and/or the line serviceman, steps up and fulfills his oath, this country will be more prosperous and more addition, it can be done lawfully, and bypass the need for American citizens, who have been repeatedly betrayed, to take matters into their own hands.

Never really looked at it that way. It's nasty, that's for sure ^^ Anyways I totally agree with your point and how dangerous it can be.

This was the first thing that occurred to me years ago when piss and poop balloons started being used, that is a serious pathogenic warfare tactic, that is way beyond protesting. Just as an example, without the more serious deadly diseases considered, If just one of those poop bombs has the norovirus, it could in theory debilitate 100s of people through contagion. A few years ago a number of schools were closed in a city not far from where I am, all inside of two or three days, when more than a 150 students in a single school started vomiting and experiencing explosive diarrhea. That is some serious shit.... charges should definitely be filed.

If throwing bodily fluids at a correctional officer in a prison is assault, then it definitely is the case outside of the prison walls!

Good point. I hadn't considered that as precedence.

Prison rules are generally a very bad example for outworld rules. Because a prison is not a normal place, not at all.

What dafuq? I had heard people had thrown bottles, but filled with human waste. Who does that? That is sub-human and very disgusting. Someone needs to slap their mothers. Sounds like the beginning of the zombie apocalypse. SMH

Apparently Antifa started doing this in Portland, though I didn't learn about it until this Charlottesville debacle.

One word comes to mind...despicable.

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