You Might Face A Fine If You Pull Over For An Emergency Vehicle

in #news6 years ago

When you see an emergency vehicle on the road, driving rules often stipulate that you're supposed to give way to the emergency vehicle. This often means that drivers will pull over to the side of the road or highway, however they can, so that the emergency vehicle can get through.

But what some people might not have known is that you can still run the risk of getting a ticket if they catch you pulling over for that emergency vehicle in the wrong way.

In the UK for example, drivers could face a fine up to $1000.

The reason that drivers might be fined is if they are caught moving their vehicle into a bus lane or stopping in an area that they otherwise wouldn't be permitted to etc. Other drivers might be punished if they run a red light in their effort to get out of the way of the emergency vehicle. Along with that fine they could also receive several penalty points on their driving record.

When seconds can make the difference between life or death, it seems nonsensical to punish someone for trying to get out of the way of an emergency vehicle, regardless of whether or not they've done so in the appropriate manner.

If they have managed to pull to the side of the road peacefully, then how does it serve the cause of justice to initiate violence against them?

Authorities say that drivers should be vigilant in looking out for fire engines, ambulances, police, and other emergency vehicles, that might need to pass.

They warn drivers that when you see such a vehicle approaching that you shouldn't panic. Ideally, they want you to pull over whilst still trying to obey every and all traffic signs. But if it really came down to peacefully pulling over to an area where they probably shouldn't, or neglecting to move and the emergency vehicle takes longer and as a result an individual (or several) loses their life, was that really the best decision to make?

If you fail to yield to an emergency vehicle you can get a ticket and in some areas you might even see jail time if you are caught on multiple occasions violating the rules of the road in attempting to get out of the way of an emergency vehicle. Is that really what we need to reserve jails for today? to keep society safe from all those who try to accommodate an emergency vehicle in a manner that isn't fitting to the state? It seems like an overreach and an incredible waste of resources.




It is not about fairness, or saving lives, or legality.
It is about control.

Making you feel helpless.

T.H.E.Y. do not care about you following normal, common sense laws, they want you to tie yourself into a pretzel dancing for them. If you dance for them, then they know you are a good order follower.

T.H.E.Y. start this process early, in schools.

But, it has nothing to do with common sense at all.

UK is a shithole.

Governments are all shitholes.

I had a doctor once tell me she came upon bad accident scene so she stopped. She pulled up behind the police cruiser on the scene and he gave her ticket for obstructing the view of his cruiser on the road creating a dangerous situation. Here she was only trying to help. Another person was telling me a story of someone at his house who passed out on his couch, he told the person he'd take them home and bring their car back the next day. After leaving his house they came upon a bunch of firetrucks and police cruisers who had wide area blocked off because of downed wires. They stopped to have the firefighter instruct them how to go around it and the firefighter yelled to the cops it smelled like these guys have been drinking. The guy went to jail for being one point over the legal limit.

So typical of just another cash grab and any way they get more money out of us then they all ready do @doitvoluntarily ! Total B.S we put up with it all the time here in B.C Canada the government just takes takes takes! no wonder theres a epidemic homeless crises here ! with their stupid made up fines lol! Upped earlier now resteemed!👌✌👍💲💲💲

Am finding it hard to believe what am reading, but I agree with it though to a point, I don't know of such rule but when ever an emergency car is moving Courtsey demands that you pull, you just might not know of who is there, relative, family or someone, people pull up immediately without first thinking of the law.
I think it's the mankind version of us not the law.

Very interesting although it does not make much sense. If you do not pull over or there is no space for you to make way for them, they often pass at dangerous places. You cannot win ;-)

Interesting but It does make sense to try to make way for them. Thanks for sharing !

What a huge Fine of 1000$ in UK, but surely it is fair enough to have the drivers abide by the law.

the state wouldn't want to miss an opportunity to extort the people ✌💸💸😄

Legality is irrelevant to morality.

It is entirely moral to make way for emergency vehicles.I would argue that it is also immoral to impede an ambulance or fire engine, and although police cars are probably not out to stop real crimes, it would be foolish to impede a cop. It is entirely immoral to use malum prohibitum laws to punish people. If there is no victim, there is no crime.

buenas tardes,soy venezolano, estoy formando parte de esta gran familia, he visto como este grandes trabajos, lo felicito, espero contar con su contribucion visitando mis pots , cuento con su apoyo, gracias saludos.

My driving booklet says I HAVE TO make way; hopefully it's not completely 1984 for them and they can get away

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