Why use Gas when you've got Drone Strikes?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #news7 years ago (edited)

It really doesn't make sense. Everyone knows if you want to run down kids and babies with impunity just use drone strikes. Gassing people just strikes a nerve and begs for retaliation...

However, if the goal is to drag someone into a fight, what better way to pull at people's heartstrings.

But alas, perhaps this is little more than the cynical musings of a few jaded 'ole men...

​“It makes no sense, even if you were totally separate from this and take no sides of this and you were just an analyst, it doesn’t make sense for Assad under these conditions to all of the sudden use poison gasses...I think it’s zero chance that he would have done this deliberately.” -Ron Paul

There were two pipelines, one approved by Russia from Iran through Syria, and the other Obama agreed to with Qatar, also through Syria. The American press supported Obama by trying to make everyone believe Obama cared about innocent civilians being gassed. Nothing was further from the truth and the US was supplying the weapons to rebels who were slaughtering people and throwing them in mass graves. Obama turned a blind eye because the pipeline was more important than people in Syria.

Interesting how they can hide the story to help Obama and then flip the same story to attack Trump. It looks like Trump is falling prey to being set up to think this is really about chemical weapons and saving people. Sorry – that was all BS. The evidence came out that it was the rebels supported by Obama who were using the chemical weapons. Investigations revealed that back in 2013, they used sarin gas – not the Syrian government.

Link: Syria – Pipeline – How The Press Will Not Tell the Truth about Syria

As one social media friend put it:

We bomb Syria -- and Trump supporters are up in arms opposing it, while Democrats led by Chuck Schumer, # NeverTrumpers led by Bill Kristol and the # FakeNews media who all hate him are applauding it. Something is rotten in Denmark.

It just fascinates me that those who hate him love what he's doing, while those who love him hate what he's doing. Everything is backwards and THAT is what's interesting about the politics of this to me. But just think about it this way: when ISIS, CNN, the Iraq war neocons, and Nancy Pelosi ALL agree on something Trump does, we should think twice about it and question if he's really doing the right thing!

Possible false flag? Perhaps we'll just have to leave such questions for posterity to decide...


This whole situation could have many books written on it. I am finding it difficult to express the complexity of all of this in a nutshell. I also made a post involving some of Paul's commentary in this video. If you are interested, I would appreciate your thoughts. I know there are many more aspects than this, but one post can only contain so much.

I think it was an honest mistake by Ron Paul. And yes, who replaces Assad is an even bigger issue, as well as the fate of the "good" Syrians . The U.S. has a notorious history of overthrowing dictators, only to put one in place that's even worse. And regarding sanctions:

Politicians just keep making the same mistake over and over again. They perpetually turn to sanctions bankrupting private business with no respect whatsoever as the USA is wiping out farmers in Europe. But worst of all, there is not a single incident where sanctions have EVER worked even once. They often remain in place beyond a decade even as in Iran, but there is no change in politics.

Link: Russian Sanctions: Huge Mistake

Granted, this Syrian believes Assad is responsible (and while it does seem unlikely, perhaps he is and we have yet to see the evidence), but what he says hits home pretty hard (except for who would replace Assad), not to mention it's a great kick in CNN's "nuts"... lol

To much conflict in syria... make me confuse. I hope that war ended soon. :)

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