The Daily Brief 2019-01-31

in #news6 years ago

This is a summary of 32 AMN articles on the following subjects: Lebanon, Guaido, Maduro, Venezuela, Australia, France, Syria, UK, Hama, Deir_Ezzor, ISIS, HTS, Turkey, US, Sweida, Britain, Madruo, Israel, Jerusalem, Houthi, Sanaa, Yemen, Baltic, Russia, Vietnam, Idlib, Colombia, Saudi, Iran, Aleppo, Euphrates, Daraa, Armenia, Iraq, Yazidi, Trump, UN.

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Categories in this brief: Lebanon, World-News, Syria, Turkey, Middleeast, Palestine, Yemen, Iran, Iraq

Table of Contents

Full list of Lebanon's new cabinet

Published 2019-01-31 20:31:40 by News Desk in Lebanon

BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:10 P.M.) - On Thursday evening, Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri announced the formation of a new government and the respective roles of the new cabinet. Below is the complete list of the new Lebanese cabinet: Minister of Interior: Raya Al-Hassan Minister of Communications: Mohammed Shoukir Minister of... Read on ->

Tags: Lebanon

Developing: Venezuelan authorities raid opposition leader's home

Published 2019-01-31 20:05:58 by News Desk in World-News

BEIRUT, LEBANON (7:45 P.M.) - The Venezuelan authorities have begun raiding opposition leader Juan Guaido's home, the latter said in a tweet moments ago. No further details have been released at this time.

Tags: Guaido, Maduro, Venezuela

US wants Australia, UK, France to setup northern Syria safe zone

Published 2019-01-31 19:50:07 by News Desk in Syria

The US is holding talks with its allies the UK, France, and Australia, to help create a 32km wide buffer zone between Turkish and Kurdish forces in Syria, as Washington is planning to withdraw from the country, The Wall Street Journal reported, citing anonymous sources in the White House. According to another source, an unnamed European diplomat, the US... Read on ->

Tags: Australia, France, Syria, UK

Breaking: Lebanese leaders agree to new government

Published 2019-01-31 19:33:46 by News Desk in Lebanon

BEIRUT, LEBANON (7:20 P.M.) - Minutes ago, the Reuters News Agency reported that the Lebanese leaders had reached an agreement to form a new government after a long deadlock. Citing three political sources, the Reuters News Agency reported that the agreement came shortly after a meeting between Prime Minister Saad... Read on ->

Tags: Lebanon

Syrian Army unleashes large-scale attack across northern Hama

Published 2019-01-31 19:14:09 by Leith Aboufadel in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (7:00 P.M.) - The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) unleashed a large-scale assault along the northern axis of the Hama Governorate, today, targeting Jaysh Al-Izza's positions inside the designated buffer zone. According to a field source, the Syrian Arab Army began targeting Jaysh Al-Izza's positions with a wide variety of... Read on ->

Tags: Hama, Syria

US court orders Syria to pay $302 million to family of Marie Colvin

Published 2019-01-31 18:59:13 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (6:40 P.M.) - A U.S. court has ordered the Syrian government to pay the family of journalist Marie Colvin a large sum of money after the judge found Damascus responsible for her death. According to the judgment that was released last night, the Syrian government is ordered to pay... Read on ->

Tags: Syria

Syrian Army uncovers ISIS training camp, tunnels in western Deir Ezzor (PHOTOS)

Published 2019-01-31 18:37:57 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (6:20 P.M.) - The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) discovered an Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) training camp in the western countryside of the Deir Ezzor Governorate this week, the National Defense Forces (NDF) reported via their official media wing.

Turkey accuses US Coalition members of supporting ISIS and HTS in Syria

Published 2019-01-31 18:23:41 by News Desk in Syria, Turkey

Certain members of the US-led coalition fighting against Daesh* support militants from the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham* terrorist group in the Syrian province of Idlib as they are aspiring to wreck the Russian-Turkish agreement on de-escalation zone, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said Thursday. "Certain partners from the coalition support HTS… First,... Read on ->

Tags: HTS, ISIS, Syria, Turkey, US

Up close footage of Syrian Army troops fighting ISIS in mountainous region

Published 2019-01-31 13:09:41 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:00 P.M.) - THe Syrian Arab Army (SAA) was recently filmed fighting the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) terrorists inside the Al-Safa region of Al-Sweida. According to reports, the Syrian Arab Army was conducting a combing operation in the Al-Safa region of Al-Sweda when they came across several Islamic State fighters... Read on ->

Tags: ISIS, Sweida, Syria

Great Britain wants EU to sanction Venezuela's Maduro

Published 2019-01-31 13:00:23 by News Desk in World-News

Earlier in the day, the European Parliament announced it is planning to consider a draft resolution on recognising self-proclaimed interim president of Venezuela Juan Guaido as head of the Latin American country. "Targeted sanctions against the kleptocrats who have enriched themselves on the back of the rest of the population... Read on ->

Tags: Britain, Madruo, Venezuela

State of Florida recognizes Jerusalem as Israeli capital

Published 2019-01-31 12:52:45 by News Desk in Middleeast, Palestine

BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:40 P.M.) - The state of Florida's cabinet announced on Wednesday that they were recognizing Jerusalem as the “eternal and undivided capital" of Israel. According to the Jerusalem Post, Florida’s Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis said that state governor, Republican Ron DeSantis had supported Trump’s decision to relocate the... Read on ->

Tags: Israel, Jerusalem

Breaking: Houthi forces launch new offensive in northern Yemen

Published 2019-01-31 12:26:25 by News Desk in Yemen

BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:10 P.M.) - The Houthi forces kicked off a new offensive in the eastern part of the Sanaa Governorate this afternoon, the Yemeni group's official media wing reported. According to the Houthi forces, their fighters stormed the Saudi-backed troops inside the Al-Qarn area of the Nihm District. The Houthi... Read on ->

Tags: Houthi, Sanaa, Yemen

Crazy footage of Russian warplane trying to cutoff US jet

Published 2019-01-31 12:10:03 by News Desk in World-News

BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:00 P.M.) - A Russian jet was filmed this week trying to cut off a U.S. jet above the Baltic Sea, journalist Babak Taghvaee reported on Thursday. In the footage below, a Russian Su-27P from the 72nd Guards attempted to bank in front of a U.S. F-15C of... Read on ->

Tags: Baltic, Russia, US

Russia calls on the US to withdraw from Syria

Published 2019-01-31 11:55:44 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:45 A.M.) - The Spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova stated on Thursday morning that “Jabhat al-Nusra” terrorists are carrying out daily attacks across the Idlib demilitarized zone. Furthermore, during the press conference in Moscow on Thursday, Zakharova said the "White Helmets” have prepared the necessary equipment... Read on ->

Tags: Russia, Syria

US military intervention in Venezuela will be worse than Vietnam: Maduro

Published 2019-01-31 11:39:45 by News Desk in World-News

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro called on the people in the US to deter the Trump administration from putting boots on the ground in Venezuela, warning that any intervention would backfire leading to new Vietnam-like disaster. In his first direct message to the American people, the Venezuelan leader urged them to... Read on ->

Tags: Maduro, Venezuela, Vietnam

Russia claims jihadists are preparing new chemical weapons provocation in Idlib

Published 2019-01-31 11:25:13 by News Desk in Syria

Tahrir al-Sham (formerly al-Nusra Front outlawed in Russia) terrorists, who are lording over Syria’s Idlib, are not giving up on staging false flag attacks using chemical weapons against civilians, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told reporters on Thursday. "Tensions around the Idlib de-escalation zone are not on the decline,"... Read on ->

Tags: Idlib, Syria

Breaking: Military choppers seen along Venezuelan-Colombian border (video)

Published 2019-01-31 11:12:17 by News Desk in World-News

BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:00 A.M.) - Several military helicopters were spotted in the Colombian skies this morning, prompting some observers to suspect that these were U.S. choppers. According to the reports, the military choppers were spotted above the Colombian city of Cucuta, which is located near the Venezuelan border. Recently,... Read on ->

Tags: Colombia, Venezuela

Syrian Army kills several jihadist rebels in northwest Hama

Published 2019-01-31 11:00:14 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:45 A.M.) - The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) carried out a heavy attack against the jihadist rebels in the northern countryside of the Hama Governorate this morning. Led by their missile teams, the Syrian Arab Army unleashed a heavy barrage of projectiles on the jihadist rebel positions near... Read on ->

Tags: Hama, Idlib, Syria

Map of Yemen Civil War - January 2019

Published 2019-01-31 10:37:06 by Leith Aboufadel in Yemen

BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:20 A.M.) - The Yemen Civil War is entering its fourth year and the country still remains divided both politically and militarily. Despite a ceasefire in the Hodeidah Governorate, Yemen witnessed heavy clashes throughout the month, with both the Houthi forces and pro-government troops trading attacks along the... Read on ->

Tags: Houthi, Saudi, Yemen

Russia not opposed to safe zone in northern Syria: Turkish FM

Published 2019-01-31 10:13:13 by News Desk in Syria, Turkey

BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:00 P.M.) - The Russian Federation does not reject the proposed safe zone that Ankara wants to implement in northern Syria, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told Hurriyet Daily News on January 30th. “Russians have no opposition to the safe zone. We have seen this at the meeting... Read on ->

Tags: Russia, Syria, Turkey

All of Syria must be under state control to restore stability: Russian envoy

Published 2019-01-31 09:22:19 by News Desk in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:00 A.M.) - The only way to restore stability in Syria is to bring all of the areas under state control, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Vassily Nebenzya, said on Wednesday. During a session at the Security Council on Wednesday, Nebenzya called for supporting the process of... Read on ->

Tags: Russia, Syria

Press TV reporter Hashemi back home after US detention (video)

Published 2019-01-31 09:08:11 by News Desk in Iran

PressTV journalist Marzieh Hashemi was welcomed home by cheering crowds at Tehran Imam Khomeini International Airport on Wednesday, after spending 10 days in detention at a Washington DC federal prison. Adorned with flowers and surrounded by friends and colleagues Hashemi said that what "happened is a sign showing how important... Read on ->

Tags: Iran

Complete map of Syrian War - January 2019

Published 2019-01-31 08:53:24 by Leith Aboufadel in Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:00 A.M.) - The Syrian Conflict is nearing its eighth year and the country still remains in a political deadlock despite significant territorial losses for the opposition and Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) forces. In the month of January, the majority of the fighting in Syria took place inside the... Read on ->

Tags: Aleppo, Deir_Ezzor, Euphrates, Idlib, Syria

Electricity supply to Daraa to be fully restored by 2023

Published 2019-01-31 07:46:12 by News Desk in Syria

Electricity supply in the Syrian province of Daraa will be fully restored by 2023 after distribution substations are repaired, head of the provincial government's electricity department Hasan Zamel told reporters on Thursday. "The ministry of electricity in Damascus has developed a plan for full restoration of electricity in Daraa by... Read on ->

Tags: Daraa, Syria

Syria and Iran agree to ditch dollar in order to fight sanctions

Published 2019-01-31 07:34:27 by News Desk in Iran, Syria

Iran and Syria have agreed on measures that will allow bank transactions in their local currencies and non-dollar foreign currencies as the two countries have decided to deepen trade and investment relations. Damascus and Tehran signed 11 agreements, including a “long-term strategic economic cooperation deal”, which spans industry, trade and agriculture, on Monday. According to Iranian... Read on ->

Tags: Iran, Syria

Armenia plans to purchase Russia's Su-30SM fighter aircraft — defense ministry

Published 2019-01-31 03:47:46 by News Desk in World-News

The Armenian Defense Ministry continues to consider the issue of purchasing Russian Su-30SM multirole fighter aircraft, spokesperson for the ministry Artsrun Ovannisyan was quoted by Armenpress news agency as saying. "Yes, we are working on purchasing these fighter aircraft," Ovannisyan said but refused to elaborate. In December 2018 Armenia's Acting... Read on ->

Tags: Armenia, Russia

Three Yazidis were rescued in eastern Syria after being abducted by ISIS in 2014

Published 2019-01-31 01:54:02 by News Desk in Iraq, Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:40 A.M.) - Three Yazidis were rescued in eastern Syria on Wednesday after being held prisoner by the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) for nearly five years. According to the Kurdistan Region's Special Office for Yezidi Abductees Affairs, the three Yazidis - who are aged 12, 30, and 40 -... Read on ->

Tags: Iraq, Syria, Yazidi

Thousands attend pro-Maduro rally in northern Venezuela

Published 2019-01-31 01:30:54 by News Desk in World-News

BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:15 A.M.) - A massive pro-government rally was reportedly held in Venezuela's Falcon state in the northern part of the country on Wednesday. According to Venezuela Analysis, the pro-Maduro rally was led by Diosdado Cabello R and was attended by thousands of people.

Tags: Maduro, Venezuela

'The fight for freedom has begun!' - Trump on Venezuelan protests

Published 2019-01-31 01:04:17 by News Desk in World-News

BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:45 A.M.) - U.S. President Donald Trump took to Twitter on Wednesday to discuss his conversation with Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido, who he called the "Venezuelan Interim President". "Spoke today with Venezuelan Interim President Juan Guaido to congratulate him on his historic assumption of the presidency and... Read on ->

Tags: Trump, Venezuela

UN calls on Syrian warring parties to end politicization of humanitarian aid

Published 2019-01-31 00:52:32 by News Desk in Syria

UN Emergency Relief Coordinator Mark Lowcock urged the United Nations Security Council to back aid delivery to Syrians "suffering a cold, hard winter" with shortages of basic needs "from blankets to baby milk and bandages," in New York City on Wednesday "Millions are living under tents or tarpaulins or damaged... Read on ->

Tags: Syria, UN

Turkish National Security Council renews call to eliminate terrorist threat in Syria

Published 2019-01-31 00:42:51 by News Desk in Syria, Turkey

BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:30 A.M.) - The Turkish National Security Council renewed their call on Wednesday to eliminate the "terrorist groups" along their border. “The National Security Council renewed (its) call for ending foreign support to terrorist groups and said the fight against all terror outfits will continue ‘uninterruptedly,’” Turkey’s state-run... Read on ->

Tags: Syria, Turkey

Breaking: US military aircraft reportedly land in Colombia as unrest in Venezuela continues

Published 2019-01-31 00:18:42 by News Desk in World-News

BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:00 A.M.) - U.S. military planes have allegedly begun to land in the South American country of Colombia, Luna News reported this evening. According to the Luna News report, the reason for the arrival of the U.S. military planes is likely due to the current civil unrest that... Read on ->

Tags: Venezuela

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