Aggroed's Antidote: Treating your News Feed 10/19/16

in #news8 years ago

  Sharing reports of current events and perspectives that the Mainstream Media simply won't touch.  Better news feeds can create better worlds!  Sometimes these feature strong language or an image or two that's risque.  It's a sign of the times rather than an attempt to be NSFW.  I'll make mention if anything too naughty is coming up.    

News they are distracting you from

Wikileaks provides an update

Hillary is the candidate of the war machine

Reason's 10 shady things shown by Wikileaks

Sat Feed cut as Congressman mentions wikileaks

HRC begs Rothchilds for forgiveness in leaked email

London still pays rent to the Queen (she's not a figure head, more to this story)


5 wikileaks revalations that should have tanked HRC but didn't because the system is rigged

DNC apologizes for dumping human waste from bus

Trump sends out more anti-vax tweets

1 in 4 Millenials prefer a giant meteor over the two main party candidates

Podesta and Soros agents plotted over Scalia replacement

Trump proposes term limits for Congress


Clinton foundation donors got weapons deals

Internal anger at FBI still growing at Comey

Ecuador Prez- I want HRC to win


US boots on the ground fighting in Mosul

Assange missing assumed dead

Attempted armed robbery turns deadly for assailent

HRC instructions to get Ambassador Stevens killed

Police start driving over protestors 


Magnet powered free energy device (one day one of these will come into existence)


Healthy people keeping dying after vaccination

Huge increase in shingles

Most tampons have carcinogens in them

Bankster economy

DWave forms new entitiy to do buinsess with the government

Corporate take over of weed

Science and Technology

African nations urged to adopt plasma tech

Self flying camera

Media Manipulation

10 signs the media is controlled by team HRC


Madonna offers crowd a blowjob for voting for HRC


Bronx man takes selfie with mothers severed head (he severed it)

Pixar's new short

Father records telling son his mother died from overdose

Iceland PM breastfeeds baby while debating policy on TV


How to parkour


70 year olds play D&D, love it

Strongest hash in the world

Underwater EDM club

Edgar Cayce predictions regarding Russia and WWIII

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 film trailer released


Elections are rigged

Nikola Tesla Story of a genius

Geek's life in Prison 9 Dance

Letter to nice guys who can't get girls

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