Fomenting War with The Russian Bear? | Assassination of Ambassador to Turkey

in #news8 years ago (edited)

The morning after edit

You gotta love it (NOT!) when the first thought that's meandering through your mind upon awakening is wondering what moves in the master plan really are being made on the grand chessboard and by whom. That video of the alleged assassination of the Russian Ambassador looks very staged and totally fake to me. I'm going to continue to take a deeper look at this and add any pertinent information in the comments section. For now this great post by @tommycordero says it all: A more credible video than the official Turkish assassin! You will not see this on CNN! 

Original post December 19, 2016:

Given everything else that's going on in a world seemingly gone mad during the hyper-implementation of Project Chaos in action, I experienced that very uncomfortable sinking feeling in slow motion when I saw that the Russian Ambassador to Turkey, Andrei Karlov, had been gunned down in public by a Turkish assassin in Ankara today. My immediate thought was of, what is to me, the apparent absolute desperation of the War Hawks in their dangerous desire to engage in an 'official' overt war with Russia. Given that the Syrian people of Aleppo in particular and other areas are being completely liberated from their internment within the death clutches of Western backed terrorists, is this potentially another pivotal shot heard around the world?

Please watch this footage which was uploaded by Ruptly TV of the Russian Ambassador being shot and the alleged assasin:

The assassination of Russia's ambassador to Turkey was caught on camera in Ankara, Monday. 
The  ambassador, Andrei Karlov, was making a speech during the opening  ceremony of a photo exhibition called 'Russia as Seen by the Turks',  when the gunman opened fire. 
The perpetrator reportedly fired  several shots, hitting Karlov in the back and wounding three others.  Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova has confirmed that  Karlov has died of his wounds. 
The assailant reportedly identified himself as a police officer as he entered the exhibition.
Special  forces are currently surrounding the building, preparing to raid the  Contemporary Arts Center where the shooting took place. 



Didn't you think it was rather odd that the Russian Ambassador was shot and yet security let the suited assasin complete the script of his speech? I am in complete resonance with @thebluepanda when she comments in her blog here on Steemit, "History repeating itself? 2nd "Archduke Ferdinand"? Because, personally, I have a very bad feeling about this." I have a very bad feeling about this too. 

In their breaking "real news" report about this potentially cataclysmic event, 21st Century Wire describes the circumstances of the assassination in addition to some key information relating to the timing of this incident. 

According to a statement by the mayor of Ankara, Melih Gokcek the assassin was a ‘former’ Turkish policeman, who graduated from the  police academy in 2014, and reports suggest that he was fired or  relieved of duty, following Erdogan’s “post-coup” massive purge of civil  employees this past summer. This is a point of contention which will  only raise further questions as to the apparent security breach. 
Images depicting several people lying on the floor of the gallery were published by CNN Turk. 
Apparently, the art exhibition was meant to help promote Russian-Turkish friendship, with the theme of “Russia through Turkish  eyes.” 
Putting aside the Jihadist overtones, all circumstantial evidence strongly suggests that this attack was a targeted political  incident, not necessarily a religious one – and hugely symbolic, specifically designed to damage or hinder bilateral  negotiations between Turkey, Russia, Syria and Iran.  
It is perhaps no coincidence that tomorrow Tuesday, the foreign and  defense ministers of Russia, Iran and Turkey were scheduled to meet in Moscow – to discuss the future of Syria, and more specifically, that of  Aleppo.
Also, just hours before the incident, a unanimous UN Security  Council resolution was passed regarding Aleppo. In one of the few  unanimous decisions on Syria, the UNSC adopted Resolution 2328  (2016), demanding both immediate and “unhindered access” for UN  observation of monitoring of the ongoing civilian evacuations from  recently liberated East Aleppo.

Timing is everything. 

Please read this complete article at 21st Century Wire where you will also find updated reports as the aftermath of the Russian Ambassador's alleged assassination unfolds. 

This was just uploaded to YouTube: 

Putin: Russian ambassador's murder is a provocation aimed at undermining Syria peace process   

The fatal attack on Russia's ambassador to Turkey, who was killed by a  gunman on Monday, is "clearly a provocation" aimed at undermining both  Russian-Turkish relations and the settling of the Syrian crisis, Russian  President Vladimir Putin said.
"This murder is clearly a  provocation aimed at undermining the improvement and normalization of  Russian-Turkish relations, as well as undermining the peace process in  Syria promoted by Russia, Turkey, Iran and other countries interested in  settling the conflict in Syria," Putin said in a statement on Monday  evening.
The "only response" to the attack that Moscow "should offer" is "stepping up the fight against terrorism," the president added.
"The killers will feel it," Putin said.
Saying  that ambassador Andrey Karlov "was a brilliant diplomat, widely  respected in the country where he was posted," the president added the  Russian diplomat "was in good standing with both the government of  Turkey and other political groups in that country."
Russia's  Investigative Committee has already launched an investigation into the murder, Putin said in his statement, adding that he had held a phone conversation with his Turkish counterpart, President Recep Tayyip  Erdogan, on the matter. Russian and Turkish officials will cooperate,  Putin added.
"We have to know who organized this killing and gave orders to the assassin," the Russian leader said.



In my opinion this is not just about Assad and regime change in Syria. I feel that this is a last ditch effort to maintain global control, utilising the well-oiled war machine, by whomever pulls the strings that have been orchestrating a dark imperialist agenda for far too long.

I'm sure that we will all be keeping a close watch on how this critical situation, quite possibly scripted with Hegelian dialectic, continues to unfold.

For background information on recent events in Syria you can read my blog, The Truth About Aleppo which features the stellar work of truly independent journalist peace activists, Eva Bartlett and Vanessa Beeley along with Patrick Henningsen and the rest of the team at 21st Century Wire. 

May we please one day soon finally have peace in our world and end the suffering of innocent souls.


Might this be another reason for the alleged assassination and all of the other terrorist attacks which occurred yesterday?

The Syrian Ambassador to the UN, Bashar Ja'afari has just announced in a UN press conference the names of the foreign agents captured in Aleppo which include Turkish, American, Israeli, Moroccan and quite a few Saudis are name. I had included the list of names in my blog The Truth About Aleppo

Bashar Ja'afari also comments during his press conference that this is the reason for all of the recent shenanigans by the U.S. in the UN over the last several days. ... As the U.S. and friends desperately try to figure out how to get their assests out of Syria?

Might the alleged assassination of the Russian Ambassador and the Berlin attack have been staged to divert attention away from the ongoing situation in Syria? The alleged assassination of the Ambassador would have also provided a good cover to quickly extract him and his wife along with others in Turkey who might be under threat.

I have created a new blog with the video of Bashar Ja'afari's announcement at the UN along with the list of names here: Syrian Ambassador to UN names Foreign Agents captured in Aleppo

CNNTURK_ENG CNN Türk ENG tweeted @ 19 Dec 2016 - 16:23 UTC

#BREAKING Russian Ambassador Andrey #Karlov shot in #Ankara gallery, photo by Hürriyet photojournalist Haşim Kılıç.……

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

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