RE: The Questions Everyone Should Be Asking About The Las Vegas Shooting What The Fuck Happened?
In my opinion guns are one of the worst inventions of man next to nuclear bombs but you can't ban them now because they exist as a tool for protection or aggression. Sure you can you make them harder to have access to yes but in the U.S. we are protected under the 2nd Amendment the right to bear arms so it's a constitutional issue and can't be debated. The constitution rules the land of America, what needs to be done is stopping the surveillance state on innocent Americans and further stopping rouge deepstate agents who want to harm innocent Americans. And oh the enemy that same deepstate created YES ISIS which ultimately is a CIA creation through years of destabilizing the middle east. Then eventually arming them when they sent cargos of weapons to the FSA. Who is known to have Al-Nusra/Alqaeda ties in Syria. Anyway going off topic but the U.S. has a lot of problems but so does the UK with Brexit curious why u voted to remain in the European Union when its been robbing you guys blind for years? I'm not in favor of the death penalty unless it's for rape, murder or pedophiles. If we had a death penalty for severe crimes wouldn't they be more discouraged? Most people can follow the easy rules don't rape, murder or be a pedophile right? So why not? I agree with the longer sentences that would deter some crime. As for this particular situation, you can't stop armed terrorists from doing something horrific like this. There is now news $100,000 was just sent to Philipeans which is facing an ISIS takeover in parts. But ultimately I am a peaceful anarchist and believe that all forms of government are Satan.
Just a few points :) the US Constitution can be changed...that’s what the amendments are; updates from the original laws. As for the death penalty, it clearly doesn’t work. People get murdered/robbed/abused regardless. Plus it takes years and years for a sentence to get carried out. I think I’d rather see more prisons and harsher sentences. But since I live in the Uk, it’s irrelevant what I think. Have a great day anyway!
Agreed, documents can change, but the principles behind why they were written do not. Free people are armed. I am not a subject. Royalty disgusts me. The idea that some people are born to rule others is also disgusting. Double standards, special protections, and monopolies on force need to go away. Get rid of the control systems.
...people are bad, so we need a government (rulers) made up of...
Nope. No thanks!
Yes, the US Constitution can be changed, but few people understand the background behind the Second Amendment. Want to know it? Do the research. Better yet, simply read:
Section 13. That a well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state; that standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided as dangerous to liberty; and that in all cases the military should be under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power.
That makes it pretty clear. Our government doesn't like mentioning that text however. They what people thinking 2A was about sportsmanship or hunting. LOL No, it was meant to maintain the ability to resist tyrannical forces, in or out of your nation. Militias work contrary to popular MSM belief. They are local people who care about each other, and they function as a defensive force only.
They cannot be corrupted by outside forces or rulers either.