Men, let professionals take care of your beard - totally worth it!

in #newexperience7 years ago (edited)

Today I went to a professional barber who took care of my messy beard, but it wasn't just an ordinary experience.

This procedure was a Christmas gift from my aunt. "Special shaving", the coupon said. Didn't know what that means exactly. And now after much craziness I went through I feel like a totally new person.

Here's how I looked before :

beard 1.jpg
(Sorry for bad picture quality - lighting was off and my hands were shaking a bit from winter cold as I just walked in)

Everything started as usual. Barber used casual trimmer to get rid of most of my hair. And then slowly it got weirder and weirder.

After some trimming I was smeared with some kind of menthol oil. Then, my head was wrapped in a hot towel. Well, that feels nice, I thought. After few minutes towel was off and I noticed a sharp razor in barber's hand. I was always afraid of those (I can probably thank horror movies for it, lol), but my fears were gone pretty quickly. He used it like a rockstar plays guitar. True master of razor blades. Made a nice beard formation, got rid of unnecessary hairs all around my face and I mean every little hair he could find.

Then more oils and more hot towels. Everything seemed OK until he started to ask questions I didn't know how to answer like, "Should I trim your eyebrows?".

"Umm, probably, if it's needed", I said. Okay, that part wasn't that awkward after all, but then the next question followed. "Are you OK with me using thread?".

What does it even mean, I thought to myself. Had no clue at all. "Sure, why not", I replied with fake confidence on my face.

Turns out a thread is used for plucking eyebrows and it's painful as HELL. I even shed a manly tear. Was so glad when it ended.

And then it got even weirder. After my nose hairs were trimmed (yeah, forgot about that), my barber just pulled out some kind of stick and set it on fire.

Umm, that doesn't seem safe, thought to myself. But well, barber is a professional, so I should trust him, right?

So he started to wave that flaming stick in quick motions near my ears while covering my head. That way he burned small hairs around my ears. Flexed my muscles a bit, but I survived.

At the end I was smeared with sandalwood oil. Smells good I can tell you.

So here's the final result:

beard 2.jpg

I can tell you no woman can make you feel like a man more than your barber lol. All in all, that's was a nice treat. I think every man should have this experience at least once.

Thanks to barber Halaf Kacmaz who made this experience special! Fun fact: he came from Turkey to my country two years ago and he speaks Lithuanian! That's pretty rare :)

beard 3.jpg

And if you had a pleasant read, don't hesitate to follow me @vilius

Here are my other most recent stories:
Hospital's Board of Hope
Coping With Procrastination: Make a Real Life Quest Log!
Let's get to know each other - my name is Vilius and I'm here to stay!


That was uber cool man. Congrats! Gotta get myself some of that turkish treatment but need to grow a beard first I guess.. :)

It's always nice to grow one just to see if it fits :)

The missus would say otherwise haha

The final result looks fantastic! I am a hair stylist/cosmetologist. These procedures are not part of our license, unfortunately. The Barver's straight blade shave is frequently requested in my salon.

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