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RE: FaceBook announces another disaster: Staff had access to users' passwords!

in #news5 years ago

I agree with your analysis of the die-hards, but I think the main Facebook platform will die from attrition. The Internet routes around censorship. The privacy issues are slowing user growth to a crawl, and the censorship is driving new censor-resistant protocols and platforms.

The one thing you mention that might fuck up the natural timeline for Facebook's demise is the backing of the deep state. I don't know how that's going to play out, but I'm doubtful it will really be able to control the Internet the way they hope to.



That's my hope too. But I wonder why it seems they're allowing that to happen? Whenever I think I've outsmarted the shenanigans of the corporations, government, and deep state, it usually turns out to be a partial understanding at best. Is all this just part of the ongoing divide and conquer agenda? Did Zuk lose a bet at elite gambling night? Is FB being sacrificed?

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