What Happened to the Marijuana Justice Act of 2017??? Descheduling is within our grasp

in #news7 years ago (edited)

With the recent move by Attorney General Jeff Sessions to rescind the Cole memo and allow federal prosecutors to pursue cases against the legal cannabis industry, he finds himself at odds with the very freedom movement that elected Trump in 2016.

Ranking members of the House Freedom Caucus have called for Sessions resignation in an op-ed on Friday. On Thursday, following Sessions announcement, Senator Gardner (R) from Colorado took to the senate floor to remind Sessions, and the Trump Administration, that his failure to step down in light of this overreach, would result in the loss of confidence in a still new administration, at a time when support from fellow Republicans on Capitol Hill is an absolute necessity.


What does this have to do with the Marijuana Justice Act of 2017?

On August 1, 2017 Senator Corey Booker (D) NJ, introduced S.1689-Marijuana Justice Act of 2017.

This bill was by far the most comprehensive cannabis reform legislation ever filed in any chamber of Congress.

Some of the most important action in the bill:

  • Remove marijuana from the federal scheduling system.

This is the second time a bill has been presented to Congress calling for descheduling. Senator Bernie Sanders (I) VT, proposed this monumental and necessary step toward reversing years of injustice in 2015 to no avail.

The scheduling of cannabis is the reason for its criminalization at the federal level.

  • S.1689-Marijuana Justice Act of 2017 encourages states to legalize cannabis by leveraging federal funds.

  • The legislation would be retroactive.

YES I said retroactive! This means it would automatically expunge federal convictions involving marijuana use and possession. It will let people unjustly caged for cannabis OUT!!!

In my opinion this portion of the bill is the most monumental. So often overlooked in the legalization conversation is the issue of giving these people back their lives. Maybe even creating an avenue for the wrongly persecuted to get restitution for lost revenue and associated costs.

So where is this wonderful bill you may ask?

How is it moving along these 5+ months since its introduction?

CHECK HERE: https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/1689

YUP!!! Killed by the abyss of committee on the day it was introduced. Not one further action by our supposed "representatives" .

Whenever actual POSITIVE reform comes along this is what happens to it. No fan-fair, no debate, DOA....

This is outrageous and unacceptable.

Please contact your Congressman today and ask "What's going on with S.1689-Marijuana Justice Act of 2017?

Tell them you demand an end to this injustice and demand they do that by supporting and passing S.1689 NOW!

Now is the time to make this happen. We can do it this year with the passage of this bill. It wont matter what Sessions thinks if this bill is passed.

This is my first post using all of the fun formatting I have learned from the great folks here at steemit. Basic, yes, but a MAJOR improvement for me. Thanks.


If they all could just agree on one thing....Like Medical Marijuana and it's countless benefits, imagine were we could BE, instead of were we ARE !!

Thank you

Thank you. If WE could agree to pressure them, it would happen.

How deep have you played politics? That is how ALL meaningful legislation ends up. When they have to win an election, they put on a good show, then they get behind closed doors after everyone has forgotten who they voted for and do what their masters tell them. Pharma will NOT contribute to campaigns that ACTUALLY try to legalize cannabis.

I’m 40 I’ve been through a few “leaders”. I’ve also seen, albeit rarely, the people of this country get together on something and push really hard. It can be done and this issue could do it. Thanks for reading. Resteem if you want to help push.

I had already resteemed and upvoted this, and I follow you.

Add it to the invasion of Iran act and I guarantee you it will get passed quick.

@ I made this comment above before knowing that you liked my comment by Adam Kokeshs' blogpost😎👍

Unfortunately so true. I’m unwilling to make that compromise,however, as much as I want to see unrestricted cannabis. I draw the line at killing innocents. Thanks for reading.

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