in #newbieresteemday7 years ago

This was a tough contest to call simply due to all of the amazing submissions we had. @charisma777 and myself did have to debate a little but in the end we decided that @amariespeaks gets the win. Not only did she design a brilliant logo that we now will feature our work and updates for The Steemit Newbie Resteem Initiative, she also tried to help others throughout. So @amariespeaks watch your wallet, you've got 10 SBD coming your way.

You know we had so many awesome people really put true heart and soul into their designs and a number of them really almost won. It was difficult to decide who would take the prize. But for those of you who didn't win I can assure you we have many more surprises and contest in store in the weeks to come. @deliberator is always coming up with great ideas and myself and @davemccoy will be hashing out details in the coming week for another run. As I'm building our initiatives website there will be a number of designs I will require and I fully intend to launch a contest around that. Steemit is the home to many amazing artists so I'd be a fool not to draw on that awesome resource of talent.
To those who participated in this draw you have @charisma777, myself, and @davemccoys most sincere thanks. I'd also like to thank the many people who helped us launch like my cofounder @deliberator and @randomwanderings for throwing their weight behind this. You guys are awesome. For those who entered and lost don't give up. There is more to come. For those who wish to join our effort then reach out any time. I'd love to hear from you. Well guys, now that we have a logo to rally around let's fly it high as we build an amazing ecosystem of support on the Steemit platform.
Thanks for reading and as always, Steem on!

Image created and provided by: @amariespeaks


Incorporated and used, (I edited my week 2 post). Nice choice, thanks @amariespeaks.

very good... what a great field of choices you had to pick from too. I think you they did a fantastic job and I agree there is so much talent here!

Congrats to @amariespeaks I will proudly display this logo very much over the next days, months, and years! So thank you for doing such a beautiful work of art for "our" initiative. (you're stuck with us now for good) lol

Great job also to @mudcat36 and to @charisma777 ... I know that taking the lead and organizing these contests requires constant attention and teamwork. You did both and the contest was a success beyond what we could've imagined just 7 days ago. We "your teammembers" thank you too for the hard work and dedication.

resteeming this one proudly!

Thank you Sir for all your hard work and innovative approach. Your amazing. Oh before I forget, could I get you to resteem the Newbie Mega Swap post please? I'm curious to see if I can get that to take off as a trend in our initiative as it encourages team work between volunteers who want to take part and increases new comers post exposure quite a bit. I've got @skunkape30uk on board and @sweetcha but I'm hoping for more as we progress. Could you give it a hand please?

Congrats! It looks awesome, @amariespeaks, great job!

Congrats @amariespeaks ! You deserve it

hurray that is my choice, congrats girl @amariespeaks baby shark won hahaha I told
you girl... 😄 can I use this logo now?@mudcat36 can't wait to shout out😊

Congrats @amariespeaks. I knew it. hahaha.

Hello sir @davemccoy

I am really lost in this #newbieresteemday
I am really interested.

Please what do I do to participate on it?

@amariespeaks Congrats! Great job! :D

Well done to all involved in this.special congrats to @amariespeaks for the winning logo there were some good ones to choose from. Thanks to @mudcat & @davemccoy for a brilliant initiative & to all those taking part.

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