Aggroed's Antidote: Treating your News Feed October 12th 2016 Edition

in #news8 years ago

 Sharing reports of current events and perspectives that the Mainstream Media simply won't touch.  Better news feeds can create better worlds!  Sometimes these feature strong language or an image or two that's risque.  It's a sign of the times rather than an attempt to be NSFW.  I'll make mention if anything too naughty is coming up.   

What the other news is distracting you from

HRC sold nuclear material to Russia on behalf of Iran

US accused of war crimes

Wikileaks shows Hillary and USG + American allies arming ISIS!!!

More than 1 in 4 Americans think USG is the enemy of the people 

Hillary says terrorism isn't a threat to Americans

8 take aways from Wikileaks


Hillary's Parkinson's Disease

Epic level hip hop on the world

Hitler reacts to Trump's locker room talk!!! (humor, lighten up)

Admiral Lyons slams HRC

HRC feared Rand Paul


Putin- Western stupidity more dangerous than terrorism

Spaniards like not having a federal government

Wikileaks- Even Democratic policy makers know a $15 minimum wage will hurt workers

Pizza guy gets to house that police and firemen can't...

Putin- Whitehouse uses Russia as boogeyman

Putin- West is responsible for terrorism

Putin ally tells America- Vote Trump for face nuclear war


Hillary and Obama non-responsive during Benghazi attack

Anonymous claims there is a video of Bill Clinton raping a 13 year old on Jeffrey Epstein's island (yes, the same Jeffery that's a codefendant in a rape case that Trump is involved in).


Putin calls Westerners overly vaccinated, obese (article is from April) 

Sunbathers are healthier and live longer


How to contact the 17 banks funding Dakota Access Pipeline

Atrazine messes with sexuality.  Pesticides are messing with brains and hormones!

Robotic bees being built to replace real bees (now that big Ag has killed them all)

Orb destroying chemtrails 

Media Manipulation

Hillary troll army counters negative news

Wikileaks- HRC campaign worked to create a misinformed public

Regular media isn't covering Wikileaks stories

Proof Hillary reads from a script for TV interviews

Subliminal Messaging

Bankster Economy

Blockchain gold markets

Global financial market about to shift

Science and Technology

3d printed houses

 BMW's concept Bike


Rock climbers make it up bridge (ladies will understand why it's in this section)

Amazon removes Sexy Burka costume


Mom kills kids so they can go to heaven 


Mysterious 9/11 whistleblower deaths

Hillary won't show her face in public for 20 days

putin says don't give up your guns


Harambe weed strain supports non-kill animal shelters

Mandela Effect

Alien Disclosure

Wikileaks- HRC emails had Alien messages in them.  (this is the wall street journal!)

Wikileaks- USAF general involved in ET coverup

Organized Religion

Texas to secede if Hillary is elected.  (WOOT GO TEXIT!  EXIT EVERYTHING!)

Wikileaks- Podesta emails show plot for Catholic Spring

Not All Heroes Wear Capes

Restaurant employee fired while playing Fuck the Police while officers ate 


Wikileaks reveal secret to making a great Risoto!!!

Steemit Posts

Risk is healthy

Accountability Standards

Great Leap forward goes backward

Steempunk necklace tutorial


I have started looking forward to this each day.

One of these days, under conspiracy, you need to add a tiny blip about whistleblower Donald Marshall.

I enjoy your daily posts, keep it up!

Maybe. I think he's probably disinfo. Maybe you can write something up to convince me otherwise. At the very least he's a data point. I'm FB friends with him or follow his feed. So, I know who he is and the shit he talks about.

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