Julian Assange has been restricted from the internet again.

in #news6 years ago

Julian Assange had a deal with Ecuador to not meddle in the politics of South America or to threaten the friendships it has with European nations. Apparently, Ecuador has decided he has broken the rules so they have cut off his internet access.


Assange is in a precarious position. He is stuck in an Ecuadorian embassy going on 5 years now. Facing what appears to be bogus charges in Sweden.. He has a secret arrest warrant issued from America, that prevents him from stepping outside. During the last Ecuadorian election one of the two candidates had said they would kick him out of the embassy within 30 days if they were elected. Fortunately for good people, that candidate Guillermo Lasso - lost by more than 10% to Lenín Moreno.

During the United States elections people appeared to think that Assange and Trump were buddies, that he would get a free pass if Trump were elected. The news has obviously stopped saying those things. Wikileaks have been dropped from the Russian Bot talk. Trump, though he was grateful to Assange for the help during the elections. Does not seem all that supportive to Assange or Wikileaks anymore.

Will Julian Assange finally be forced out of the embassy to face the false charges being pushed by the shadow government? Is he coming to America soon? How much longer can he stay inside of an embassy? One that now has no internet connection for him to use.

You can read more here



(RandoHealer has healed this post because you have been randomly selected from the whitelist. Lucky!)

Yes yes to ,hope you are fine. peace ☺

personally i think he should dig a tunnel and just get out of there, change his hair and sell email marketing from chang mai.

We are all part of the #QAnon

I am a Russian bot? Twitter said I was a bot. I shared #Wikileaks. So, you are saying I am a bot. Twitter censors me. YouTube delete thousands of my Ojawall videos which dates back to when I was ten years old over twenty years ago. My whole life gone it seems. Facebook disabled me many times. Terminated me. The NWO is censoring the good people.

The whole deal of being detained without charge is bogus. If there are charges and they are false, that's bogus, too.

I haven't followed Assange's situation for some time. And in general, I get a little leery about motivations when it comes to certain kinds of leaks. It can put people into positions of power, where they're deciding the fates of governments or involved individuals, which can also mean collateral damage with innocents.

It definitely puts Assange and any other individual trying to reveal to the public things the people probably should know, but that are considered sensitive or secret to the nations that guard them, in precarious positions. As he's found out, it's difficult to find real sanctuary when you have to rely on any government for it.

Especially governments that heavily rely on the good graces of other countries for their own existence and livelihood, which pretty much describes most nations in the world.

I started MAKE WiFi NOT WAR
to patch this horrible bug


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