
Did you see stellabelle's avatar?
Do you know what it means?
Do you know about

Why are you asking these things?

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Stellabelle is currently a big shill for
It is a warning sign for me.
Should I also explain why I asked you about
I am trying to be nice, but instead of answering genuine questions, you replied with less genuine questions.

Your first loaded yes or no question wasn't respectful in the least, and to wit what the article said, you speak in insinuation and out the side of your mouth.
The next question was also indicative of your lack of directness.
In the end, your insinuating questions were challenged on their premise by my direct question which had nothing to insinuate consequently.

You aren't being nice, you're speaking out the side of your mouth in accusations and insinuative questions.

  1. The Complex Question: The contemporary fallacy of demanding a direct answer to a question that cannot be answered without first analyzing or challenging the basis of the question itself. E.g., "Just answer me 'yes' or 'no': Did you think you could get away with plagiarism and not suffer the consequences?" Or, "Why did you rob that bank?" Also applies to situations where one is forced to either accept or reject complex standpoints or propositions containing both acceptable and unacceptable parts. A corruption of the argument from logos. A counterpart of Either/Or Reasoning.

Why is my question less genuine?

Posted using Partiko Android

So you were not aware of Stellabelle shilling for whaleshares?
Are you aware of it now?
My fault is that I credited you with the assumption of knowing what I knew about whaleshares, and my reason for it was due to your mention of it.
What are your answers now, or do my questions still lack background information for you?

So now the question becomes slightly more pointed but still very much accusatory and insinuative. Why are you concerned with what Stella does or doesn't do and how does that concern you?

It's not the background that your questions lack but dignity. It wasn't backgrounded that I asked for but the reason for your questions, questions insinuating that I should "know" about "her shilling", speaking out of the side of the mouth instead of coming straight and accusing Stella of shilling.

Your questions now only indicate that that was all you had to say, is insinuating inquiry out the corner of your mouth because you followed them up with the more insinuative inquiry.

You give yourself little fault as you try to say once again that your fault is in assuming what I knew, which matters not at all if I knew or not, what matters then is why you're asking about something that you thought I already knew about if it's not to insinuate and accuse or pass some kind of blame as why should someone not talk a lot about something without being a shill? That isn't a yes or no inquiry, that requires something other than total agreement or disagreement with the premise of accusation and insinuative blame, my question requires you justify the accusations and lack of directedness and all insinuative blame, not only narrate a story.

I think only the indignant would dignify your questions with an answer were they to agree with your accusation. You tried to strike a conversation with the accusatory inquiry on someone else and called it is nice, expecting that I respond with yes and no, either dismissing the premise of your question or agreeing with it even though you were asking about things that you assumed I knew implying you only meant to smear someone and subsequently smear what I said by that and you call it Trying To Be Nice.

Posted using Partiko Android

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