Ohm Ohm N.A.P. Ohm: Man I am so angry right now... [Charlottesville]

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Breathe, relax, Non-Aggression Principle, Non-Aggression Principle. Do not initiate aggression except in self defense or in defense of others.

Begin Rant:

I am incredibly angry right now. I happened to watch a lot of live footage from the Charlottesville, Virginia Unite Rally. Most of the people uniting there didn't appear to be racist at all and they even had black guys as part of the Unite Rally. Then the idiot Spencer was going around saying "Hail Trump" which was a bone headed thing to do. Yes, that idiot is a racist. Stating this defeats any attempt at unification as I don't know many people on the so-called "right" that would get behind that.

However, if anyone were to watch the live footage for a couple of hours you would witness Antifa showing up with coolers full of grenade like weapons. This included bottles and balloons full of shit, piss, chemicals, paint, and combinations of those. They had tear gas, mace, etc.

The Unite members had apparently agreed to make it a non-violent protest and apparently it was primarily centered around the editing of history and removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee. Guess what people? There has been racism in our history. Taking down a statue does not change that. Leaving up the statue is a reminder. I am in extreme opposition to editing and censoring of history.

Yet that isn't why I am mad. I watched Antifa do what I am used to seeing them do. They attacked. They brought the violence. I would say at a guess 95% of the violence was by Antifa.

There was a single horrible incident of someone driving a car into antifa and there are supposedly injuries, and I am unsure if there were any fatalities. This was wrong. As far as I know they didn't catch the person.

Let's refer from this point on to protestors (Unite Rally members), and counter-protestors (Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and others) that were there. Just like all the protestors were not racist, neither were all the counter-protestors violent. That violent as I've come to expect came from Antifa. I've heard that some BLM members joined in too, but that supposedly was a minority. I witnessed in the live feed a ton of Antifa violence and people trying to flee them.

The Unite people were actually pushed back into a corner, and then the police who pretty much were standing down (supposedly at the word of the mayor) declared it an unlawful assembly and told the people they had to march back through Antifa and the Counter Protestors to leave. I saw no evidence that they were making the counter protestors leave initially, but just the protestors.

Then supposedly due to the fact they had a permit for the rally (thus, it was NOT unlawful) was permitted at noon, which was 30 minutes from when they made them leave.

So yeah, I was not surprised. This is starting to be status quo. I was angry when I went on a slack my friends are on had a politics, religion, and bullshit channel spammed with mainstream media drivel that isn't even close to what actually happened.

The only thing that seems realistic is pointing out the car slamming into the antifa (it was on video) bit. Then it talks about all the problems with the protestors when 95% of the violence there was coming from the counter protestors.

You either want freedom of speech, or you do not.

Until you use violence you should be able to say what you want at a rally. Period. That doesn't mean people have to like it. That doesn't mean people cannot counter protest. Yet, as soon as it turns violent it is no longer SPEECH.

Antifa brought the violence as they have done so many times and yet the news is not reporting that. In fact, it seems like a good chance to pass laws banning free speech. There is no questioning or stopping of those that are bringing the violence.

A stand down order from the mayor seems to be fine with what was planned there.

I don't go to these protests. I trained enough in my life the first rule of my training was to avoid situations where you may need to use your training. I am no expert, but I saw plenty of weapons in that rally that could have put antifa in the hospital quickly or potentially the grave. Me and such a rally would be bad news.

I am a strong believer in the Non-Aggression Principle. That doesn't mean that injustice and twisted news don't really piss me off at times. Today is no exception.

Just to be clear. Richard Spencer and his "Hail Trump" bullshit is just a dumb ass thing to say, yet he has the freedom to say it. The person driving the car into antifa though was despicable/disgusting/horrible. These were two incidents and there was so much violence and attacking going on and all of it except the car that I saw was self defense or in reaction to attacks by Antifa.

This will likely be something people are talking about for awhile. The car had no license plates. (yet my intro picture seems to show a GVF 1111 license plate unless that is fake) I predict we'll hear people potentially talking false flag, or other issues as well. If I were one of you betting kinds I might even make that a wager.

We have the freedom of speech, at least we're supposed to. Freedom of Speech is not necessary for popular speech, no one challenges popular speech. Freedom of Speech exists to protect unpopular speech. People should be able to say whatever they want. That doesn't mean people have to like it, yet they still have the freedom to say it. If you don't like it you have the freedom of speech to say something about it.

Hitler's Youth and the minions of Mussolini where the term Fascists derived from were fond of shutting down free speech. I guess it shouldn't surprise me that in the age of backwards world where we have things like No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, etc that the group calling themselves Antifa which means anti-fascists would actually be the most fascist group I know of in the world at the moment. They use the same tactics and act just like the historical fascists. This does however require actually studying history. It is easier just to take an appeal to authority from someone, join the group think, and start chanting, attacking, and stopping all the free speech you can stop.

Anyway... /end rant

EDIT: There was a point when the protestors were leaving initially through the counter protestors until they were allowed to come back in 30 minutes that the counter protestors that WERE NOT violent went total Game of Thrones on them. They were doing the "Shame, Shame, Shame" type chant for when Cersei does her walk of atonement. I'll admit that was kind of a funny spin. They also had the RIGHT to do that. They were not being violent. They might also take time to think about how things turned out for those that made her do that walk of attonement.


Civil war is coming to usa.

Unlike any we've seen before. It will not be drawn at state lines. It will be based on ideology. Sadly I know people I care about that are so brainwashed by mainstream media that if/when it happens they will be on the opposite side from me.

This is going to be one of those that is dragged around allot, but I'm with you, the non aggression principal needs to be upheld most especially in these situations and the counter protesters where clearly at fault here. Free speech is hard sometimes, but always err on the side of non aggression.

Seeing the mainstream media spin at as reason for laws to limit speech, and seeing them only focus on the car incident was a bad sign.

And it drives a wedge between the two groups.

I can't think of a better way to weaken any coordinated opposition.

Here's my prediction:

Hegelian Dialectic at work. They use it a lot, so that is totally possible.

I'm wondering if we'll know when the Night of the Long Knives happens.

Hard to say.

Here we go.

I think I know what you mean.

Those were the very words I was thinking.

The sad fact is the goal has been to divide the people so no one sees what is in the other hand, and it is working... Come together as humans first and ignore all the rest..

I understand wanting to assemble in protest. And assembling in protest of protest. I don't understand the violence, and I'm also pretty cynical about the motives of both sides in this fight. It's like they're fighting over which corrupt ruling class they want to be governed by.

It feels like folks are shooting arrows at the wrong targets, and neither sides' grievances will ever be addressed as long as we remain convinced that "people with other life experiences/perspectives are the enemy". There are people in way higher places who love seeing these conflicts caused by identity politics play out violently. The news coverage of these events has been full of idiots on both sides who are giving the government all the excuses they need to justify infringing on our rights.

I miss the good old days, when it took the fear of foreign national terrorists to convince us to pass the Patriot Act. Now all it takes is some frat boys with tiki torches descending on Hillary country to justify calling out the National Guard? We've gotten ridiculous.

And if you watched the live streams before the news did their hack edit jobs you'd see those TIKI torch guys were pretty damn reasonable considering the literal shit, piss, and tear gas being lobbed at them. It was quite bad, and it was not at all like the media has portrayed it.

That was why I was angry. I happened to spend about 2 hours watching live streams and thought it was nuts. Then I saw the news, and more news, and I got really angry. I got angry as the news was not at all close to what the live streams showed.

My training at all this stuff as a resident activist and informed protester understanding policy now ---- is first look for the signs of a false flag / gov't agency / police state plant in the "crowd".

Because -- everywhere.

Because it happened to me, in Canadastan where we cannot carry guns --- and I saw UC cops in the crowd who were set up to target myself and 3 others as we called out the mayor and the collusion at city hall

And it was disclosed in court documents and disclosure they were told in a secret meeting with the mayor and city solicitor a highly volatile situation would be exposed that nite at council --- and it made the National news.

Lots of footage of that around.

I don't believe any official story anymore and am trained to look a lot deeper.

I hate when anyone, anywhere is forced into anything, or is hurt.

Online or IRL.

Good post man.

I suspect there was likely some planted actors like you were indicating. I wouldn't even rule out the car crash into the Antifa as being a false flag. It certainly seems to be their focus (meaning mainstream media) and is one of the major fueling pieces they are using to try to vilify the "right" though if you actually saw the live feeds of that protest other than Richard Spencer and his "Hail Trump" bit the Unite Rally people were really pretty well behaved considering the literal shit, piss, and tear gas being thrown at them.

Well, I was out today heading for some pizza with Bob the Statist again, and I told him these are my exact thoughts, how I approach things now.

The last straw for people in Oshawa as I fought to expose lies here for years --- was the UC cops, caught jackbooting my residents in the head, with guns, in the chambers, meant to target us ---- BUT

scare off the peaceful, passive people........so they could CAN the Audior General Ron Foster --- who blew the whistle and how --- with the bullying and corruption in this city, many of us have dealt with for years.

3/4 of the crowd was scared off out of their minds, the rest of us stayed and you can see me harassed and walked out of city hall, in some of the video that went viral, with them targeting me under the guise of a trespass order in effect.

You can also see me correct them on file --- there was no trespass order against me.

Good old public service, right man????



Bwahaha...well not too funny, but the shame shame shame part made me giggle.

In a rather dark event that is truly the only funny moment I can recall. :(

Definitely worth an upvote and a resteem :]

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Have to be aware, there is a huge crack through western societies all over the globe.

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