The truth about an immigrant from Iran put in place to run both Google and Twitter, his wife a Major donator to Clinton Aide Amanda Renetaria!

in #news5 years ago

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Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says what is going on in Washington D.C. with the “treason” against Trump is unlike anything we have ever faced as a nation.

Shipp explains,

“This is an historic battle between the President of the United States and what I call the ‘Shadow Government.’

"Some call this the ‘Deep State,’ and that includes the CIA, the FBI and the NSA. President Trump is the first President to stand up against this Shadow Government. They have been spying on Trump since he was a presidential candidate. So, this is huge, it’s historic and nothing like this has ever occurred in any western government...

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The Shadow Government has been controlling Congress, controlling the judiciary and controlling the President of the United States. No one has stood up against them until Donald J. Trump. They did not figure on this, and he is not bound to this Shadow Government or their threats. Trump has got them quaking in their boots because they have been engaged in illegal surveillance. They have been engaged in a false counter-intelligence against the Trump campaign, literally planting spies in the Trump campaign.

I can guarantee you they are scrambling like rats trying to get off a ship. Comey points fingers at Clapper, he’s pointing fingers at Comey, there’s Loretta Lynch and on and on. They are scared because if this stuff is declassified, the American people will see what they have done. For some of these people, this amounts to treason. They attempted a coup against a duly elected President of the United States.”

So let's revisit LL,

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Now let's look at Amanda Renteria,

an American political aide who has worked as the National Political Director for Secretary Clinton during her 2018 Presidential run, chief of operations for California Attorney General Becerra, chief of staff and legislative advisor to United States Senators Dianne Feinstein and Debbie Stabenow. A member of the Democratic Party.

Just guess where she wants to be in position.

In February 2018, she announced her candidacy for Governor of California. She lost in the primary.

Leaked emails of John Podesta show that the Hillary Clinton campaign was looking for a "Hispanic woman" for the position of political director of her 2016 presidential campaign. Following the loss to Valadao, Renteria was hired to fill that position.

She has previously worked with Goldman Sachs.

The Russian Memo and promise by Loretta Lynch

In 2016, Russian intelligence sent a memo to the FBI with contents that incriminates Lynch as obstructing the FBI investigation and colluding with the Clinton campaign. According to the memo contents, Lynch “assured Renteria [Clinton’s campaign aide] that the investigation into Clinton’s emails would not go too far”.

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From ABC shows a woman walking behind Bill Clinton on tarmac. She is believed to be Renteria.

Comments in here tell how desperate certain entities are to hide info and truth.

Top donors for Renteria's campaign,

$29,200 from Jack Bendheim – A Hillary Clinton crony who served as deputy Chairman of AIPAC

$22,500 from Gisel Kordestani who is the wife of Omid Kordestani – was Google’s chief business officer before moving to Twitter

First, Jack Bendheim

he doesn't want to give too much away on his Linkden,

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All of this is interesting,

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Just a couple of his non-profit donations,

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Lots of interesting jobs,

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Notice it is a foreign corporation and when they filed.

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Works with brother and Kurt Rothschild here,

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Interesting. I wonder Why Hillary was Jack Bendheim's first pick.

You don't suppose His interests were being protected do you?

Now Gisel Kordestani

$22,500 from Gisel Kordestani who is the wife of Omid Kordestani – was Google’s chief business officer before moving to Twitter

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Other positions Kordestani has held,

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From Bloomberg,

Ms. Gisel Kordestani Co-Founder of Crowdpac, Inc. in 2013 and serves as its Chief Operating Officer and Director. Ms. Kordestani was an Advisor at SGH Capital S.A. She is a tech entrepreneur who has worked in early stage startups, management consulting and spent over eight years at Google in senior global roles in finance and new business development. Ms. Kordestani holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a BA in international affairs from the American University in Paris.

From Fast Company,

Gisel Kordestani got paid to travel the world for Google,

  • developing the the company's global financial and commercial systems as director of new business development.

  • She also had a significant role in getting Google involved in the Palestinian IT sector.

  • Since Google, she's launched her own venture, Crowdpac, which wants to make democracy more democratic using big data. It furthers the political careers of Democrats.

How else is she connected to Google?

Google executive Omid Kordestani is her husband and according to Gawker he divorced his first wife to marry Gisel.

In an article filed under Geek Love,

What did the ex-wife of Google executive Omid Kordestani (net worth: $2.2 billion) do after getting dumped for a younger woman? She hooked up with a doctor and hired Julio Iglesias as her wedding singer.

Of course the focus is on "Celebrity, celebrity" and name dropping because That is the focus of secular society and all who pander after them.

Of course always talking about "charity events" and the money they raise which generally end up in their own politicians' pockets and not really helping Anyone in need as they are always "virtue signaling." That's Always satan's mo. Pretending to do good works when just furthering his own sick agenda.

The interesting part is this. . .

It is hard to imagine a worse time to throw an extravagant wedding. But Daryabari surely had other things on her mind.

What turned Daryabari, a telecom executive turned philanthropist, into a towering Bridezilla? Her husband, Kordestani, was Google's 12th employee and its first salesman. He struck a search-licensing deal with the now-forgotten Netscape, then an Internet powerhouse where he previously worked, that made Google viable. Google's IPO made Kordestani wealthy, and as Google's shares soared, his fortune grew into the billions of dollars.

But then Kordestani fell in love with a coworker, Gisel Hiscock. A rumored reconciliation after the revelation of his affair never happened. The couple moved to London last summer. Somewhere along the line, Daryabari and Kordestani finalized their divorce.

A closer look at Omid Kordestani
You can add Twitter to the list among other platform's Kordestani has influenced. . .interesting!

is an Iranian-American businessman who has been the Executive Chairman at Twitter since October 2015. He was previously a Senior Vice President, the Chief Business Officer, and a special advisor to the CEO and founders at Google during July 2014 to October 2015 and was a director of Vodafone from March 2013 to October 2014. Kordestani had also previously been at Google from May 1999 to April 2009, reaching the position of Senior Vice President for Worldwide Sales and Field Operations.

  • Omid Kordestani was born in Tehran, Iran

  • He moved to San Jose, California after the death of his father in 1976.

  • work for Hewlett Packard as an engineer.

Kordestani has more than a dozen years of high-technology consumer and enterprise experience, including key positions at Internet pioneer Netscape Communications. He was also vice president of Business Development and Sales and grew Netscape's website revenue from an annual run-rate of $88 million to more than $200 million in 18 months. He started his career at Netscape as director of OEM Sales, and during his four-year career at that company he was responsible for establishing major customer relationships with. . .

  • Citibank

  • AOL

  • Amazon

  • Intuit

  • Travelocity

  • Intel

  • Home

  • eBay

  • Excite

Kordestani is one of the founders of PARSA Community Foundation, a Persian heritage, entrepreneurship and philanthropic society.

He married Gisel in 2011.

What Gisel founded and IS connected to Google. You don't suppose they have political interests and and Agenda do you?

Crowdpac was co-founded in 2014 by Steve Hilton, a former political advisor to British Prime Minister David Cameron, along with Adam Bonica, Gisel Kordestani, and Paul Hilder.

The website is based in San Francisco, and Hilton served as its CEO until 2018.

The website also uses an algorithm built by researchers at Stanford University to track political candidates' sources of funding to predict how ideologically partisan they are.

Interesting. . .and here both Gisel And Omir worked for Google.

In May 2018, Crowdpac announced that it was suspending fundraising for Republican candidates on its platform because of issues with, "hate speech and the rhetoric and actions used to stir up racial animosity legitimized by the President of the United States".

This is NOT surprising as they admit to these facts. ..

Crowdpac is a partisan for-profit website whose purpose is to help unknown Democrats and independent political outsiders raise money and run for office, and to track political data from across the United States. While it was originally marketed as a non-partisan political fundraising site, the platform is currently only open for fundraising to select political ideologies.

So is anyone surprised as to why and how they are biased? Not anyone who is Awake!

Talk about Controlling

in 2018 the company acting CEO Jesse Thomas decided to block Republican candidates from raising on the platform, stating "This decision has been a hard one for our company, but as Trumpism has spread through the Republican Party we’ve started to see an increase in campaigns for Republican candidates that we cannot allow on our platform.

In this praise article they Give much away about how the work their agenda.

Stated by Mercury News,

Follow someone you know. That’s how Twitter Executive Chairman Omid Kordestani, like many immigrants, found his way from Iran to Silicon Valley as a teenager.

“My immigration was total serendipity,” he said in an interview at Twitter’s San Francisco headquarters.

REALLY? There are No coincidences! You should see how Iran used to be by people in the Know, then ask. ..who purposely upset their freedom? That's right, people integral in the DNC and silicon valley. Now Why would they do that?

Anni Cyrus understand Very well what it used to be like as she lived there and has studied the True History.
Hear her story here where she also goes over this history along with her experience.

Sharia for Women: A Female Sharia Survivor Shares Her Story

Hear others speak of their experiences here where those who have a political bias censor truth. They don't want You to know.

If you read the Mercury News, you will see how they and other mainstream media outlets desperately try to pretend this is about immigration and a travel ban. They don't Want you to find out the truth. There is a group who has purposely furthered their own agenda and hand picked individuals they place in high places of power and control to Do so!

I know this for a FACT because 2 of my truth telling accounts were on twitter for no other reason than the fact that I expose the True history and truth. They were furious when I did a thread on this. . .

They Really hated this one,

They hate me because I go over True History and source my work. Difficult to refute even though they send their agitators to try.

According to Mercury News,

He once told a graduating class at San Jose State University — his alma mater — to “think and act like an immigrant.”

“What I mean by that immigrant attitude is that you’ve got to continually fight, challenge yourself,” said Kordestani, who is now a U.S. citizen. “You’ve got to make yourself uncomfortable so you grow from that.”

In their efforts to glorify and do what their heralding, cheering partners in Hollywood do. . .they leave out some Very Important information.

For all his struggle as pointed out earlier, Omir sure did have an IN to very influential, profitable companies.

Kordestani net worth was estimated to be $1.4 billion in 2009

That's B. ..Billions and that was back in 2009, imagine what it is 10 years later after taking on another powerful, high paying position at Twitter.

Interesting how these people who steer the internet and attempt to steer and control what people see and access. . .pretend that THEY are victims.

The powerful and the elite hope that you won't ask the Glaring question. Why are they complaining when they are the ones with All the Money? Why are they trying to shut people up and infringe upon Free Speech?

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This among other links turned up related to Omid are interesting.

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Ex-Clinton aide makes mystery bid for California governor
Democrats are scratching their heads over Amanda Renteria's silent run. Some suggest there are ulterior motives.

Amanda Renteria, a former top Hillary Clinton campaign aide who baffled Democrats recently when she filed paperwork to run for California governor, still isn’t talking.

In the days since filing, Renteria made no campaign announcement, and she is not returning reporters’ calls. She’s raised no money and has no apparent political apparatus — a bizarre campaign opening more characteristic of a fringe candidate than a political professional.

Up and down California, Democrats spent the week scratching their heads — or suggesting ulterior motives.

“It doesn’t make any sense,” said Garry South, a longtime Democratic strategist who advised former Gov. Gray Davis. “You don’t run for governor of California in four months. The state is too big, the race for governor is far too expensive, and you particularly don’t do it when you are a complete unknown, you have no money, you have no campaign kitty, and you don’t even have a website or a Facebook page.”

Renteria is not widely known in California, and her last bid for elected office, in a House contest in 2014, ended in bruising defeat. Rep. David Valadao that year trounced Renteria by more than 15 percentage points in her effort to dislodge the Republican from his Central Valley seat.

News of Renteria’s candidacy first emerged as if by accident, when the California Target Book’s Rob Pyers noticed her filing with the secretary of state’s office, tweeting, “Well this is interesting ... Hillary Clinton's 2016 National Political Director has apparently filed to run for California Governor.”

A top aide to state Attorney General Xavier Becerra, Renteria immediately became unreachable. She said on Twitter, “For questions coming in right now: I am still serving as the Chief of Operations at the California Department of Justice.” But just hours later, Becerra’s office confirmed she was stepping down from her post.

Renteria drew support from prominent Democrats in her 2014 House run, including EMILY’s List and the Latino Victory Project. Then-Vice President Joe Biden campaigned alongside her.

Shipp states,

Make no mistake, what happened to President Trump with the “hoax” of Russia collusion was a frame job to try to knock him out of office. Trump has called this “treason,” and when he says this, the mainstream media is silent and won’t report it. Shipp says,

“They know it, and they are trying their level best to support these Shadow Government/Deep State players because the media was complicit in this false Russia collusion. There is no way they are going to report on information that will expose their role in it...

They shot and they missed, and it was a bad miss because they tipped their hand.”

Shipp says new Attorney General William Barr is the right man for the job of prosecuting treason. Shipp says, “Barr was a former CIA attorney . . . I was skeptical at first, but now I am right behind Barr."

"I think the fact that Barr was a CIA attorney gives him an inside view... So, Barr has an edge . . . over the CIA and the FBI. He knows how that system works. He knows how they are going to stonewall him. He knows how they are going to use classification to try to conceal what they have done. They got the worst President and the worst Attorney General for them to expose what they are doing both at the same time. Barr has subpoena power, and they are quaking in their boots because this has never happened before. They have never been challenged like this before.”

This is simply a case of spying to get blackmail information against political opponents. It goes back to 2012 and was under the direction of President Obama, according to Shipp. Shipp explains, “This was NSA domestic surveillance, and it’s been going on since before 9/11. It increased after 9/11."

"What they did, Comey and others like Brennan, they went in and requested information existing already on NSA super computers and used that information to spy on the Trump Campaign...They did spy on Donald Trump, and it was extensive. It was criminal and was existing systems the NSA already had in place...

This leads all the way to Barack Obama and, of course, Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton being the blackmailer extraordinaire and Barack Obama...

They were using this power to intimidate others and probably to blackmail others... that’s exactly what they were doing... They were all engaging in flagrant criminal activity. They all thought the global princess was going to get elected, and all of a sudden—boom. The unthinkable happened for them. Donald Trump was elected, and they freaked out.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp.

Kevin Shipp – Blackmail Spying by Obama and Clinton

Is it possible Amanda Renteria is a cooperating witness and is ratting out the other rats?

CA wants control of the government and it is through CA they have the keys. . .Immigration is a HUGE one and always has been for the DNC.

Not to mention, she worked for Feinstein who back in the day had her DNC leadership connected to Jim Jones who went out and got illegal votes for the DNC.

Did a break down here.

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February 14, 2019
Senate Passed a Bill to make Lynching a Federal Crime . Coincidence?

There are No Coincidences!

Notice how the left political swayers and those in a position of "Celebrity" and power keep using the word "Lynching?"

Used it for a false flag incident that was proven to be orchestrated by their celebrity friend and cohort, then attempting to signal it is Not Justified. Interesting!

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Let me know what you all think about this and the angles you have come across. Stay vigilant out there in trying to wake up the Others! Godspeed Fine Patriots! WWG1WGA


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