Aggroed's Antidote- 2 major pieces of deep state breaking news- Normal collection to follow later

in #news6 years ago

Aggroed's antidote is a collection of news articles that seem important to know about regarding actions and countermoves surrounding the deep state. I firmly believe a better news feed will make for a better understanding of the world and so I put these together to try to allow folks to quickly find news relevant to truth community.

RIP Barbara Bush

Yep. Well, it had to happen eventually. Barbara was 92. Now she's dead. Allegedly Bush Sr. has been having mental health issues. Ben Fulford says it's basically to provide cover for the fact that he and his entire klan are getting outed and he's faking health issues to try not to take any heat. If the Bush family is involved in as many crimes as the Truth community believes than the world is relieved of one little old evil satanist. Here's some evidence she's not a nice lady. Look at the company she keeps.

Here is the take on it from NPR

Obama makes a note, but it has him listed as President Obama...

North and South Korea

It seems as though there is an immenent peace accord between these two nations that have been at war for 62 years.

I think one of the oddest pieces of news about this story is when Trump was talking about the potential and says roughly [these two nations have my blessing].

I believe the media is always being manipulated to carry the narrative. As fucked up as it sounds, I saw a report about Barbara being dead a few days ago. They release it now. It's possible the story was prepared shortly before her death. It's also possible they withheld the information that she was dead until a different time to control the narrative. I know that's a fucked idea, but it seems to happen with some frequency. So, if you have a hard time with it just let it sit a little bit and see if you notice after big stories drop that are bad for the cabal if counter stories appear almost magically to take their place.

Runner ups for weirdness

Plane has issues. I dont' have screenshots but I'm seeing reports that this is a false flag. Apparently the flight was cancelled. The follow up is that the woman is dead now. Not entirely sure what's going on or why the point of a false flag would be here. I'm just storing this in my brain for later.

Q seems to think it's an attack.. Not sure.

Childrens charity is children trafficking...

Looking forward to not paying Taxes ever again...


I appreciate your news

Thanks for the info about the IRS. And here I sent in my tax payment yesterday like a fool. Maybe they won't cash it until 10000.

I take it you're not going to the funeral then? Korea? What the hell? No war? That's a first. Invitation: come on over and see my post "The Roots of War, the Hope of Peace". No I'm not trying to kiss your ass. I would but I ran out of chapstick. Anyway, blessings.

Interesting - thanks for the these, very fascinating. The plane thing is bizarre, but might make more sense with its flight # of 1380 down the road. Not sure though -

62 years! I had no idea that both North and South Korea have been battling each other for so long, good to know they're making moves towards a lasting resolution and peace. Thank you @aggroed for sharing these insightful headlines and news, I found them quite informative

nice write up. i enjoyed slowly scrolling through this. the ender about the taxes is really- "wow"

Optimus prime save the world...

Something will happen in Korea’s. They can’t be allowed peace because then all the Asians will come together.

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