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RE: Autonomous (Self-driving) Vehicles...WHY!? 😖😔

in #news7 years ago

I don’t trust the AI cars, but am Much more worried about the 70% of real people I see on their phone while driving dangerously & impatiently. Just so they can get to wherever they are going a little faster, much more dangerously, & then play with their phone aimlessly when they get there.

It’s hard to even drive in parking lots these days without hitting a phone zombie, literally standing in the middle of the road staring at the screen. Or walking in the street without even looking up. Then they Walk through the grocery store glued to the screen, incapable of paying attention to any real people around them.

Then at the gym, I wait for racks being used by people who can’t even lift weights without getting on their phone for 5 minutes between sets. They spend two hours at the gym, 10 minutes spent doing actual exercise, & 110 minutes spent nose deep in their phone, sitting on equipment someone else could use.

The real kicker to this whole rant, is 95% of all this phone time is spent on absolutely meaningless & trivial things, that add very little value to a persons life, & serve to steal attention & free choice from these poor phone addicted people.

This was of course written on my phone, but in the privacy of my home. I make a point to not use my phone in public unless absolutely necessary. & even then I will sit down out of the way to use it for a moment.

If you see me blindly walking around glued to my phone, feel free to shoulder check me, or hit me with your car to teach me a lesson. But you won’t see me in that spot 😉


The oblivious driver/pedestrian problem is a separate issue, which I agree is a serious problem that often leads to serious and fatal accidents. That said, computer technology is supposed to minimize human error, usually as close to zero as you can practically get.

When somebody is killed as a result of malfunctioning tech -- and that's the real point here...somebody that didn't have to die was killed by a "test run" of a new technology to which the dead person did not provide consent -- that tech is necessarily a failure.

Humans already kill humans, inadvertently or otherwise. Why do we need tech to do what apparently comes so naturally for us?

Very true, but I look at predatory programming in smartphones to addict users as tech malfunction.

Have seen a few sprained ankles from people walking off curbs while dumbphoning. I’d imagine many many fatalities have occurred from walking with them. We all know dumbphoning while driving kills people everyday, but most people think they are the talented one who can do it safely & so they do.

I don’t think driverless cars should be so hastily tested in a real environment, but I don’t think people have the willpower to drive safely with smartphones either & a person using a smartphone is much much more likely to impact my life at this point. Happens everyday when I drive. Seems more than 1/2 are smartphoning.

Sorry for the off topic rant, am hopeful that the dangers of transportation will decrease as we “progress” but seems to be more dangerous than ever. Would love to see a functional smart transportation system & less individually operated vehicles. I think it should be much more difficult to get a license & a lot easier to lose. Way too much risk from what I see.

I always enjoy reading your perspectives, inspires thought

Your point is true and very much valid, and in a way, the predatory programming you mention could be construed indirectly as a tech malfunction. Although just my opinion, I think it's not so much a tech malfunction but a deliberate, concerted effort to dumb down society! :)

Unfortunately, I don't think transportation safety will ever improve because of a host of societal issues, primarily stemming from the destruction of family and faith, and spiraling out of control from there into multiple sub-issues. I don't want to expound at this point because I'll go into full-blown rant mode, and that's something none of us want to see...LOL!

I'll just move on to destroying our astronomical "realities" instead...haha! :)

I agree with you about the concerted effort to dumbdown.

Looking forward to the rant post about family & faith when you decide to write it out. I have had quite a few thoughts on the same topic in the past few years.

🎥 🚀 🌗 💸💰💵

This is also a real problem...

I am a rural homebody who drives very short distances infrequently & I still have to dodge phone zombies in every parking lot I drive through & every store I go into. I can only imagine how bad this problem is on the big city sidewalks.

Yeah, it's not cool, pretty soon the next thing will be zombies with "VR-headsets", and then we will be doomed!

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VR porn addiction could be a real serious problem

I have this friend who is into that, he say's it is easy to become "hooked" on it...

Ya, just look at the smart phone porn addiction. Difficult for people when there is a mega library of porn at their fingertips everywhere. Can only imagine the increased feeling of reality from VR will make the brain become even more strongly addicted

Probably, I never tried it. But I can imagine for a lonely person, or for people wanting to escape for a bit, it could be a very attractive option.

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