Approaching news logically / The Syrian chemical weapons attack.

in #news6 years ago

Is trump colluding with Russia? Will Trump go to war with Russia? What is really going on in the world. Watching the news can be misleading, confusing, and counterintuitive.. regardless if its Fox News and Alex Jones or CNN and Bill Maher.

The latest Syria conflict is worth looking into. The chemical attack has been 'confirmed' to have been done by Assad, it is necessary to note that the same agencies who 'confirmed' this also 'confirmed' that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. They are not infallible. Even more noteworthy to me is the logical positives and negatives of the situation. The person who receives the best results, has the clear motive to have done it. According to the western news it was one of the last rebel strongholds, the war was all but won for Assad and the Russians. Why do something that you know will infuriate the west into reacting when victory is closer than ever.


The paper written by France said "Beyond possible doubt, a chemical attack was carried out against civilians at Douma (and) there is no plausible scenario other than that of an attack by Syrian armed forces as part of a wider offensive in the Eastern Ghouta enclave,"

Two much more plausible scenarios are very apparent to me. That the Al Qaeda rebels in Syria choose to attack an area it is in control of and blame the opposing army in the hopes of intervention from an outside force. The rebels are being pushed back, they can't stage large attacks on government army buildings. Would Al Qaeda be willing to trade 80 civilian lives for the destruction of several large military compounds? Is that plausible?

Is it plausible that the military industrial complex could carry out a small chemical attack to destroy a competing country? Wouldn't this also ensure new weapons contracts, as well as infrastructure contracts to rebuild these broken bases and spent bombs?

The end result of this chemical attack was Assad conquering a rebel city he was going to take control of anyway with only civilian casualties. The rebels however gained hundreds of bombs dropped on large military complexes across Syria, without one casualty.

This is but one recent conflict in the news. Another recent world event that lacked logic was the Poison attack that was reportedly done by Russia recently. Who really won in that situation? If it was Russia it was a failed poisoning, when even North Korea can be easily successful at it as they did in Australia recently. This guy didn't have any new information on Russia that he couldn't have already given months before. 151 Russian diplomats from 27 countries got expelled. To me, it appears motive is not in the hands of Russia.

Woot woot,



Case closed!

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I don't know about collusion, unless Trump is colluding to go to war with Russia and Putin.

At the same time, though, I agree, it doesn't make sense for Assad to do this, unless he's a totalitarian egotistical maniacal dictator who decided to take a victory lap and dance on his own people's graves.

While I wouldn't put that past anyone who desires power over all else, I wouldn't put it past the rebels or the world press to fabricate the story. Gassing their own people is beyond belief, but they have been known to hand suicide vests to people, too. And they've also been known to fake deaths for a worldwide audience.

The problem is, and always will be, we the people don't get the news unfiltered. It comes to us via the agenda-driven mouths and hearts of the news media, who either for profit, power or for pleasure want to transform the world, even if that means watching it burn.

I have no love lost for any side here. They're all bad, except for the children and perhaps some of the adults, who if the deaths are actually confirmed, were just pawns in the hands of truly bad people.

IMO, most humans can't relate to the need to dominate the whole world. So if some people actually have this desire, their thinking and actions will not make sense to most of us.
If someone does have this agenda, using the rest of the population as their pawns does make sense.
Behavior that is simply inconceivable to me, could be the simplest solution for maniacal agendas.

Mr. X once commented on my point of view about Trump and Clinton and that he agreed with my point of view that; unless someone goes to jail, all of this is nothing more than a circle jerk wet dream of mine. I somehow remembered that brief encounter with Mr. X on SGT Report. He left that voice of reason and from there I tread very so lightly geopolitically.

Aloha @drpuffnstuff

Anyway you look at it... The situation sucks.

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