UK Government actions harm UK People

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Here's my evidence!

There's a theory common on Steemit that government does more harm than good. Is this true? Would Anarchy or Libertarianism be better? Let's look at an unfolding story that's currently in the press: The attempted bombing of the Parson Green Tube station in London on 15th September 2017 that injured over 30 people. The only reason there wasn't a high death toll was the poor construction of the device which only partially exploded.

The story so far: Two Syrian refugees have been arrested in connection with this attack. If they are found guilty, then surely we can say that:

UK government action overseas increases the danger of people living in the UK to attack.

There, that's's a simple argument. The US/UK & others have spent several years training/supporting/arming/assisting various gangs of murderous lunatics in Syria to help them wage war against the Syrian government (one persons terrorist is another persons freedom-fighter etc). This interminable war has been catastrophic for millions of people in Syria: Reuters reports at least 500,000 deaths in the past 6 years of fighting, 6 million people are roaming inside Syria, bombed out of their homes. 5 million have fled abroad (many crossing the Mediterranean sea to Europe). Those numbers are HUGE. Syria has been ripped apart (aided & abetted by the UK government). This is an act of evil. Amazingly the Russians have come out of this looking ethical, they've been a force for good in the Syrian war & their actions have saved many thousands of lives (despite how the Western Media attempt to suggest otherwise).

So the UK government helped tear a country apart, caused a massive refugee crisis that threatens Europe, and now two of these refugees have planted a bomb in the UK. Do you see the very obvious cause & effect going on here? Obviously the UK media won't see this connection....anytime they are confronted with a clear cause & effect like this they do the same thing - They will strip all context out of a situation (and the context is the most important thing here).

The UK government & complicit media have blood on their hands. THEY caused that bombing, it's just a simple law of physics - for every action there'll be an equal & opposite reaction.

Or in picture form:


Plus this

equals this

Which results in this

Which finally causes this

Note: Anyone making these very obvious connections will be branded a fool or conspiracy theorist by the legacy media.

As I am getting older I'm utterly despairing of the actions of our 'democratically elected governments'. We are ruled by psychopaths & sociopaths. As long as this continues, how can we ever have a peaceful abundant world?


Interesting stuff there. Loved that pictorial tl;dr on the end too! 🤣

I agree with most of your opinions here. Intuitively it makes sense to me that the last 16 years of adventurism in the Middle East by UK (among a host of others at varying stages) has made the tinderbox of all the conflicting agendas in the region into a blaze. I'm struggling to see the involvement of Russia as any kind of blessing in Syria but I would agree they have done a great job of spinning things there. Their toehold at Tartus on the Med was more the concern than the good people of Syria I think and to give them their due they managed to leverage their 'humanitarian' * ahem * concern into an extension to their Soviet lease on the port and rights to extend outwards so as to allow more and bigger vessels to use the facilities

The Arab Spring (as your 'legacy media' would put it) that lead to current events in Syria was a consequence of a chain of events we can trace directly back to all that fairly impotent post-imperial lashing out that happened after 9/11 but equally one might argue that when these popular uprisings happened we in the West really missed a chance to repair some of the damage we had caused if only reputationally due to typical diplomatic dithering. So yes ultimately that causes a huge humanitarian crisis and lots of refugees.

Finally I could not agree more that real context in major media outlets such as you have outlined is usually completely absent. Perhaps for the 'TL; DR' reasons that mean most people probably haven't even made it this far through this comment never mind through a meaningful deconstruction of ALL the elements and actors in play in the region this century.

But does that mean we have a goverment bent on evil for evil's sake? Nope, I think the simpler causes for bucket bombs on the tube and all the other awfulness of that ilk have been incompetence, indecisiveness and hubris.

This is so sad seeing government say they help us and at same time behind the crises underneath... so sad..really..until we could come to understood we are one..we need each other before worlds can be at peace, but if we look at each other differences, race, religion, believe and norms..crisis can't be stop that way.

Yes, things like the internet, online gaming, social media, Steemit can all help. People see that people are people are people...there stops being 'us & them'.

Democracy and Freedom and Religion are some of the biggest lies in history. But people love lies more than the truth.

Hi Alan, Sorry for not seeing Your last 2 posts sooner...

Living on my sailboat AND survived Hurricane Irma here in Florida but it wasn't easy, almost lost my boat...

Anyway... here is a recent Steemit post that is somewhat related to an idea that You mentioned previously... it is an ico coming out soon regarding healthcare.

Please see link below:

Hope everything is Good on Your side of the computer.

Cheers !!

Oh wow, you've been busy @sacred-agent! How big is the boat?

Yup I'm off to Steemfest in Nov, that should be fun

Hi Alan, she's just under 40 feet and pretty good boat.

Have Fun @ SteemFest !!

Cheers !!

Can't agree more Alan. Government intrusions & adventures to other countries are big thread to people living the and people living in the home countries also. Unfortunately doesn't seem that there is much we can do except to boycott those government and not support them in any way!

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