Let's talk about Chelsea Manning's commutation, and the lack of a pardon for Snowden

in #news8 years ago

Obama recently commuted the sentence of whistleblower Chelsea Manning, meaning she'll get out May 17, 2017 instead of in 2045.  

There's a good write up by the New York Times that goes into some of the reasoning behind letting her out.

It also looks at the subject of Edward Snowden, and why President Obama has decided not to pardon him:

 “Chelsea Manning is somebody who went through the military criminal justice process, was exposed to due process, was found guilty, was sentenced for her crimes, and she acknowledged wrongdoing,” he said. “Mr. Snowden fled into the arms of an adversary and has sought refuge in a country that most recently made a concerted effort to undermine confidence in our democracy.”
He also noted that while the documents Ms. Manning provided to WikiLeaks were “damaging to national security,” the ones Mr. Snowden disclosed were “far more serious and far more dangerous.” (None of the documents Ms. Manning disclosed were classified above the merely “secret” level.) 

I for one think this is utter bullshit.  I'm glad Manning got pardoned.  But if the US' PRISM  wasn't completely corrupt to begin with, Snowden wouldn't have had to do what he did.  It's nonsensical to punish someone for revealing a system of wrongdoing.  It's like locking up a man for assaulting his daughters rapist.  Utter nonsense.  

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.  Do you think Manning's commutation was appropriate?  Does Snowden deserve his exile?  Are the press secretary's reasons for not pardoning Snowden valid?  


I just watched the movie 'SNOWDEN' over the weekend. I remember watching Stephen Colbert interview Oliver Stone, the Director, a few months ago. Stone was asked it he thought Snowden would get a pardon? Stone replied, "I think that he should, but I don't think that he will." When I heard about Manning's pardon today . . .well, my first thought was "now Snowden will be pardoned." Doesn't look like that's going to happen. Should it? I lean toward Yes, but I'll be the first to admit that I don't have ALL the information.

Admitting you don't know everything is the first step toward true wisdom. But for me it comes down to the simple fact that Snowden called out the US for something they really shouldn't be doing, and now they're punishing him for it.

I can see the somewhat arbitrary reasoning Obama used. I wonder if Snowden had fled to a different country if he would have done the same.

Does this mean Assange will turn himself in now?

That's a really good point actually. Although I have to wonder if there is a country that has a good enough relationship with the US for them not to see his being there a security risk, while also still being willing to protect him.

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