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RE: Alex Jones and my thoughts from over the years. More of the triangulation approach to news. Streisand Effect.

in #news7 years ago

Great piece. My takeaway is this: Ban a book, it becomes a best seller. Suppress information and people will want it more. Silence the speaker and the message gets louder. Left, Right, or Middle we tend to gravitate to those with like minds and "opposites attack" is rarely a political ideology.


Yep. Though my message is also we need to listen to those not of like mind as well if we want to hopefully get a bit closer to the truth. Echo chambers rarely are about truth.

Agreed, I was stating the sheeple effect. "Enlightened" minds like ours can see through the shroud of deceit and spinnery (yes, that's a new word) of the media, mainstream or otherwise.

I like the word "spinnery". :)

Once a word is used 5 times by 5 different people then it has to be a real word. It's the law! OK, probably not but it's on the blockchain forever! Just 3 more people needed!

I challenged a person the other day who replied to something I wrote pointing out that a word I used was not a word.

I asked him "Says who?" "Or did you maybe look it up in a dictionary?" then I pointed out that this makes it an appeal to authority.

I asked him if he knew what my "not word meant" as it was pretty clear.

I told him the purposed of communication is to transmit and share thoughts so if he understood what I was writing then it likely was a word. :) Whether it shows up in a dictionary or not is irrelevant.

He obviously did not notice your hand gesture as well ;)

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