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RE: Noam Chomsky: "The general population doesn’t know what’s happening, and it doesn’t even know that it doesn’t know..!!"

in #news7 years ago

Your entire argument is derived from the same fantasy as before, now though you've danced around providing any evidence that police were the result of maintaining liberty, instead you focused on marginalizing the purpose of slave patrols to bounty hunters, and their inception and those implications of their purpose into things that have been long since gone, when nothing is further from the truth as you can see in statistics of cop on black violence.

No they weren't bounty hunters, they were institutionalized:

Colonists in Jamestown, Virginia, first purchased African slaves from Dutch traders in 1619, just a dozen years after the colony’s founding. As the number of slaves grew, so did the white community’s need to police them. Borrowing liberally from Barbadian slave laws, colonists adopted slave patrols as a formal institution by the middle of the 18th century. These were among the first police forces in the colonies.

No, these things have not long been gone:

“Complexion has influenced the focus of law enforcement from this nation’s very beginnings; the first organized police forces, according to police historian William Geller, were the varied slave patrols,” Muwakkil wrote. “Policing in this country has always had the dual purpose of maintaining social order and enforcing the racial hierarchy.”

No ad hoc, plain and simple, it's providing evidence counter to your claim that they were established to maintain liberty. Nothing is further from the truth:

“the literature clearly establishes that a legally sanctioned law enforcement system existed in America before the Civil War for the express purpose of controlling the slave population and protecting the interests of slave owners. The similarities between the slave patrols and modern American policing are too salient to dismiss or ignore. Hence, the slave patrol should be considered a forerunner of modern American law enforcement.”

Law enforcement has never been about maintaining liberty, period, and it certainly isn't about that today. It's about the immorality of imposing the will of people that have the delegated rights that individuals cannot have, nor delegate. Moral bankruptcy is to defend such things and to skirt around such issues, as long as a group of people can do what no individuals are allowed to do, such as impose arbitrary mandates, enforce those mandates, kidnap and murder those that break or resist their mandates, extort wealth through the threat of force or coercion, as long as you are for these things you have no moral ground to stand on, your linchpin is defending immorality.

"As a direct result, a series of riots occurred throughout the 1830s in numerous American cities. Many of these riots were the result of poor living conditions, poverty, and conflicts between ethnic groups. These riots directly illustrated the need for larger and better organized law enforcement. Both the watch systems in the north and the slave patrols in the south began to evolve into modern police organizations that were heavily influenced by modern departments developing in England during the same time (Walker, 1999).

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