The Daily Brief 2019-03-04

in #news6 years ago

This is a summary of 17 AMN articles on the following subjects: Aleppo, Syria, Guaido, Maduro, Venezuela, Israel, THAAD, US, Hama, Latakia, Qatar, Russia, China, India, Jammu, Kashmir, Pakistan, IDF, Baghouz, Deir_Ezzor, France, ISIS, SAA, SDF, Modi, Putin, Airstrikes, Gaza, Hamas, Euphrates.

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Categories in this brief: Syria, World-News, Middleeast, Gulf, Opinion, Palestine

Table of Contents

Breaking: Syrian Army launches big attack on southern Aleppo

Published 2019-03-04 23:48:34 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:30 P.M.) - The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) launched a heavy attack on southern Aleppo this evening, marking the first time in over a month that they have carried out an unprovoked assault at this front. According to a military source in Aleppo city, the Syrian Arab Army launched several artillery shells and missiles towards Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham's positions near the Idlib axis. In particular, the source said the Syrian Republican Guard and army units targeted Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham's positions inside the towns of Jazraya, 'Uthmaniyah, Zamar, and Tal Bajer. Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham has yet to respond to... Read on ->

Tags: Aleppo, Syria

Guaido mobbed at Caracas demo after high-risk return (video)

Published 2019-03-04 22:47:35 by News Desk in World-News

Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido took to a protest in Caracas on Monday, amid a risk of being arrested upon his arrival back in his homeland. Guaido joined a protest being held against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. The opposition leader, who was banned from traveling abroad, returned to Venezuela earlier in the day after a visit to Ecuador. Last week, Maduro said that Guaido must face trial for breaking the ban.     Credit: Ruptly

Tags: Guaido, Maduro, Venezuela

US deploys THAAD missile system in southern Israel (video)

Published 2019-03-04 21:31:37 by News Desk in Middleeast

The US military deployed its anti-ballistic missile defence system, known as the Terminal High Altitude Area Defence (THAAD), at the Nevatim Airbase in southern Israel on Monday, as part of joint exercises between the US forces and the IDF. Two hundred US troops are set to take part in the drill alongside Israeli forces, with US equipment and personnel being airlifted into the country, reportedly as a test of the US military's rapid deployment capabilities.   Mandatory credit: IDF

Tags: Israel, THAAD, US

High ranking Chechen jihadist killed by Syrian Army in northern Hama

Published 2019-03-04 21:21:39 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:00 P.M.) - A high ranking jihadist commander from Chechnya was killed by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the northern countryside of the Hama Governorate on Sunday. According to reports from northern Hama, the Syrian Arab Army killed the deputy emir of Tanzim Ansar Al-Tawhid, Khamza Al-Shishani, after he and his forces attempted to attack their positions on Sunday morning. Taking advantage of the poor weather, Tanzim Ansar Al-Tawhid launched a heavy assault on the Syrian Arab Army's positions in northern Hama. They were initially successful after overrunning the first line of the Syrian Arab Army's defenses;... Read on ->

Tags: Hama, Syria

Over 30 Syrian soldiers killed in deadliest 24 hours of 2019

Published 2019-03-04 20:34:43 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:20 P.M.) - A large number of Syrian Arab Army (SAA) soldiers were killed on Sunday, making yesterday the deadliest 24 hours of 2019. According to a military source in Damascus, over 30 Syrian Arab Army soldiers were killed across northwestern Syria on Sunday. The source said the majority of the Syrian Arab Army casualties were reported from the northern countryside of Hama. Of the 30+ killed in northwestern Syria, at least 20 soldiers were killed during a fierce battle with the jihadist rebels in northern Hama. The remaining Syrian Arab Army casualties were reported from the northern... Read on ->

Tags: Hama, Latakia, Syria

Russia mulling S-400 sale to Qatar

Published 2019-03-04 19:23:58 by News Desk in Gulf, Middleeast

Moscow is ready to consider Doha’s requests for weapons delivery, if such requests appear, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated on Monday during a joint press conference with Qatari Foreign Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani. "Our military-technical cooperation with Qatar is regulated in a bilateral manner, 18 months ago we signed an intergovernmental agreement on military-technical cooperation," the minister noted. "Today, we reaffirmed the need to follow this agreement." "When our Qatari partners send us requests for delivery of Russian military products, we will consider them," Lavrov said. Earlier on Monday, Al-Thani stated that Doha is holding negotiations with Moscow... Read on ->

Tags: Qatar, Russia

Map of Kashmir and Jammu conflict

Published 2019-03-04 19:06:54 by News Desk in World-News

BEIRUT, LEBANON (6:45 P.M.) - Last week, the world witnessed one of the most intense confrontations between the Pakistani and Indian armed forces in several years. This military confrontation would bring to light both India and Pakistan's claims to the disputed Kashmir and Jammu territories. During the confrontation, the Pakistani armed forces managed to shoot down at least two Indian Sukhoi jets that were flying over the disputed Kashmir region. In response, India claimed that their armed forces downed a Pakistani F-16 fighter jet, despite the PAF's insistence that they did not use the warplane during the confrontation. Since the... Read on ->

Tags: China, India, Jammu, Kashmir, Pakistan

US deploys THAAD missile system to Israel (video)

Published 2019-03-04 18:32:04 by News Desk in Middleeast, World-News

The United States military deployed a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-ballistic missile battery to Israel, European Command (EUCOM) said in a statement on Monday. "At the direction of the Secretary of Defense, US European Command deployed a THAAD system to Israel in early March," the statement said. The move is intended to demonstrate the United States' ongoing commitment to Israel's security, the statement added. As part of the deployment, US service members will work in different locations in Israel to help local military forces align their existing air and missile defence architecture with the THAAD system. The exercise will allow the US military to incorporate key capabilities stationed in the... Read on ->

Tags: IDF, Israel, US

New video shows French snipers, gunners at the front-lines in eastern Syria

Published 2019-03-04 18:23:55 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (6:00 P.M.) - French troops were recently filmed at the front-lines in eastern Syria as they provide assistance to their allies on the ground against the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) forces. Led by their snipers and machine gunners, the French troops could be seen heavily targeting the Islamic State's positions at the Baghouz Camp, which is the where the terrorist group's last bastion is located. While the battle is temporarily suspended due to the ongoing evacuation of wounded Islamic State fighters, the French troops and their allies from the U.S. Coalition and Syrian Democratic Forces... Read on ->

Tags: Baghouz, Deir_Ezzor, France, ISIS, Syria

Guaido threatens his 'kidnapping' will be Maduro's 'last mistake' as Venezuelan President

Published 2019-03-04 17:53:29 by News Desk in World-News

During a Periscope broadcast Juan Guaido, a key Venezuelan opposition figure and self-proclaimed interim president, has warned Caracas against arresting him or his wife promising that otherwise Maduro's government will face repercussions. "[If Maduro's government] tries to kidnap us […] it will be one of the last mistakes it makes", he said. Guaido also called for the Venezuelan people to mobilise against Maduro's government upon his return to the country. His warnings have been supported by Washington with US National Security Advisor John Bolton promising that Caracas will face "a strong and significant response from the US and the international community" if Guaido's safe return to Venezuela is hindered. Venezuelan... Read on ->

Tags: Guaido, Maduro, Venezuela

Key ISIS figure killed during US Coalition attack last night

Published 2019-03-04 17:38:38 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (5:20 P.M.) - An important Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) figure was killed during the heavy U.S. bombardment last night. The Islamic State commander Jamal Khaled Masoulkh (AKA "Abu Khaled Al-Ansari") was killed at the Baghouz Camp last night when the U.S. Coalition unleashed a massive assault on the terrorist group's Euphrates bastion. According to reports, Masoulkh was the deputy commander of the Islamic State in Al-Raqqa before he moved to eastern Syria. Once he moved to the Deir Ezzor Governorate, Masoulkh took command of the Islamic State forces along the eastern bank of the Euphrates River. The U.S. attack... Read on ->

Tags: ISIS, Syria, US

Russia equips new Baltic Fleet regiment with S-400 system

Published 2019-03-04 17:20:16 by News Desk in World-News

A new regiment set of Russia’s most advanced S-400 long-range surface-to-air missile systems has arrived for the Baltic Fleet under the defense procurement plan, the Fleet’s press office reported on Monday. "The new S-400 Triumf air defense missile system has arrived at its permanent base in the Kaliningrad Region from the Kapustin Yar practice range in the Astrakhan Region after its initial live-fire tests were conducted successfully," the press office said. The S-400 regiment set will be fully deployed to protect the airspace of Russia’s westernmost region by the end of next week, the press office said. The S-400 Triumf... Read on ->

Tags: Russia

Kurdish forces handover tens of Syrian soldiers previously imprisoned by ISIS

Published 2019-03-04 17:04:23 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:30 P.M.) - The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have handed over tens of Syrian Arab Army (SAA) soldiers that were previously imprisoned by the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) in eastern Syria. According to reports from northern Syria, the Syrian Democratic Forces handed over 32 soldiers to the Syrian military at the Ithriya Crossing near the Hama and Al-Raqqa axis. Of the 32 soldiers handed over to the military this week, at least 14 of them were officers in the Syrian Arab Army. Furthermore, the Syrian Arab Army agreed to release seven fighters from the SDF in exchange for the... Read on ->

Tags: ISIS, SAA, SDF, Syria

Indian air defenses shoot down Pakistani drone: report

Published 2019-03-04 16:43:33 by News Desk in World-News

A Pakistani aircraft, presumed to be a drone, was detected by Indian anti-air defense and subsequently shot down by a Sukhoi Su-30MKI fighter jet, local media reports. The unmanned aerial vehicle has violated Indian airspace and was scouting military positions in a desert area of the state of Rajasthan, ANI news agency reported, citing sources. The drone was spotted by ground radars and a Russian-made Sukhoi Su-30MKI fighter jet was dispatched to the location. The plane has subsequently shot the drone down with an air-to-air missile. The debris of the UAV apparently went down over Indian territory, yet local media... Read on ->

Tags: India, Pakistan

Modi thanks Putin for joint investment in AK-203 assault rifle plant

Published 2019-03-04 01:47:34 by News Desk in World-News

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the launch of an Indian-Russian assault rifle production plant at Korwa, during a speech in the nearby town of Amethi on Sunday. The site is due to produce AK-203 Kalashnikov assault rifles for Indian security forces, according to TASS news agency. "This joint venture will be beneficial for us," said Modi during the ceremony, adding that "at this moment I thank our nation's closest friend Russian President Vladimir Putin for this venture." The compound, jointly run by India's Ordnance Factory Board (OAB) and Russia's Kalashnikov Concern, is licensed to produce up to 700,000 AK-203s,... Read on ->

Tags: Modi, Putin

Israel Continually Strikes Gaza and Hamas Hasn't Fired Back

Published 2019-03-04 01:02:12 by Robert Inlakesh in Middleeast, Opinion, Palestine

DAMASCUS, SYRIA (12:50 A.M)- Israel continues to strike the Gaza Strip and Hamas is not responding. Since the start of 2019 Israel has been consistently striking the Gaza Strip, as well as shooting dead demonstrators during Gaza's Friday protests. But despite Israel's constant aggression, Palestinian armed factions in Gaza have refrained from responding for some time. The last time any of the Palestinian armed factions fired back was on the 22nd of February, when an unprovoked tank shelling killed 24 year, Mahmoud al-Nabahin, injuring two others. The response came from an al-Qassam brigades [Hamas's Armed Wing] sniper, who shot an... Read on ->

Tags: Airstrikes, Gaza, Hamas, Israel

Crazy up close footage of US bombs falling on ISIS enclave

Published 2019-03-04 00:21:53 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:00 A.M.) - The U.S. Coalition is currently carrying out a massive assault on the Islamic State's (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) last bastion in the Euphrates River Valley. As captured by photojournalist Gabriel Chraim, the U.S. Coalition is heavily bombarding the Islamic State's positions at the Baghouz Camp in eastern Deir Ezzor this evening. In the video below, the photojournalist captures close footage of a massive explosion ripping through the heart of the Islamic State's last bastion. Both government and opposition activists have accused the U.S. Coalition of using white phosphorous during tonight's bombardment; however, there has been no footage... Read on ->

Tags: Baghouz, Euphrates, ISIS, Syria

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