Canned False Reality - Exposing Google's New AI Filtering Web Tool That Decides Whether A Post is Toxic or Acceptable

in #news7 years ago (edited)

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In February 2017, Google's new AI filtering algorithm was introduced to the world in a Wired online article titled " NOW ANYONE CAN DEPLOY GOOGLE’S TROLL-FIGHTING AI"

The article, composed by Andy Greenberg, states that Google's "Jigsaw" branch has declared a war on trolls to defeat online harassment by utilizing machine learning of certain terminology that is uploaded by technology teams and concerned users.

In the most blatantly obvious Orwellian way, their coding is titled "Perspective", thus allowing them to sanitize online conversation and steer public opinion based upon user input machine 'learning'. Of course, there is no way to verify if the users are actually concerned citizens or simply gatekeepers directing what they would prefer the public "learn" to believe as fact and falsity.

In this post I will demonstrate (through a number of screenshots related to various geopolitical subject matter) what Googles new tool deems as toxic (unacceptable) or non-toxic (acceptable) using the "Perspective" Artificial Intelligence tool. I encourage others to do the same experiment and upload screenshots of their results to prove the "already in place" obvious bias of this online propaganda instrument.

Due to the fact that I personally primarily focus on exposing terrorists, nazis and the crimes of the global elite and their vassals in the corrupt media and government through my Clarity of Signal geopolitical information website, I thought I'd try out the "filtering algorithm" and see what it finds acceptable and/or toxic using the subjects that I primarily focus upon. Here are the results shown in saved screenshots as of August 7, 2017. You be the judge if this is or isn't Big Brother fraudulently shaping human perspectives.

1st image sentence 87% toxic........ meaning "not acceptable".

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2nd image sentence "Acceptable by Google Perspective" by being deemed only 1% toxic.

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3rd image sentence definitely toxic (thus implying not true) with a 92% toxic rating.

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4th image sentence - speaks for itself as many people are quite aware that a number of fascists and their military arms operate in Ukraine, however Google finds the below statement highly acceptable and backs it up with a 6% rating of non-toxicity.

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5th image sentence - Saudi Arabia is also held in high regard with the sentence being acceptable by Googles new tool with only a 10% rating.

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6th image sentence - According to the AI tool which provides a 92% toxic rating, Israel is definitely not supporting terrorism in any way, even though I myself just recently completed a large post showing that the former director of Mossad admitted on camera that Israel was supporting jihadists that were tearing apart Syria, and the UN had even observed Israeli medics treating Islamic jihadists who were conducting war in Syria.

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Link to Clarity of Signal post on Israel aiding Islamic jihadists fighting in Syria -

7th image sentence -speaks for itself with 74% toxic rating.

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8th image sentence - This one received a 78% rating for being a toxic comment, although there is quite a substantial amount of evidence showing that Snopes are indeed all the things mentioned in the sentence.

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9th image sentence - Who'da thunk it? This one didn't even register. They've created one pretty smart Hal as it appears to intentionally avoid this subject.

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Now let's look at who is partnering for the roll out......sure enough, its the same tired old propaganda tools of the Deep State status quo elitists.

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At this point in time, those who continue to use Google or any of the 'news' organizations shown in the screenshot above, are simply placing their faces into the backside of a mule. It is completely self defeating and a waste of time to do such. I hope more people wake up to this fact. I recommend Google search engine users move over to DuckDuckGo as the results I am receiving there seem much better than those that Google provides, and of course, they do not track you or save your data according to their mission statement.

Additional Clarity of Signal links on Google/You Tube and Facebook censorship.....


"war on trolls to defeat online harassment"

Trolls and harassment both to be defined by them under a profit motive.

Nice detective work. I remember when DuckDuckGo was new during the Reddit censorship explosion.


Pure craziness... Resteemed. I have duckduckgo on one of my screens.

Big Brother has fully arrived thats for sure. Not sure if I mentioned it to you before, but thanks for turning me onto Steemit. I appreciate it. I'm getting pretty good feedback on the posts. I wanted to mention to you a great source of info on whats really going on in Syria. I encouraged her to join up here recently too. She rocks.

Yeah who knew that me referring to one of your posts external to steemit would turn into something lucrative and engaging... wait... I did. :)

I'm glad you are doing well here, though I am totally not surprised.

I will check out that other account.

I definitely thank you for that. It's been quite interesting and fun thus far. I note your a musician as well. I wanted to turn you onto to some of my music which tends to dwell on some philosophical subjects. I hope you enjoy it. It's down the page a bit here, and the subject matter also relates somewhat to the global awakening that is occurring:

I will check it out. :)

This is fucked up. George Orwell will be crawling in his grave


holy cow - thank you 1984...appreciate your insight here

Good post. Keep rolling the discoveries forward.

Well done. I'll follow your account to see how you doing. Because i also want earnings as like you @yash0108

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