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RE: For USA gays - Why have you not done this?

in #news7 years ago

Just to be clear- I wasn't upset at your post. I was just confused. I guess, after reading your reply, I'm still confused, but that's okay. I try to understand other people's perspectives, so that's what I'm trying to do. But I also want to explain my perspective.

I guess what I'm trying to tell you though, is that Christians aren't being attacked by the LGBTQ community. It's not an attack. We don't meet up and go "Hey man, let's go rough up that cake shop and run them out of business." It doesn't work that way.

You have gay men and lesbian woman and trans people of every color and creed just trying to live their lives- just trying to buy a cake and suddenly they're met with malice. At first, the cake shop was fine making the cake until they learned it was for a gay wedding. They made a conscious decision at that point to be discriminatory and that's wrong.

And you're right, Islam is just as hateful against queer folk as Christianity is. And trust me, no one in the LGBTQ community, a community I've been a part of for most of my life, wants ANY religion have sway over their lifestyle, whether it's Christian of Muslim. Trust me, it's not true. Like I said before, the gay community and Muslims are both minorities, so there's a shared struggle there- we both understand what it's like. But that's where the similarities end. There's a reason the majority of LGBTQ people aren't religious, because we're not accepted there. So to say there's an alliance between the gay community and Islam is just false. It's nothing more than an excuse for the shrinking majority of religion -- all religions -- in America, to point at us and say, "there's the problem."

I think a lot of Christian people believe they're being attacked because they see their lifestyle, their perception of morality, being reduced to a minority in America. But that's not an attack, that's progress. That's the natural evolution of America. More people are looking to science and fact than to scripture to find the answers they seek in life. And I don't know what to say to a person that thinks that's a bad thing, because it's not. And I don't claim to know what you believe, but I'd hope that you could see the logic behind what I'm trying to say. And I'm always happy to explain things about LGBTQ issues with someone, because awareness is a good thing and that's how we turn hate into love. And love is always the better choice.


Yes, you did ,isunderstand the meme (if that is what it is).

This was not an attack on the gays, I would even venture to say it is not an attack against muslims, as much as it is against the Main Stream Media and globalists. They are saying that if an American gay couple go to a muslim bakery and they are refused, the MSM and the Democrats would stand up for the rights of the Muslims to refuse the gays. To try and also slant it against the Islamist extremists, I added the bit about going to a muslim restaurant.

The enemies of ALL mankind, are not the islamists, not even their terrorists, they are a problem the West can handle, once they make the decision. It is the globalist and elite cabals that want the world depopulated from 7.6billion to half a billion. Not ver generations, they want it to happen over 3 to 5 years.

If I end up treading on toes in my efforts to cause the cabals damage, I'm sorry, but I still believe the prime defence and attack must continue, for I cannot bear the thought of so many people being made sick and dying for the evil cabal to inherit the world. Genetically, they are not even the best of us and I would love to see them, in the thousands, removed from their positions and locked away, so that they do not breed.

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