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RE: Simple PizzaGate Thought Experiment

in #news8 years ago

The bigger reason no one notices is that it is TOO BIG.
When I tell people there is an organization covering the entire USSA specifically for the disposal of small corpses, the look at me like I am stupid, dumb, a tin-foil-hat-wearing conspiracy kook.

Another is that people just DO NOT WANT TO BELIEVE IT.
Something so horrible is the stuff of bad horror movies. They don't even use the stuff in good horror movies because it is to far out there.

Another reason is that "pedos" are those lone guys that hang around near schools. The movies have turned the psychopaths into weird loners. Definitely not people who are hell bent on power and will stop at nothing to be the at the top of the totem pole.


I'm curious about that organization for the disposal of small corpses. I could not google anything. Can you tell me more please?

Sorry, I thought I posted this everywhere by now:
I would like to add another piece of information here (please excuse if I already typed it here)

Years ago I was reading through a book about how corporations go bankrupt. On the chapter about growing too fast, they talk about one that didn't go bankrupt. This one company bought about 75% of all the mortuaries and crematoriums in The U.S., then jacked up the prices and instructed all the salesmen to push high priced caskets, etc. They seriously over extended themselves and should have gone bankrupt, but their creditors never seemed to bother. A real life monopoly here on American soil. And nobody speaks about it.

If you were a dark arts "cook" that later needed to dispose of some left over ingredients, what better than to have a ready corporation that deals with these same ingredients all the time?

BTW, you all have uncovered one little clique in the most corrupt place on earth. See some of David Icke's videos about missing children and put the pieces together.

What most regular people think:

  1. Everything so outrageous can't possibly be true.
  2. Even if it is true "whatever" there is nothing I can do to stop it, so why care
  3. Someone or some group will handle it, so I don't need to care
  4. Even if you stop it, it will continue anyway.

So in the end people just shrug it off.

especially 3, in my life, the FBI will handle it. Really? Because we have seen zero signs of Comey having political ties and acting on those within his position?

People need to earn trust.

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