A Wonderful Collaboration of 5 CN Steemians on Reporting SteemFest 2 直擊里斯本特別報導幕後花絮

in #news7 years ago

Thank you all for your support during our Steemit Weekly for CNers Special Coverage of SteemFest 2 Lisbon!!


Here are all of our reports:

Issue #01 - Announcement and kick-off
Issue #02 - Steem Mobile and Dollarvigilante's opinions
Issue #03 - Culture and WorldMap?
Issue #04 - Steemfest and the Funfest !?
Issue #05: Ned's Remarks and An Asian MeetUp Next Year?
Issue #06: The Creamy & Delicious SteemFest 2

This post is not another report on SF2. Rather, this is a personal post from me, the coordinator, to summarize how this collaboration happened and how we five Steemians from the CN community come together to put this together and finished this task that seemly only professionals can do. This invaluable experience has taught me that as long as you can find the right persons to do the right things, together you can all achieve something remarkable. It is especially so given that resources (SP) associated with the CN community were significantly reduced right before SF2 (I am not going to argue if the act is right or wrong ... that's irrelevant here), so it made me as the coordinator to worry if we can still do it. After all, my original plan is to carry out these based on my estimation of potential rewards. But I am really glad that all the team members agreed to do their part irrespective of pays! They are wonderful teammates!!

報導結束了。這篇文章只是想總結回憶一下這個美好合作發生的過程,非常感謝隊友們願意在寒冬提早到來CN區之際仍然鼎力支持,讓這個9月發想、10月規劃的兩地合作報導依然能夠實現,一方面我們在這過程非常享受那種第一時間知道事情彷彿人在現場的感覺,一方面也能造福讀者們能夠透過編輯後的文章一起參與... 非常感謝他們!

I am going to review a little bit this process that we come together to form a team and did this wonderful mission together! From this I also learn that - if you are gonna be a good curator, do this!! not the kind of curator that tries to beat other whales to upvote a potentially good payout posts!! That's not what curation means in its original meaning!!


第 SF2-Love 期 | 15 November 2017

--- responsible editor: @deanliu ---

From wechat to telegram; From September, October to November

This is the earliest Wechat group established in early Sep. I thought of the idea and knew that these three gals were going to the Fest so I gathered them together in this group. Unfortunately later on @liflorence could not go because of her job, so we were down to two reporters.

這是最早在九月時成立的微信群,那時我想到這主意,然後得知有三位美女要去Fest,於是趕緊上網秘密徵召,只是很可惜後來 @liflorence臨時行前因為工作原因而不能前往。所以剩下兩位前線記者。

Then when the Fest date came closer, I used Telegram to form a new group as all of us are not inside mainland China and I preferred to use TG. I recruited my usual partners W and Y and that was when the five of us finally met online and could start to discuss what we wanted to report and how.

後來時間接近,十月中時我改為在Telegram上成立群,把前線兩位美女記者與後方我合作的兩位編輯Wig與Ygern也納入,於是五人小組正式在空中聚會,開始討論如何作業,順便連絡一下感情。呵呵~~~ 反正賺不了大錢了~~~~~

This is something I wrote in the group before Fest. I did not actually plan much, but let all of the team did what they felt like and it worked well! The reporters fed us with live photos, videos, texts and even audios and we tried to organize them together under certain themes that may looked interesting, fun or important... You can view our works above.

這是群裡在Fest開始之際我寫的一些東西。其實,說規劃也沒有太多,大智說說想法,之後就放任大家自己做自己的工作,事實證明,大家合作得挺好的,記者不斷傳來照片、影片、簡單描述甚至是錄音檔,我們編輯擇自己從一堆混雜的材料當中,試著組合出看起來有內容、有趣或是八卦的報導... 很懷念那段合作報導的時光!

Thank You My Dear Team Members!!

Correspondent 001 @rea - In Lisbon

My passions in life are food, travel, events and movies! If you love any of these, please check out my blog! Have fun!

Steemfest 2 is Almost Upon Us / 期待已久的Steemfest 2 终于来了!

Correspondent 002 @joythewanderer - In Lisbon

Freedom & Anarchy. Warm&Cool. I speak CN, EN, NL& FR. Interested in: Blockchain technology, Indigenous culture, Architecture, Modern art, Religious paintings

SteemFest Warm-up day. (Photos + Vlog 😊)

Editor 002 @wilkinshui - In Taipei

Adapting the Steemit world. Power up :)

Steemit Weekly for CNers - Issue 09 / 《社區"週"邊事》 - 第 09 期

Editor 003 @ygern - In Taipei

Editor. Translator. Writer. Reader.

Culture Vulture for CNers Issue 07 |《文化讀癮.一週譯報》第7期:憤怒女神的愛情故事

Thank you, our audience and upvoters, for your support and we truly appreciate it. Hope to see you again very soon!!


@rea @joythewanderer @wilkinshui @ygern please come here and huddle up!! ^_^ 來這裡集合一下吧!

We have together made 6 reports with a total of $414 payout!! Well done!! Guys! And author's rewards come to a total of 174 SBD and 193 Steem/SP. Which I will transfer to you shortly.




报道!!!!! 很开心有机会和大家合作, 特别感谢刘老师,wig 和ygern 的幕后编辑工作。你们辛苦啦!!!!

Rea is the best!!

谢谢! @deanliu is the best!!!!!!!!

Yay發達了,謝謝大家,玩得很愉快 :)

上班中也來報到 :)

Wig is the best!

來報到! XD

是說,確實是很有趣的合作,也因為有機會加入一起玩,才對SteemFest以及整個community有比較多的了解 :)

Ygern is the best!


這位大哥~~~ 您走錯地方了喔~~~ 但是您長得像是我們的讀者與重要支持者,我也送上杯茶水吧!下次繼續支持啊!:~~~~



This is a truly cross border project that was carrried out really successfully, hats off to all you guys and gals!

keep up the good job @deanliu
thanks for sharing update news.

Wooow good job
I hope that the day will come when I write a topic professionally

@deanliu thanks for sharing....
let me resteem this post. thanks

nice post ...

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如果資源豐富,原本還要搞更大更多的~~~~ Thank you for reading!


大家都好棒!!! :D

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