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RE: Weekly Recap for #newbieresteemday - 1st Edition

in #newbieresteemday7 years ago (edited)

Hi @coolguy123... @beeyou alerted me to this comment and of course I want to come an say "yes" immediately to you being a part of it. I know that @beeyou said I would be best to handle it, but as you can tell she is quite on top of it too ;) ... She is amazing and I would love for her to be your contact with you too.

I of course am available to speak with you in any way that is convenient to you. I can do messaging, email, text, or depending on your country, phone. I'm also on discord at davemccoy#2479...

I could fill up pages and pages explaining anything to you, but I'm sure your time is very valuable and I don't want to give the appearance of overselling our project. We are 18 days old and made up of some really remarkable people and we have a mission that is to build and strengthen the newbies as they come in. As newbies ourselves not so long ago, we realize just how hard it is to learn and find the information. Many give up, not knowing some of the basic things, so we act as a group that is trying to lift them up. Its a fantastic system but its a complicated puzzle with no instructions. That is very good in some ways, but we hope to improve the discovery process. ;)

Hardly any of us would even qualify as a minnow, but we have done some incredible things in these 18 days. The idea was started when @mudcat36 made a post trying to get people to help out the newbies. I reacted to him because in my (22 days at the time) of experience I had learned many things about how steemit worked, its strengths, it weaknesses, and how to not only survive but also prosper over the long run. I had also connected with a lot of very cool people that were talented, smart, driven, and kind. Its what I liked most about this place, the enthusiasm and selflessness of the people I was talking to each day.

I had also been inspired by the work being done by @surpassinggoogle because I myself had founded a 501c3 corp called Unleash Power For The People and our mission was very similar to his. I think there are many people of this world that could use a platform like this to not only lift them up, but to also communicate and socialize directly. So when @mudcat36 proposed helping newbies, a light bulb went off in my mind because I know that to build anything that will last, you need to have a strong foundation. That is something that I believe that the system lacked, so we decided to launch the idea.

Honestly I was blown away at the excitement and participation of not just the newbies but the steemians in the 50s. Many could identify with the issues, so we embarked to put in place a platform that can support newbies and minnows based on each members' desires, capabilities, time, and ambitions. No one is the same, and even though we call it the "Newbie Resteem Initiative" resteem is only one of many ways in which people can participate. I believe it is important to give people alternative ways to express their support because it is a purely voluntary thing. (for example, you said you would like to help and I know I will say "yes". Now it is my job to find a way that "suits" you and lets you help in the way that you are most comfortable)

We have identified already about 25 different roles that people can help, and I encourage others to continue to come up with new ones. As we get a role defined, then we can seek to either a) replicate it in some cases (we probably have 15 to 20 regular resteemers giving up their feeds one day a week) or b) modify it which is how MinnowMondays got started.

I know this is a long answer, but I want to make sure that I at least explain that we are very serious about our mission. We are not looking at this as an experiment or something that we can take or leave, we are truly trying to make a difference for the new ones and also for each other. From what I can gather in my short time here, the best way to grow is to bring everyone with you. While I get lots of views and likes on my posts, the vast majority of them are 0.01 or less. To me that isn't disheartening because I know one day those same likes will be worth much much more. So I try to explain and most people understand it, that in order to grow here you need to help your friends and followers to grow too. We are like a big team that is infinitely inclusive. We encourage participation and engagement, because that is the only "real" way to know your teammates, and it motivates you to work hard and make them successful too!

Thank you very very much for taking the time to get to know us. I (and @beeyou as well as everyone here) would love it if you decided to join our effort in any capacity. We will move forward on our own, but with more quality teammates like you we will move much much faster!

As @beeyou expressed, we are truly excited that you even took the time to read what we are doing and I hope that you contact me (or her) and let us know how we can get your onboard!

Thanks again! :)


wow, that is one of the biggest comments I have read!! Thank you @davemccoy, @beeyou and other team members. Yes, we can discuss and see where you find me suitable.

I have already pinged you one discord. Whenever you are free, just ping me, I will be with you.

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