
Oh, yes, humans do tend to get their knickers in an uproar over celestial events!
The religious cacophony​ over the blood-moon​ was hysterical:)

I'm still in shock over December 2012... I must admit tho... I did make a few bucks from it from my legit survival website, lol!

I'm a fan of Rorty and pragmatism:D

Awesome! I've only recently been turned on to Rorty, but I must say I am his newest stalker-er- fan ;)

Not to mention the Y2K bug :)

I was working at CNN during Y2K, and we had experts come in for mandatory meetings to tell us how to prepare in silence without alarming the public! The Gov't believed it was going to destroy civilization, but at CNN, well- you know- the news must go on. lol

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