Santa Fe School Shooting 2: Multiple Witness Statements - Discussion of legs shots, fire alarm pulls, bombs

in #news6 years ago

Posted for Posterity (Historical Record) in current age of censorship, surveillance, propaganda and false flags.

Lengthy video clip featuring 1 hour and 26 minutes of footage related to the May 18, 2018 Santa Fe shooting event. At the 41:50 mark in the video student eyewitness Tyler (a senior) states "yeah, my friend said he saw some kid walking down the hallway with a gun or something so he casually walked and then he pulled the fire alarm, he ran out, and then he ran and then everybody was outside and then the teachers eh....the teachers know they were telling us to back up and everything and then Vaughn told everybody to run and ya know there was three shots heard so we all took off in the back and I grabbed her and ran into the trees because I don't want to be in heard four more shots and then we jumped the fence on some dudes house and then we ran to the car wash and then we were sitting there trying to figure out everything thats going on....I saw some girl.....she had a....she got shot in the kneecap I guess because she had a bandage around it and she was limping and then firemen came and got her... later and everything...but....other than that...ya know....I honestly don't know.

Reporter states: "I can only imagine how scary this was for you but what was going through your head?"

Tyler states: " Ya stressing... trying to get away....other than that (shoulder shrug) nothing else, just trying to make sure we're ok.....and now worrying about everybody else.

Reporter: "And then whats next for you, what are you about to do?"

Tyler: "I don't know. Go home...stress out.

Reporter: "And only two weeks left in school for you guys?"

Tyler: "Yeah it makes me worried about graduation. Though for sure I don't want to go to graduation and then something else happens. I don't even know if we are gonna be able to go back to school now. I don't know whats gonna happen."

Reporter: And then, I don't want to hold you too long but have you guys trained for active shooter situations here at school?"

Tyler: I mean...we eh...we have before...we've locked the door and then get in the classroom and what not and make sure...ya know.....lock the door until the police know we've done our routines and everything but this time you know, you know Zack pulled the fire alarm and we was just trying to get everybody out of the school because nobody knew."

Reporter then states that "Thats what students are saying, as I reported earlier that fire alarm went off...mmmm......and students started evacuating. Tyler said that there were students that were injured."

(Note that in a different video a witness called Zack states that he did not pull the fire alarm. Link to that video is here:

Santa Fe School Shooting Event - Eyewitness Students - Zack Wafford and Lauren Little - May 18, 2018

2nd witness statement from parent at 01:02:24 mark in the video "its them nasty guns, we've gotta do something. This is getting ridiculous that you have to be afraid to send your kids to school".

3rd student witness Destiny Clark at 01:03:15 mark. " I was by the lecture hall and the fire drill went off so we were escorted outside the school and we were all calm until our teachers started yelling at us and acting out of character, like yelling across the street, so thats not normal and we all crossed the street and kinda hid behind the other place. Then rumors started going around saying people were getting shot and stuff. My friend Brianna went into an ambulance so I called her and she told me yeah she got shot in the leg and a lots going on and its very dramatic, so after we were behind the auto place and they had us pass around papers and pens and write our names down as they were trying to get a count of all the students and after that theres kids jumping fences and leaving, parents picking kids up. We all kinda started walking towards like the stores and really its sad, its very dramatic, its just no one knew exactly what was really going on, they were saying that there was kids that got shot in the art I didn't hear it because I was on the complete other end of the school, but there was students saying that they heard shots being fired". No one really even knew what was going on until we seen our fellow students coming out with blood on em and shot....through their legs...and it was not ok. (Much more at video marker)

4th witness freshman student Ezekiel Garcia: Reporter states he was in the classroom next to where the shooting happened.

Ezekiel: Pretty much we were sitting in class and we just heard a bunch of thudding in the hallways. We didn't think much of it. We were like some people are just messing around in the hallway but then our teacher started freaking out and he was like "guys guys get out and barricade the door" and stuff like that....and....pretty much we were sitting there and shootings going on and I feel vibrations from the walls I'm sitting against from the gunshots and then the classroom right next to us apparently there was two bombs that went off and got one of my friends in the leg."

Reporter: "Two bombs?"

Zekiel: Yeah, there was two bombs thrown in the classroom and the kid started shooting.

Reporter: We have heard, I haven't heard that part of the story and obviously a lot of this is still unconfirmed guys.

(more at video link)

5th person interviewed is parent of tenth grade student Dakota: Primarily discusses school shootings and how kids are getting into school with guns. States that shootings are occurring more often.

▶️ DTube

It's fucking tragic. I was thinking about this for the whole night. Tyler, brave lad . Why do people do this ?
There is no reason to kill school students. I feel so bad .

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