Why I Sent A Valentines Day Gift To @beeyou. A Person I Admire On Steemit.

in #newbieresteemday6 years ago

For most people Valentines Day is a day to buy overpriced chocolates, go out to crowded restaurants, watch cheesy romance comedies, etc. It's a big day and past all the commercialism and pop culture ideas of love, truly great emotions can be expressed. In this post I intend to express two of those which are admiration, and gratitude to @beeyou. When @davemccoy and I started the Steemit Newbie Resteem Initiative we had no clue we would receive such amazing support. So many people threw themselves behind our effort, but @beeyou shot to the front and put in more work than I could have ever expected from one person. She is tireless, and going through her blog seeing how much support she provides I find myself at a lose for words. I am both humbled and amazed that such a wonderful human being chooses to be a part what we do at #newbieresteemday. For those of you reading this post who have not met @beeyou then I can't recommend strongly enough that you check out her blog. She truly compliments every Steemit member she interacts with.

It is rare to find genuine people. Though Steemit has a large number of people who are focused on generating cash, there are few who will arrive here and throw themselves behind strictly supporting others. No catch, no gimmick, just solid good intentions. When you combine that with a hard work ethic focused on building others up rather than promoting themselves you then have something even rarer. @beeyou is such a person. You can find truly wonderful people in cyberspace and @beeyou is proof of this. So @beeyou I'm sending you some SBD as a way of saying thanks and to express my admiration. I'm afraid my wallet is a little poor at the moment and I truly wish I had more. If I did it would be yours. Any SBD earned from this post goes to you as well. I hope you know how much we all at The Steemit Newbie Resteem Initiative admire you, respect you, and value everything you do. We would be a much lesser place without you. Happy Valentines Day @beeyou and sending my kind regards.
Sincerely: @mudcat36


Awawn thank you @beeyou for your support. And @mudcat i hope it will be me next year😁😁

Hi @mudcat36, it's refreshing to read about love in the sense of feelings and actions that don't need to be romanticized or reciprocated, and I think gratitude and admiration are things that we can definitely give and don't necessarily need to receive in return. I do feel like this community/network is growing stronger all the time because of the people involved are willing to go over and beyond for others. It would be great if everyday can feel like this :)

Thank you @plushzilla. It continually blows my mind how many awesome folks we have here. So many say we can't build a community online in cyberspace, but those who say this completely ignore the power of shared ideas resonating between individuals. We have something special here, and people like @beeyou are proof of that.

I am glad to read good post from people like you.."minnows but whale inside".. @beeyou nice to meet u ..i will support and follow you too..god bless us all!!!

Mate that was a really kind post. Impressive to see this project taking off so quickly, I noticed you ain't posted a lot so I went an upvoted a load of your comments to help you out man. Wish there was more I could do to help you out.

It really is a kind post. I am deeply touched for @mudcat36 to do this. He's been so busy offline to post on here. It's very kind of you too to upvote his comments. I too wish there was more we could do.

Excellent post and you couldn't have picked a more selfless person! She does so much and also does it very well. Her attention to facts is amazing and she never misses anything ;) ...

Great job @mudcat36 and what a very cool thing you have done :)

Indeed, "it's a very cool thing" that @mudcat36 has done, @davemccoy! I have noticed and benefited from @beeyou's posts and efforts! Thank you all for what you do for us, minnows!

Yes, it's very cool of @mudcat36. I think you're our new member @kismet2018? I don't I have you down as a member, but can add you. Usually @davemccoy tags me on every new member he adds. Sometimes I can't keep up with all his tags, lol.

Hiii @beeyou, based on @mudcat36's tribute, @davemccoy's corroboration and my own Steemit findings, all I can say is that I am thrilled to meet you! Yes, I am new, quite lost most times, and enjoying every minute! Thanks to the abundance of info on this platform, generously provided by people like you and very kind mentors like @davemccoy, @goldendawne, there is hope for us eager and undaunted minnows!! Am I supposed to do anything to be on "the list"?

Hi @kismet2018. We're all fairly new and still get lost. :) It's nice to meet you too!

We help in whatever way we can as members. Some of us help with the resteems. Others write a weekly post. Others host contests. It's really about engaging with the community and helping others on here. Dave has a role page if you want to check it out.


It's awfully sweet of @mudcat36! Yes, very cool! You too for paying for our qurator membership. Remember, I don't miss anything. ;)

haha.. that's right!!! You are an owl and an angel ;)

And don't forget to upvote their own posts if you do 7 a week you will get much higher votes from them ;)

aww @mudcat, this is so darn sweet, and I know that @beeyou deserves every kind word you said. She really is amazing, and so are you! I'm going to upvote everything I can here too :) Cheers!

What a generous, selfless and heart-felt post, @mudcat36! While it speaks glowing and well-deserved volumes about @beeyou, it certainly says much about you and your generosity of heart! @beeyou, I am a minnow who is digging into Steemit with wonderment and total delight! I agree with what @mudcat36 and @davemccoy have said! I have seen, read and learned because of your participation! Thank you for all you do, especially for the @newbieresteemday and the @minnowsupportproject! I am a grateful beneficiary of the efforts! I look forward to "giving back"!

Exactly my sentiment @kismet2018. While I appreciate what @mudcat36 did, we can't overlook the fact that he too is an individual we admire on here. The generosity and support he show to others speaks volume to his character and should be held with the highest regards.

Hey @kismet2018!!! Awesome reply and good to see you!!! Have you entered into Asher's League of Excellence? You should do it immediatly... you just tell him "Asher I would like to enter" ... here is the link


I promise it will help you I will explain why later. Its very important.

Okie @davemccoy, I did as you suggested! "Blind faith" comes to mind as I can claim only minimal understanding of what I just "signed up" for! I trust you, Dave! Thank you for the "invite" and promise to help! Just let me know "next steps"!

very good now just keep making good comments on posts!! You will do great!

I am deeply touched to read this post and see the SBD transfer @mudcat36. It is unbelievably sweet of you. I'm very happy to have met such you and Dave and the other members of the team. I like that we are helping others with the initiative and very happy to support such a great cause with what I can.

I knew you as a founder but hadn't had a chance to learn more about you until the 'Member of the Week' pick. You are incredible! The time you spend writing your post and sharing your knowledge with others on here is truly noting. It doesn't seem right that there are spectacular individuals with great minds on here but not receiving the exposure deserved. I know for sure I will be visiting your blog regularly.

Thank you for the SBD. I normally won't accept it, but Mello from our team wants to dig into SteemSQL, and the 2.226 SBD you sent gave us the $10 SBD we need for the monthly membership. It saves me from exchanging cryptocurrency on the exchange. Thank you!

Don't you dare send me the SBD earned from this post. I will personally take it as an insult. You've already sent me more than I need.

Thanks again @mudcat36!

....ok. So I will send you some SBD for you to use for the initiative then. lol. Don't be stubborn in acknowledging you're awesome. However, if you want to meet me in the middle then I will send you it for you to use towards our effort in the way you deem best. I certainly can't keep it. Perhaps we are both going to be stubborn here? Lol. Either way, thank you @beeyou. When I wake up tomorrow I will send you an email in depth about some things I want to run by you. It occurred to me scrolling through your blog that I don't ask you enough questions. You are a great mind, wonderful person, and above all a role model for anyone on this platform. I don't ask your advice often enough.

Sigh* I would rather you use it towards the initiative. If you must get stubborn, then I will put it into the members' fund pool.

Remember @mudcat36, we're a team account. You have THREE great minds to poke into.

Andy is our programmer. He knows python and just about a little of everything. I think website development/design too, but not sure on that.

Mello is our BI enthusiast. He's a data engineer by profession and loves doing analysis stuff.

My profession is also in IT but I'm nowhere near as technical as they are. I know a tad more about Steemit than they do. None of us are bloggers so this is all new to us.

I'm the active one with the newbie initiative. Andy and Mello are trying to learn the technical aspect of Steemit. We're all happy to help.

hahaha... always giving things back lol... How are we ever going to make you a whale if you keep giving back our gifts ;)

Can't we all become whales? We have to spread the wealth in order to get there. ;)

ohhh I have no doubt you will bring us all along... its just in your nature!

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